No matter how strong Su Wei appears, everyone thinks that as long as they practice hard, they will one day reach the same height as Su Wei.

It doesn't matter whether you should practice hard or not.

I can't have it, but I have to have it.

Whether it is flying or lighting, they all belong to the category of superpowers.

Even if Su Wei wanted to teach, he didn't know where to start.

When others think you can do consecration, you'd better do it. But you still have to firmly refuse to admit that you can.

As long as Su Wei doesn't admit it, there probably won't be any big problems...

Crazy? The problem of riding a horse is huge! ! !

There were sixty-three rings scattered in the first batch. In addition to the one in Liang Hanbao's hand, there were sixty-two rings.

And these more than sixty holders are all loyal fans of Du Xiaoying.

"What the hell is Guo Wushou? Come out and save him!"

Su Wei had never looked forward to Xiao Heizi's appearance as much as he did today.

After hanging up the phone, Shen Haoyu sent someone to find Liang Hanbao to continue the experiment.

Not only Liang Hanbao, but other fans who have received "consecration rings" are also within the scope of its investigation.

You can't blame Shen Haoyu for overreacting. After all, Su Wei is notoriously confused.

It doesn’t matter that this guy is awesome, and he can tolerate it if he likes to show off. The key is that he always fails to get the point when he pretends to be cool.

He said the black jade intermittent ointment used to treat high paraplegia was a bone-setting medicine. Black Jade Liangyi Cream, which can treat various serious eye diseases, is just a scar removal cream in his eyes.

Just tell me whether you are angry or not?

Out of the guidance of historical experience and respect for Su Wei, Shen Haoyu decided to "overreact".

Perhaps, Su Wei performed some kind of ritual on those rings that he thought was "of little use", but then was this ritual really useful?

After hearing that Shen Haoyu was going to investigate the more than sixty rings, Su Wei was already ready to start messing with them.

Liang Hanbao has already proven how outrageous the effect of the consecration technique is. If there were sixty more...

Su Wei felt tired just thinking about it.

However, the biggest characteristic of fate is that it likes to play tricks on people.

That day, when Du Xiaoying played Liang Hanbao's video in the live broadcast room, a group of people started experimenting in their own way, as if they had been given a shot.

However, is the effect of the consecration technique really as outrageous as Su Wei thought?

People who buy lottery tickets hoping to get rich overnight will lose everything.

Those who want to make waves in the Chinese-style Little Vegas even lose their pants.

There is a term called information gap.

Su Wei knew how to perfectly utilize this special energy and achieve maximum effect, but others did not.

With more than sixty people, the number of samples is too low, and it is impossible to figure out the specific mechanism of the effectiveness of the consecration technique.

As a result, many people complained online under their real names that the consecration ring given by Master Su was a fake! Fake! ! !

And some people, like Liang Hanbao, who are lucky and have found a way out, even after they find that they seem to have become "lucky", they begin to doubt themselves amid the waves of condemnation.

"Is it possible that I really have better luck lately???"

Everyone has a dream of getting rich, but Su Wei's consecration technique cannot guarantee that others will win every time they gamble.

And precisely because of this dream of getting rich, most of the more than 60 sample customized tests ended in overturning.

It seems that it is still a bit early to give him the God of Wealth tablet.

"How about it? I told you to believe in science a long time ago. Do you believe it now?"

"What kind of evil is this Liang Hanbao? How can he get this kind of luck? He can hit him even one in four billion, but he still happens to be making a video. What the hell!"

Su Wei was delighted, the unlucky one was Liang Hanbao.

If you don't talk about strange powers and chaos, what kind of feudal superstition are you promoting?

[Tell me, what method did you use to tease netizens? 】

Liang Hanbao was almost forced to have a caesarean section to identify the powder.

It's so pathetic, I'm really useless.

[No tampering, why don’t you give it another try! 】

Oh, it didn't work again this time.

The energy attached to the ring is not too much, and it has been consumed long ago after repeated efforts.

At this time, how do you ask him to prove himself?

On the contrary, Jia Quan, who shot the video with him, did not receive too much criticism.

There is nothing you can do, this man is so drunk that he vomited, and he is considered a victim. You can't insist on saying that he and Liang Hanbao are traditional and deceive the ignorant people, right?

Su Wei put a heartfelt smile on his face and started making witty remarks.

"Have you ever heard of the law of conservation of luck?"

After the dream of "Su Wei would consecrate" was shattered, Shen Haoyu lost much interest in metaphysics.

However, Su Wei's words gave him a wake-up call.

When asked about Liang Hanbao's recent experiences, Shen Haoyu couldn't help but asked cautiously: "You mean, a person's luck is always limited? Is it because Liang Hanbao was too lucky before, so he has been so unlucky recently?"

"No, what I mean is that people with good luck will probably continue to be lucky, while people with bad luck will have a hard time getting rid of bad luck in their lives. I think I am pretty lucky, and haven't you noticed? , it seems that the people around me are very lucky.”

Du Xiaoying still has more than 9,000 rings that have been opened.

These will have to be sent out sooner or later.

The secret of the consecration is only temporary. Su Wei believes that as long as the world continues to be outrageous, one day, even if he announces in public that he can consecrate, no one will think it is a big deal.

Why do everyone believe that Master Su is a lucky fish? Isn't this the beginning of the foreshadowing?

201. Chapter 201 The stall is lifted

Chapter 201 The stall is lifted

After listening to Su Wei's "private version" of the law of conservation of luck, Shen Haoyu was speechless for a moment.

But if he had to combine it with reality, he found that what this bastard said seemed to be true.

But this arrogant attitude is really annoying.

"Come on, if this is true, then the more than 60 fans will be in heaven?"

"Haha, think about it in a positive way. In order to verify the usefulness of the ring, these people changed their original itinerary plan. Maybe this will save them from life danger?"

The crisis was resolved. Su Wei no longer worried about others doubting whether he could consecrate, so he naturally spoke more freely.


Shen Haoyu had never seen such a shameless person.

"Are you playing with me about your luck? You better stop it. Anything else? If not, I'm going to hang up. You wasted my two days of vacation time."

"I'm thinking about a question."


"You say, is a person's luck determined by genes? If I pull out my own genes, is it possible to find a gene that can make people lucky? Then use the technology of directed modification of stem cells to introduce this gene fragment..."

Flying is a superpower, and consecration is also a superpower.

In traditional cognition, whether it is controlling water, fire, magnetism, or telepathy, it sounds outrageous.

Su Wei said this not just for fun.

Using genetic drugs to introduce superpowers is Su Wei's established strategy. Shen Haoyu and Su Wei are the closest, and he has been exposed to the most "outrageous" things.

Su Wei just wants to see how much this guy accepts outrageousness.

However, he did not expect that before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Shen Haoyu.

"Are you crazy about scientific research? They say that those who play science are crazy. I didn't believe it before. But your performance makes me think too much."


Shen Haoyu's stress-like performance really disappointed Su Wei.

The conversation was not going well, and Su Wei simply hung up the phone without saying anything more.

He was struggling in his heart now. He wanted to increase the public's acceptance of outrageous things, and the consecration technique was obviously a good opportunity.

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