Any trust building needs sufficient preparation. Let the topic of new gene therapy burn for a while, and maybe people will discuss possible research plans by themselves.

And these theoretical plans can also be fed back to Su Wei to a certain extent to check and fill in the gaps in his design.

At this point, in fact, for Su Wei, today's live broadcast task is completed.

With the new strong body gene, there is a private laboratory under Xiahe House, and the new gene therapy has started.

The word spirit is like planting vegetables. Plant a seed today, and then release some gossip frequently to maintain the heat, just like watering.

In a few days, the new gene therapy will naturally grow out of the ground, and there is no need to bother to study it yourself.

However, the only flaw now is probably that I haven't been to Xiahe House for a long time.

Tilting his head, Su Wei cast his gaze towards Du Xiaoying and said, "How about when do we move to Xiahe Xiaozhu? It's not convenient for me to go back and forth every few days."

Du Xiaoying couldn't help showing a confused expression on her face.

Going back and forth every few days? Does Su Wei go out often?

But he obviously eats three meals a day at home?

Could it be that he went out after lunch and came back before dinner? But what can he research in those few hours?

Maybe there are really geniuses in this world.

In a daze, Du Xiaoying agreed, "Okay."

So, the plan to move to Xiahe Xiaozhu was decided.

After leaving the studio, Su Wei took a can of ice soda from the refrigerator and drank it in a big gulp.

In the middle of winter, the outdoor temperature was already below zero, and he was sweating all over during a live broadcast.

This feeling of breaking all doubts with the spirit of words and having a smooth journey is really good.

Maybe this is what is called: pretending to be cool is fun for a while, and pretending to be cool all the time is fun.

(I worked all night for 24 hours. I need to be saved...)

I worked overtime for 24 hours straight yesterday, from 5 pm on Saturday to 5 pm on Sunday.

The second chapter will be posted later today. Thank you for your understanding.

215. Chapter 215: Being a Stranger Alone in a Foreign Land

Chapter 215: Being a Stranger Alone in a Foreign Land

This year's Spring Festival is earlier. It was in February in previous years, but this year it is at the end of January.

After New Year's Day, it is not far from the Spring Festival.

To be honest, the Spring Festival nowadays is just a symbolic celebration in most cases.

For parents whose children work away from home, the Spring Festival can be regarded as one of the few festivals.

If you don't go home on weekdays, and you can't even go back to spend the Spring Festival with your parents, it would be too sad.

And Su Wei is such a sad person.


The decoration of the villa in Xiahe Xiaozhu is actually quite good, but the slightly European-style interior does not meet Su Wei's aesthetics.

Moreover, the area over there is relatively remote. If you live there, you have to drive to the city center to go shopping.

Xiajing has a large population and a small area, so parking has always been a difficult problem. Otherwise, when Shen Haoyu first came to Xiajing, he would not have been bothered by the parking issue and would rather take a ticket.

—— Xiao Haozi is a serious businessman who has always made money within the rules. He is generally reluctant to do such things that break the rules unless it is necessary.

It is precisely because of the many inconveniences over there in Xiahe Xiaozhu that Su Wei has been living in Benmayuan.

However, now there is a private laboratory in the basement over there, and it is even more inconvenient if he does not move there.

After finding the decoration company he had cooperated with before and redoing the decoration over there according to the style of this place, Su Wei finally called a moving company.

Du Yusheng was not there, and Du Xiaoying missed a day of live broadcast and did not find Hua Rong.

Su Wei does not have much stuff. He only has a computer and a few clothes to go back and forth. In the past, he had to consider winter and summer. Since he became more skilled, the influence of winter and summer on him has been much smaller. Some clothes that were too heavy have long been put into the warehouse and covered with dust.

The things that Du Xiaoying sorted out even had several more boxes than before she moved in.

Winter and summer clothes, various cosplay clothes, four-piece bedding sets from the True Girls series, various cosmetics and skin care products that were a thousand times more complicated than Su Wei's pretentious plans, several cartoon pillows of various shapes...

Even various head ornaments and rubber bands were packed in boxes in different categories, a total of two large boxes.

When the suitcases were taken out of the boudoir by Du Xiaoying, Su Wei was stunned.

