Shen Haoyu does not have a fixed office, or rather, there are offices everywhere.

Among them, the one with the highest security level is the Gufang Industrial Park.

Su Wei wanted to come in for a visit before, but was not allowed to go. Today, he finally got his wish.

The office in the industrial park is very simple, with a computer chair in front of a large desk and a glass cabinet against the wall behind it for storing files.

There was a folding bed in the corner, and the quilt was crumpled into a ball and hung on the bed.

We don’t even have a decent sofa or coffee table, so it’s a bit of a struggle.

"Is this what your office looks like?"

"When we were building it, the construction team was rushing to meet the construction deadline, so they just fixed it casually. Later, when the place became stable, I stopped coming here often, and I didn't bother to do it anymore."

Shen Haoyu grabbed the computer chair, pushed it in front of Su Wei, and sat down on the desk carelessly, not caring about his image at all, not even bothering to make tea.

With the relationship between the two of them, it doesn't matter if it's a little casual.

Secretary usually comes to make tea. Shen Haoyu also has a secretary, a man, but he didn't bring him here today.

Su Wei would not doubt his sexual orientation just because of his secretary's gender.

This guy has had more girlfriends than Su Wei has known teachers. If Su Wei hadn't appeared, he would still be in the gentle village now.

After sitting down, Su Wei reached out and took out two USB flash drives and threw them away:

"Here are three genetic sequence data that inhibit absorption. I kept a backup, and you also keep a backup. Leave the rest to the laboratory. As for the directional culture and value-added of stem cells, and the reaction after infusion into the human body Wait, let them fix it themselves. You have to spend so much money to do something, but you can't let them live in vain. "

For weight loss and cancer therapy, 99% of the success is achieved by locating the target gene segment.

Su Wei's boast did not include other relevant technical information, so he let them try it first. If they really couldn't figure it out, it would be too late to patch it.

However, this performance undoubtedly represents another meaning in Shen Haoyu's view.

"It seems that the process this time is not very smooth. Pay attention to safety, and if it doesn't work, just stop. We can't afford to lose the little money invested in the institute."

Shen Haoyu always thought that Su Wei obtained these information from some places using hacking methods.

It was another two days and two nights, and the information was incomplete, so it was inevitable that he would have some ideas in his mind.

If Su Wei becomes an international fugitive, it will have a serious blow to the reputation of the Guwu faction. Under such prerequisites, the benefits brought by new cancer drugs can only be described as drizzle.

Su Wei thought that Shen Haoyu was really worried about his safety. It was funny but also a little touched in his heart.

"Ah? It's not that it's not going well... Hey, it's hard to put it into words. Don't ask about this matter. You won't understand if I tell you. Anyway, I'm sure no one can catch me."

There is no one to blame, so how can anyone come to arrest Su Wei?

No one caught Su Wei, so how could anyone catch him?

"Well, you are the expert, but I am too talkative."

Su Wei grinned. Although the two of them were chatting on different channels, in short, it was good for everyone that Shen Haoyu didn't get to the bottom of things.

Rationally speaking, Su Wei hated the feeling of being kept in the dark.

But sometimes, you have to admit that doing so can reduce a lot of communication costs and be more sincere.

Everyone has some little secrets that cannot be told to the public.

Compared with lies, silent deception is more acceptable.

With a few words, Su Wei's main mission in coming to Jingmen this time was completed.

However, it was impossible for Su Wei to just go back. It’s better to stay in Jingmen for a few days.

Shen Haoyu lit a cigarette. He knew that Su Wei came to Jingmen this time to create an image of him working day and night in the research institute in front of the public. He could also pop some smoke while showing off.

But he was not sure about Su Wei's specific arrangements.

"I will send the information to the laboratory later. What about you, how do you arrange it? I didn't bring your canary this time. Do you want me to take you there to be cool and unrestrained, and to do your best to be a landlord?"

Shen Haoyu raised his eyebrows at Su Wei, showing a "you understand" expression.

Su Wei looked weird and said: "You are now a public official, how can you still have such fun?"

195. Chapter 195 Are you really an expert in genetics?

Chapter 195 Are you really an expert in genetics?

Hearing Su Wei's question, Shen Haoyu couldn't help laughing.

"Young men need to read more about the law. Can't public officials fall in love? As long as it doesn't involve money and sex transactions, power and sex transactions, etc., who will take care of it?"

