Being able to take her out for a stroll and to do things with her in the live broadcast room is also more fun.

More importantly, if Du Xiaoying has reached a certain level of wealth and has no messy relatives, she does not need to consider trivial matters such as firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea.

Even if it is late, she can still have a pure love without other factors.


Su Wei is good in every way, but there is only one problem, which is unavoidable.

"You have too many secrets."


Su Wei was driving, and Du Xiaoying suddenly said this without any psychological preparation. He didn't know how to reply for a while.

Seeing that he didn't seem to understand, Du Xiaoying bit her lip and explained: "Xiaoying means that too many secrets will make people feel insecure."

After saying that, she seemed to feel that the rejection in her words was too strong, so she continued to add:

"Apart from this, other places are very good."

It seems a bit inappropriate to say this.

After saying these two sentences, Du Xiaoying felt a little numb. She didn't know why she didn't think about what she said.

She couldn't calm down when she encountered such a situation.

Even now, she couldn't figure out what choice she would make if Su Wei stood in front of her with flowers in a few days.

After listening to Du Xiaoying's explanation, Su Wei flashed a bitter smile on his face.

Sense of security...

This is really a heavy topic.

He is a time traveler, and he has the "Word Spirit" in his hand, which is the golden finger benefit that time travelers have. Can he say such things?

Not to mention that it is impossible to get a love entry certificate by exposing these, even if he really gets married, even if he is facing his bedmate, he can't say this.

Things that two people know are not secrets. Today you can tell the second person for this reason, and tomorrow you may tell the third person for other reasons.

Some things have to be rotten in your stomach for a lifetime.


Su Wei sighed, thinking in his heart that even if the Word Spirit is such a powerful golden finger, there are still wishes that it cannot fulfill.

No one's life in this world is smooth sailing.

In fact, Su Wei had thought at the beginning that since the condition for the realization of the Word Spirit is to gain enough trust, then he could use the Word Spirit to hypnotize others and make them believe in him unconditionally. Wouldn't that be a direct success?

But when he thought about it, the Word Spirit, this useless thing, could not change the will of others at all. Could it give hypnosis?

It would be fine if the entry could not be locked at that time. What if after locking it, it was found that the number of people required to realize the Word Spirit exceeded the total population of this planet...

Then Su Wei might become the most loyal supporter of the three-child policy.

Three children? Three children are not enough. Everyone must get married when they reach the marriageable age. Every young couple must have one child every year before retirement, and they must have twins.

Otherwise, they will be fined!

Hey, are you, Brother Su, powerful?

Thinking of this, even though Su Wei was in a bad mood, he couldn't help but smile.

Du Xiaoying saw that Su Wei stopped talking after sighing, and she was a little worried.

But when she turned her head and carefully stared at Su Wei's expression, trying to find some clues from it, Su Wei suddenly smiled, and she was relieved.

Fortunately, Su Wei didn't take her words "insecure" too seriously.

Du Xiaoying's mood was very complicated. This kind of thing always makes people worry about gains and losses.

Fortunately, Su Wei seemed to be in a good mood, so it was good. No matter how it developed later, at least it wouldn't make her too embarrassed for the time being.

Taking advantage of Su Wei's "good mood", Du Xiaoying asked the old question again: "Brother Su Wei, then you still go to Xiaoying's house for the New Year?"

"New Year? Let's not go for the New Year first, and visit again when we have time."

Su Wei had refused once before, and Du Xiaoying didn't think much about it. He thought Su Wei felt that it would be embarrassing for him to be an outsider at the Du family reunion.

But in fact, Su Wei was worried that the Du family's parents would be too enthusiastic and he would not be able to bear it.

The two people's ideas were not on the same channel at all, but the results were the same.

After the refusal, Su Wei did not take the initiative to speak again.

Du Xiaoying tried to persuade him several times, but she didn't know what excuse to use, so the car was silent all the way.

Fortunately, the distance from Benma Garden to Xiahe Xiaozhu was not too far. Not long after, Su Wei got off the car with the moving master.

In addition to Su Wei and Du Xiaoying, Lan Guifen also came.

