However, the Chinese Academy of Sciences took shortcuts first and used Black Jade Liangyi Cream to avoid most possible problems and create a good impression in the minds of netizens.

And Su Wei's overall efficiency is too high. He basically does what he says here, and has never done anything like selling dog meat to others, so his credibility in the hearts of netizens continues to soar.

Trust is a process of continuous accumulation, and it was only then that Su Wei discovered that his character had become a rock in the eyes of netizens.

In the huge live broadcast room, almost everyone was talking about Su Wei's aggressiveness and the recent rise of the ancient martial arts sects. There was not even a voice of doubt.

This is not the first time this has happened. I had prepared a lot of evidence to convince opponents, but found that I didn’t even have any opponents.

The health-enhancing potion has long been a certainty, and it all seems to be a matter of course. Even the slanderers headed by Guo Wushou are too lazy to slander.

How uncomfortable does it have to be when you can't even pretend to be cool?

Su Wei touched his chin and thought, it was probably time to come up with some subversive results.

It's time for real superpowers to come out to the world.

However, before that, the body strengthening potion still needs to be optimized.

It would be too deceptive if something that took so much effort to come out ended up with the same fate as the Powerful King Kong Pills.

At least, we need to let everyone experience the effect of the medicine, right?

"Oh, it's both clinical and procedural. It's very annoying. Have I ever had any side effects from the things I've done?"

Su Wei muttered something. Although his voice was not loud, it was all recorded by the radio equipment.

After patting his butt and standing up, Su Wei said to the live broadcast camera: "You guys, wait a minute, I'll go get something."

After a while, Su Wei appeared in front of the camera holding two frames of bottles and cans.

These test tube-shaped glassware are specially customized and are divided into three layers on the inside and outside. The outermost layer is made of high-strength anti-fall material, and the middle is filled with a gel-like buffer layer. The inside is the double-layered test tube that is actually used to hold the medicine.

This thing, at first glance, will give people a very "expensive" feeling. However, the ones currently used are for glucose injection.

The liquid inside the test tube was divided into two colors: green and blue. Su Wei took a green close-up lens and a camera worth tens of thousands of dollars to capture the container in detail.

[Let me go, could it be that this is a finished medicine? 】

[Others have staged results and just use them to attract public attention. Is Su Shen so steady? Now that the finished product is out, will it be announced to the world? 】

[Okay, okay, where can I buy this thing? I’m so excited! 】

Su Wei took a syringe, opened the container switch with a relatively complicated operation, and pumped the light green genetic virus liquid into the syringe.


Under the gaze of everyone, he stabbed himself in the arm at the slightest disagreement.

This scene seems familiar, easily reminiscent of the scene in a zombie movie where the protagonist injects himself with serum.

[Let me go, did Su Shen directly experiment on himself? 】

[He dares to shoot, and so do I. I unilaterally announced that there is no need for clinical practice. Su Shen, please take it out and sell it. 】

[Don’t do it, there’s only one Su Shen, don’t let this happen! 】

"When it comes to invasive genetic agents, who in the world can be more professional than me?"

After a tube of glucose was injected into the body, Su Wei finally focused everyone's attention on the genetic medicine.

"The mechanism of action of the body-enhancing drug is there, and the structure of the virus is also clearly visible. I dare not say that there are no side effects, but it is absolutely impossible to have any serious side effects."

Su Wei paused for a moment, but there was no prompt from Yan Ling in his mind.

Suddenly, a smile appeared on Su Wei's face: "You guys think, should I draw a few lucky viewers in the live broadcast room?"

229. Chapter 229 The case is solved, it’s an alien!

Chapter 229 The case is solved, it’s an alien!

The essence of Yanling is deception, bragging and paying attention to the basic laws.

Many people say that the highest level of deceiving is to deceive oneself first, but Su Wei feels that it is better to forget it.

If you don't have a clear mind, you will sooner or later become confused.

The information on the body-enhancing potion was generated by Yan Ling based on the genetic basis of this world. Unlike ancient prescriptions, its function is not determined by directly defining the potency.

So in fact, Su Wei didn't know whether this thing would have serious side effects.

This type of medicine is clinically necessary, but this "first-generation gene-enhancing medicine" is of extraordinary significance to Su Wei, so he chose to use Yanling as an insurance.

How could the always-cautious Su Wei actually test it himself before saying "the body-enhancing medicine has no serious side effects"? So the test tube is all glucose.

You can deceive others about this thing, but if you really deceive yourself, wouldn't it be worth two hundred and fifty?