Su Wei looked disdainful after hearing this and said:

"I don't want your money, your power, and I don't want to marry you, so why should I talk to you? Is it because you are old and doesn't want you to take a shower?"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk!" Shen Haoyu stretched out a finger and waved it in front of Su Wei.

In this world, Su Wei is not the only one who likes to show off. In fact, Shen Haoyu also likes to show off.

As for Shen Haoyu, pretending to be seen by anyone is not as enjoyable as pretending to be seen by Su Wei.

"Don't you understand this? It's illegal to give money, but it's not illegal to give gifts. I'm in love with someone, and we're already talking about getting married. Isn't it too much to hand over some gifts? But after I handed over the gifts, I found out There's something wrong with this woman, I don't like it, so I regretted the marriage, and I didn't have the nerve to get back the bride price. Isn't that reasonable?"


Su Wei had a few big question marks on his little head: "So the most fundamental difference between illegal and illegal is whether the right of the girl's parents to know is respected? Good fellow, you have to make a fuss about it and make the girl's parents know, right?"

"What era are you thinking from? Women have been independent for a long time, and now it is no longer the era when parents are the masters of the family and decide their daughter's fate."

Su Wei understood immediately, so even parents don't need to feel involved, right?

Uncle policeman: Please continue, this version of the explanation is the first time I have heard it.

Su Wei used to like to bring Du Xiaoying with him when he came to Jingmen. Du Xiaoying was not here at the moment, and there was no one in the industrial park eavesdropping on the surveillance, so in front of Su Wei, Shen Haoyu's playboy nature was completely exposed.

"Good fellow, it is said that the law is only the lowest limit on human nature, and morality is the highest requirement for human nature. It seems to be true. The more people understand the law, the easier it is to become worse than beasts. So, why do you know so much?"

Su Wei originally intended to imply that Shen Haoyu was worse than beasts, but unexpectedly, this guy was not ashamed.

Sucking a puff of cigarette, Shen Haoyu said complacently:

"Have you ever seen a capitalist who doesn't understand the law? The most profitable businesses are all written in the criminal law."

Speaking of this, Shen Haoyu suddenly remembered who the gentleman in front of him was, and his face changed:

"Oh, but the situation is different now. The real most profitable business is not written in time."

Shen Haoyu refers to Gu Fang.

In fact, up to now, there are still many people who are unwilling to give up and want to kill Gu Fang.

But the benefits of Su Wei are too great. People like Shen Haoyu and Wang Weijian, etc., have gradually built a spike fortress based on Su Wei.

As long as Su Wei doesn't get into any serious trouble, even if others want to bite off a piece of meat from them, they won't be able to do so.

If it weren't for the favorable group along the way, would Wang Weijian have been able to dream of setting up another set of regulatory system?

And this is one of the main reasons why Shen Haoyu is worried that Su Wei will be caught for "stealing technology".

"Well, if you want to be worse than an animal, please don't take me with you, thank you."

"Stop talking nonsense, just say whether you are going or not?"

"Uh... forget it."

"Tsk, the nickname of Wei Gonggong is really appropriate for you."


To be honest, with a playboy like Shen Haoyu, who is playing a little bit cool, how could Su Wei not be tempted.

However, after the binding of the Word Spirit, Su Wei had to be careful in speaking every day, and naturally he was a little unnecessary cautious.

It is not wise to rashly put yourself in an unfamiliar circle, especially this kind of circle that is not easy to see.

If he really did something and it got out, no matter if others called him a scumbag or praised him for being romantic, it would still be a loss of personal morality.

After thinking about the risks, Su Wei couldn't take a step.

"Forget it, let's go to the research institute."

"Why go there? Who are we talking to? Why are you cosplaying as a workaholic in front of me? It's okay. Everyone in this place has seen the bottom of it. It's okay."

"You said it's okay. Do you mean that the embryo of Shenzhi Huanqi Dan was used to cheat the rich?"

Su Wei looked at Shen Haoyu with a teasing look on his face. Shen Haoyu was choked and said helplessly:

"This happened a few cents ago. It's boring to mention it again."

It's said to be a long time ago, but it's actually not long ago.

In more than a year, he can bring so many changes to the world, which is enough for Su Wei to be proud of.

Su Wei has already played all those decent places in Jingmen.

Since he was not going to see the world, Su Wei had no good place to go except the laboratory.

After walking around the industrial park, Shen Haoyu accompanied Su Wei to the laboratory.

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