The original aunt in the villa was called Wang Zhe, Zhe in gel water. This name is quite strange and more recognizable than Lan Guifen.

Su Wei is a nostalgic person. No matter which of the two people he fired, it would not be happy for him, so he simply kept them all.

What's more, the huge villa has to be cleaned and washed, and three meals a day have to be prepared for the two. Su Wei and Du Xiaoying have a big appetite and require a lot of variety in the dishes. It may not be enough for one person to come.

It was the coldest time of the year, and it had just snowed a few days ago, so the ice hadn't melted completely yet.

In this kind of weather, the outdoor swimming pool was just a decoration, and of course, no one asked Su Wei to perform a "water walk" or something like that.

The exterior of the villa was not easy to change, but Su Wei changed all the interiors.

He likes fashion with a touch of Chinese style, so he hired a famous designer in the industry. Both the design fee and the material fee are quite a lot.

Su Wei didn't know whether he was taken advantage of or not, but in terms of the finished product, it was quite to his liking.

Especially the surfing bath in the private bathroom of his master bedroom on the second floor.

The quarter-circular fan-shaped bath is against the corner, and it is not crowded for two or three people to sit in it.

Some of the strange functions on this bath are also very attractive, and it also comes with a small curtain-shaped high-pressure water gun, which is very convenient for cleaning the bathtub.

It is possible that Su Wei really wanted this bathtub to play the role he should have, so he chose to confess at such a time point.

There is no man in the world without evil thoughts.

It's just a pity that the result is not satisfactory...


The first floor was originally a functional room, with only two nanny rooms.

When Su Wei used the word spirit to generate a laboratory, he had no choice but to set the entrance in one of the nanny rooms.

Although the nanny room is not small and can accommodate two people, everyone needs some private space.

People are not afraid of too little but unequal distribution. Su Wei simply drove the two of them to the guest room. Anyway, there are too many rooms and they can't be used up.

Although Wang Zhe had previously used the video to let the audience in the live broadcast room see the furnishings of the underground laboratory, he really hadn't introduced his new house properly.

It would take more than half a day to pack up Du Xiaoying's pile of boxes. Su Wei was too lazy to urge her. He got a set of light equipment, fiddled with it, and started the live broadcast.

Not to mention that he studied media, even if he didn't know how to do it originally, he should have learned it after being live broadcasting with Du Xiaoying for so long.

[It's on the air, it's on the air! ]

[Didn't you say you skipped work today to move? Why are you on the air again? ]

[Where are you? Where are you? ]

One million permanent fans are not a joke. At this point, just sending a live broadcast notification can gather a lot of popularity.

Su Wei held the device, adjusted the angle, and took his face into the picture. He said hello to the audience:

"The anchor is still storing items. Now my live broadcast room will broadcast alone. If you want to see my sister, you can click the cross in the upper right corner."

[Su Gou, do you want to think about why you became a group bully? ]

[Bah, brothers, unfollow me! ]

[Yes, we can't spoil him. ]

"Roar, I just like to see you guys looking down on me but can't get rid of me."

Su Wei smiled meanly and joked with the fans in the live broadcast room as usual: "You didn't expect it, I'm here to show off again. Today I'll take you to visit my villa worth hundreds of millions. This thing was given by others, and I didn't spend a penny. Do you have it? You don't have it. Then there's nothing you can do, you can only watch me show off."

This arrogant and pretentious tone is the first time Su Wei has used it.

But, you know what, it really fits his personality.

If someone else played like this, they would definitely be annoyed by the angry audience, but if it was Su Wei, it wouldn't be that bad.

Everyone who knows Su Wei knows that he didn't buy the villa with gifts from fans.

Even if someone gave him a villa, it would be normal. They really can't be jealous of Su Wei.

Of course, there must be some people in the live broadcast room who clamor to come to the offline single kill.

However, this kind of words, said with colorful floating screen barrage, are somewhat unconvincing.

Su Wei's smug look made people feel a little itchy.

So, a group of fans started the "Everyone Come and Find Fault" session, which is easy to talk without any pain.

[Master Su, I heard that there is a hot spring in the villa of Boss Shen's house. Your swimming pool is not very good. It will be broken in winter. ]

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