Fortunately, Yan Ling is still as powerful as ever.

In this batch of information, except for Zhao Gang's genes, which are fixed, the others are all generated by the spirit.

As long as there is no problem with the genes, everything is stable.

[A group of lucky viewers are randomly selected and given away unclinical genetic medicine. 】

[Good guy, are you picking the lucky audience? I'm looking for someone to test the medicine. 】

[Believe in God Su, become God Su, choose me, choose me, I am not afraid of death! 】

When it comes to new genetic drugs, no matter how good Su Wei's reputation is, it's impossible for everyone to feel reassured.

However, for Su Wei, now that he has determined that the body-enhancing potion has no side effects, his goal has been achieved.

It doesn't matter whether everyone questions or not. Doesn't Su Wei receive too many questions?

"Tsk, don't panic. I'm such a steady person. If I'm not sure, I will just inject the genetic virus casually?"

Taking out the syringe, Su Wei put the used things in order and continued: "Didn't you notice that there are two colors here? The green tubes contain body-building medicines. The optimal survival temperature of these viruses is about 37 degrees Celsius. , I have to put it back soon.”

【Ding! ...]

Bragging pays attention to the basic laws, and first come, first served is Su Wei's principle of self-preservation.

"In the blue tube is the 'reverse body-building agent'. Its only function is to locate the body-building gene in the cell and disable it by inserting invalid base pairs and destroy it."

【Ding! ...]

"If we were just researching body-enhancing potions, why would it take such a long time? It also took me a long time to figure out the way and figure out how to automate the targeted modification of the genome."

【Ding! ...]

In his mind, Yan Ling's prompts were like the announcer in the live broadcast room, almost convulsing.

Now, it's troll, it's Su Wei time.

Throughout Su Wei's past two years, except for internal strength, almost all his achievements were in medicine.

Starting from ancient prescriptions, to specific drugs for cancer, to specific drugs for AIDS, so many terminal diseases have been overcome, and the results are visible to the naked eye. Even if he says that the shit he poops is delicious, some people will definitely believe it.

-- at least until it flips over.

Su Wei's series of awesome moves are really too powerful.

The two-color potion on the table was in front, and Su Wei was injecting it himself in the back. Under his series of operations, the netizens in the live broadcast room were stunned.

It has only been more than a month since Zhao Gang acquired the anti-beating gene.

In more than a month, Master Qinsu solved AIDS, the body-enhancing potion of invasive genes, and the reversal and strengthening potion of the body-strengthening potion?

Really, no one else would dare to brag like this.

However, bragging requires logic, but reality does not. Reality is even more outrageous than fiction.

Under the camera of the live broadcast room, Su Wei's series of operations explained everything.

A known godfather of ancient martial arts, genetics expert, cancer destroyer, and AIDS nemesis.

He had nothing to do, so he assembled a lot of props for you, injected a tube of unknown light green liquid into your body, and then risked his entire life's reputation just to make a joke with you?

Can I believe this if I say it out loud?

However, even if everyone subconsciously did not feel that Su Wei was lying, the keyboard in their hands did not agree.

[Fuck, Su Shen, are you serious? 】

[Is this really a human being? ? ? 】

[Don't explain, Su Shen must be an alien. He has countless things in his hands that are beyond the technological progress of this planet. He just takes them out little by little to amuse us. 】

[Leniency to confessions, admit it quickly, alien, what is your purpose in coming to our planet? 】

Good guy, even alien technology has been integrated. Maybe Su Wei asked someone to make a flying saucer and stuffed a few "alien corpses" made of various materials into it, and some people would believe it.

However, some fans' concerns are more bizarre.

[Site-specific modification of the genome? Wrong, it is clearly a directional blasting! Such awesome technology, why shouldn't we use it as an experiment on Xiaoli? 】

[Look for Bangzi. Bangzi stole the fruits of Su Shen’s labor a few days ago. This will teach them a profound lesson. 】

[Wai Ri, when you say this, it seems that this is really the case. With Su Shen's current ability, he can really cause a catastrophe at will. The person who owes such a genius is Su Shen. 】

As netizens said, automated genetic directional blasting definitely has a natural disaster-level influence.

Previously, when Shen Haoyu came to collect information on specific AIDS drugs, he had to bring dozens of big men with him. This was because once a breakthrough was made in the research direction of invasive genetic agents, it was very likely that they would be used to produce such drugs, which could lead to racial discrimination. An extinct horror.

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