Compared with Du Xiaoying, Su Wei looked like a pitiful ascetic monk who was trying to let go of things.

"Well, it seems that I should have changed a big room for you a long time ago."

Facing Su Wei's ridicule, Du Xiaoying was not at all flustered, and explained with a look of dissatisfaction:

"You are reluctant to throw away old clothes. Shouldn't I praise Xiaoying for being frugal?"

Old clothes? You understand the art of language.

As expected of a big anchor, your mind works fast.

Su Wei was just joking with Du Xiaoying, and he didn't pursue her relentlessly, but the half-smile on his face couldn't be concealed.

As a result, it was Du Xiaoying who couldn't stand it.

Even though she was thick-skinned, she couldn't remain indifferent to such a look, and suddenly, a blush climbed up her fair cheeks.

For some reason, Su Wei suddenly had a scene in his mind of Du Xiaoying with a shy face, shouting "Brother Su Wei, you are annoying!", and his mouth suddenly became dry.

However, based on his understanding of her, although she usually calls him this brother or that brother, she is actually quite traditional.

If this kind of words were said in the live broadcast room, it would be fine as a joke.

It is basically impossible for this kind of thing to happen in private.

With a light sigh, Su Wei scratched his ear and changed the subject: "Hey, by the way, I heard that you made a little man of Brother Sheng? Can you show me what it looks like?"

Never underestimate a person's curiosity. This question has been bothering Su Wei for more than a year.

"Ah? How do you know... No, it's lost..."

When talking about this topic, Du Xiaoying was even more embarrassed and couldn't speak clearly.

The venting ball was bought because Du's mother didn't let Du Xiaoying go home, and she took her anger out on Du Yusheng.

Now that the matter has passed, it is naturally unnecessary.

However, compared with this venting ball, Du Xiaoying cares more about another thing.

Du's mother called her to go back for the New Year, and also asked her to invite Su Wei to go with her.

God knows what her family thinks about the relationship between her and Su Wei.

She just spent the New Year with Su Wei. Although she knew that Su Wei had a little interest in her, up to now, the relationship between the two was pure and innocent.

In this case, she invited Su Wei to go back to her hometown for the New Year...

My God, just thinking about it, she has to start looking for a five-bedroom, two-living-room apartment, okay?

Du Xiaoying didn't know that her mother was ill, and in Du Yusheng's plan, it was impossible for her to know about the family's liver disease history before she got married.

Otherwise, Du's mother would not let her go back so long after she recovered.

In Du Xiaoying's opinion, it should be Su Wei who gave the Du family tens of billions, making Du's mother feel that he is a "son-in-law" who is set in stone.

Don't say that the feelings of children are not mixed with interests. The rich people these days are eager to hire dozens of lawyers to re-examine the prenuptial agreement before getting married. Where can you find such a good son-in-law who has tens of billions delivered to the door before meeting his parents?

The key is that Du Xiaoying can't explain this.

"Brother Su Wei is fair, not just for me. Everyone in the dormitory, except Sheng Laoliu, has received 1% of the shares."

Such words are somewhat "innocent and cute".

You can imagine how the family will respond: They are teaming up to cheat you so that you can take the money with confidence!

Sometimes, even Du Xiaoying herself would doubt whether this group of people really teamed up to cheat her.

But just watching Su Wei spend so much money on strangers in the live broadcast room every day, Du Xiaoying felt that Su Wei was really capable of giving tens of billions of yuan to their good friends without a word.

Inviting Su Wei to go back for the New Year was fooled by Du Xiaoying at the time. But later, her hometown called her again and again to ask about her progress.

Thinking that it was just a matter of death, Du Xiaoying was willing to give it a try, and said with a red face:

"Brother Su Wei, Xiaoying will go back to celebrate the New Year this year."

When talking about Du Yusheng's villain, Su Wei really couldn't understand why Du Xiaoying's reaction was so big.

Just when he was confused, he suddenly heard this sentence and didn't know how to react.

"Going back? Then go back, that's good."

When Du Xiaoying and Du Yusheng had a conflict before, Su Wei, the "outsider" who knew the truth, always felt weird.

Now that the brother-sister relationship can be restored to its original state, it is indeed a good thing for Su Wei.

Du Xiaoying bit her lip, calmed down, and finally asked: "What about you?"

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