"Mr. Feng, let me ask you a question. Can I authenticate a social account on your platform?"

Feng Jian was in a mess: Can this be considered a question?

New Year, New Atmosphere. I wish you all never work overtime in the new year.

206. Chapter 206 What are you afraid of with a referee?

Chapter 206 What are you afraid of with a referee?

For Jie Xun, Su Wei's willingness to join their social platform is a major good news.

As for Su Wei's question of whether he can or not, there is no need to ask at all.

Feng Jian thought that Su Wei wanted the platform to promote him, after all, Su Wei loved to show off, but in fact, Su Wei just hadn't figured out how to operate the account on the social platform so that this traffic could be turned into the trust of his own words.

Jie Xun's social platform is connected with the video site. The video site mainly operates some copyrighted films and television, while the social platform mainly tends to personal creation.

If the trump card used by live broadcast to attract traffic is "whole live", then the trump card used by social platforms to attract traffic is "eating melons".

Su Wei doesn't have much else in his hands, but he has a lot of "melons". Even if there are no melons, he can make some melons.

However, in terms of fan stickiness and loyalty, social platforms are much worse than live broadcast rooms.

Feng Jian is very efficient. He added platform certification to Su Wei's account in minutes and also provided a lot of resources for traffic diversion.

But strangely, Su Wei got the account, but didn't even send a dynamic greeting, which made Feng Jian a little confused for a while.

In fact, it was just that Su Wei was not ready to use any posture to fool the users of this platform.


The next day, the original martial arts collection competition was held as scheduled.

Feng Jian originally said that he had to give Master Su a face, so he organized an event on the website to invite fans to watch the competition with food and accommodation, so as to add some popularity to the original martial arts collection competition.

But he didn't expect that Su Wei's current reputation did not need this kind of support operation at all.

Even if there were no activities, there would still be many people who were ready to come to watch the game. However, under Feng Jian's operation, Guo Wushou led his fans to get a lot of money from Jie Xun, which was very satisfying.

The direct consequence was that the stadium, which could only accommodate 8,000 people, was crammed with nearly 30,000 spectators.

Looking up, the audience seats were full of people, and the temperature was close to midsummer.

In desperation, even the central air conditioner was turned on cold air...

The actual venue for the game did not need to be too large, only about half a football field.

On one side of the venue, Du Xiaoying, who was next to Su Wei, was warming up. Her aqua blue custom training suit set off her curvy figure.

In order not to affect her performance, she put her hair up in a bun and fixed it with a hairpin.

There were two lavender flowers on the hairpin, and a fluffy, chubby Q-version bee was attached to it.

"It's your turn soon. Do you have the confidence to win the last round?"

"Xiaoying finally prepared herself mentally. Brother, please don't ruin my heart."

Du Xiaoying looked miserable and helpless under the camera in the live broadcast room.

When Su Wei asked Du Xiaoying if she wanted to play on the court, Du Xiaoying thought that with the martial arts created by Su Wei, the great master, and her own foundation, it would be a sure thing to win the championship.

But ideals are full, and reality is very skinny.

After watching two games, Du Xiaoying has already backed out.

If it weren't for the title of ancient martial arts class representative, Du Xiaoying would have remade it long ago.

How could these people come here to compete? Each of them is aiming for the vital points.

Like two dragons playing with a pearl, catching the moon from the bottom of the sea, double winds piercing the ears, stepping up and poking the throat...

These people really dare to use moves with internal force!

It seems that they have never worried about whether they will kill someone.

If Su Wei hadn't been the referee, the emergency team would have started working long ago. Why would they have waited until now?

Or, it was because Su Wei was the referee that these people dared to kill.

An expert knows whether it is good or not once he makes a move.

As soon as Su Wei made a move, he gave these contestants a reassurance.

Martial artists are not afraid of being beaten to death, but they are afraid of accidentally killing someone. But when they thought that they might not be qualified to kill someone in front of Master Su, these people immediately got excited.

And the direct consequence of this is: this game is really too exciting and too wonderful.

The audience was enjoying the show, but Feng Jian was secretly wiping his cold sweat on the side.

This game has Master Su to support it, but what will Jiejing do if it organizes its own games in the future?

Is it possible to invite Master Su to be the referee every time? Who can have such a big face and afford this money?

Su Wei didn't expect things to develop to this point. Facing the helpless Du Xiaoying, he was also somewhat helpless:

"Don't panic, I have read the information for you. Your opponent this time is not those talented young martial artists who graduated from professional schools. Just like us, he is just an ordinary citizen who works part-time. If it doesn't work, I will help you on stage later, and I guarantee that others won't see it."

If someone else said this, Du Xiaoying would not have a good reputation even if she won later.

But Su Wei is Su Wei after all, and this is his style.

The audience in the live broadcast room has long been accustomed to him and Du Xiaoying playing tricks on each other, so no one will take it seriously.

"Brother Su Wei, please say less, please have some shame, thank you."


A large part of Su Wei's fans are fans of Du Xiaoying. Her personality as a tool person and mascot in the live broadcast room has always been very popular.

In addition, the benefits in the live broadcast room are basically distributed through Du Xiaoying.

No one will hate the benefits they get, so naturally no one will hate Du Xiaoying who distributes the benefits.

The bell for the third game rang, and as Du Xiaoying came on stage, the cheers of tens of thousands of people almost overturned the roof of the gymnasium.

On the contrary, Su Wei has never had such influence.

Blame Guo Heizi. Master Su has many black fans, and it's not just talk.

"Sister Ying, I'm your fan."

Du Xiaoying's opponent is a middle-aged man who is dark and strong. Occasionally, a few bright silver hairs can be seen on his half-inch hair. At this age, she still calls Du Xiaoying Sister Ying, and she can't do it in a moment.

"Ah? Just call me Xiaoying."

Although it's a bit embarrassing, since she is a fan, she shouldn't be too cruel, right?

Du Xiaoying breathed a sigh of relief.

Under the live camera, not everyone can be as open as Du Su. The man was obviously a little shy. After saying hello, he didn't dare to speak much and became a mute person.

After both sides exchanged fists, the competition officially began.

The self-created martial arts in the first two games were basically based on big and big moves.

Lu Jirui can add internal force running routes to Tongbiquan, and others can also transform existing martial arts. The only difference is the consumption of internal force and the increase of physical strength.

Strictly speaking, this is not a true original, but since Lu Jirui can sign the internal force version of Tongbiquan, it is not nonsense for them to say that what they use is original.

Before the popularization of internal force, the existing martial arts must be based on boxing and leg techniques.

So when Du Xiaoying pinched the sword finger, used Yinxuan hand and Jiemai small capture to fight forward, there was an uproar in the audience.

After seeing too much collision between flesh and strength, this kind of pure skill martial arts is undoubtedly refreshing and more in line with the definition of "martial arts" in the eyes of everyone.

However, no matter how sophisticated the design is, it cannot beat the coincidence arranged by God.

After Zhao Gang used his "original martial arts", Su Wei knew that Du Xiaoying's kneeling was a foregone conclusion.


It's Tuesday, I'm so happy, everyone is at work, and finally I'm not the only one to go to work.

I wrote until two in the morning, and I really couldn't bear it anymore, so I went to bed first.

I'll post one chapter first, and the remaining chapter will be posted in the evening.

I won't ask for leave.

207. Chapter 207 How about you leave a cell sample for me to study

Chapter 207 How about you leave a cell sample for me to study

If Su Wei is asked to choose the most difficult and difficult to master from all the martial arts he knows, then there is no doubt that it must be "The Secret of the Indestructible Jade".

If not for this, when Su Wei talked about his three great skills in the base, Yan Ling would not have forced him to have fifty years of internal strength based on the existing martial arts framework.

Even compared with Qinggong, the advanced body protection martial arts are more difficult.

As the saying goes, the best defense is offense. The reason is that the attacker only hits a point, but the victim has to defend the entire surface.

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