[I feel sorry for Mr. Shen for a minute. However, he didn't fall out with Su Shen even for this. It can be seen that Mr. Shen really loves Su Shen. ]

[According to the usual operation of capitalists, they should first use cards to harvest a wave of rich people, and then launch new results after the emergence of competing medicines, and harvest a wave of poor people. To be honest, Su Shen is too straightforward. For this reason, I can be his fan for life! ]

"Don't praise, don't praise, Mr. Shen is not far away. He has arranged a lot of water army in my live broadcast room. When the time comes, he will get more and more angry and may come back to PK with me in person."

There is indeed such an unspoken rule in the high-tech industry. What is sold is never the latest technology.

Wait until others invest resources to imitate and follow the trend, or even launch competing products, and then upgrade the product.

In this way, the value of expired technology can be maximized.

If Shen Haoyu wants, he can do this, but he has never opened this mouth to Su Wei.

As the saying goes, birds of a feather flock together. There is a reason why Shen Haoyu can make Su Wei so confident in him.

He loves to make money, but he is never too greedy.

Compared with the figures he made after cooperating with Su Wei, billions are not a lot of money. Even if it is really lost, he will not feel too bad.

What's more, although the profit of these invasive gene preparations is low, the market is vast, and there is no situation where they cannot make money.

Maybe it's because he has been too smooth recently, in fact, Su Wei has never thought about the cost.

Shen Haoyu is a big victim. When Su Wei's invasive gene preparations just came out with results, he hesitated and was unwilling to face it.

He had problems in his research institute in Jingmen, otherwise, he would not have to keep his tail between his legs and let the information flow to the Huake Institute.

If he hadn't been stabbed in the back by Su Wei several times in a short period of time, he would not have been prepared to mention this to Su Wei.

Today, he settled the old and new accounts together, and directly sprayed Su Wei without temper.

Wang Weijian was embarrassed to force Su Wei to get a lucky ring, but Shen Haoyu had no such taboo and took a few rings with him before leaving.

There are rule makers in every field, and the rule maker for the consecration ring is Su Wei.

He insisted on distributing the consecration ring in the live broadcast room, so Wang Weijian had to buy it.

Many of Su Wei's loyal fans are not short of money, but because the significance of the lucky ring to scientific research is almost at the level of strategic materials, this also caused Wang Weijian to repeatedly increase the purchase price...

Although the two have enough tacit understanding not to mention the consecration technique in public, if they continue like this, this matter will be exposed sooner or later, just sooner or later.

If you want to ask who needs the lucky ring the most in today's scientific research community, you have to mention a particularly tragic team.

After being affected by the last storm, Qi Yuhong thought she would be held accountable and was ready to take the matter down, but who knew that the thunder was loud but the rain was small, and the matter was just left unresolved.

However, the year-end bonus is completely gone.

Because of this, even during the Chinese New Year, the ancient prescription research institute in Jingmen is filled with a bleak atmosphere.

What? You ask why there is no holiday? Well, once the pressure on the shoulders reaches the limit, either start or work hard...

Qi Yuhong held a document in her hand, and her hands were shaking with anger.

"Xiao Wu, come and help me take a look. I can recognize every word on this document, but why can't I understand it when it is put together?"

The researcher called Xiao Wu came up and glanced at the black and white words roughly.

"What's there to not understand? Let us all wear rings to work on the project, saying that this ring can bring... well, bring... good luck?"

As Xiao Wu spoke, he felt more and more that something was wrong, and secretly glanced at the silver rings on the table on the side.

Qi Yuhong was simply furious.

"These people are damned! I can tolerate amateurs guiding professionals, but now they want to use metaphysics to guide science? I want to ask which fat-headed person made the decision."

"Shh...shh! Director Qi, be careful, be careful..."

Using luck to guide research, isn't that metaphysics guiding science?

Qi Yuhong felt like a big wronged person, how could she take such a job. Now, anyone can shit on her head.


Thanks to [Reader 1676396745144074240] for the huge reward!

Thank you [Book Friend 20231126123013418] for the huge reward!

Thank you [zhangjinsong] for the huge reward!

Thank you for your support!

237. Chapter 237 The Tragic Huake Institute

Chapter 237 The Tragic Huake Institute

Even Wang Weijian would never believe that such a ring actually existed before doing the experiment.

But facts speak louder than words. Whether it is Su Wei's successive genetic achievements or the successive breakthroughs at Huake Institute, they all prove the reliability of this ring.

Existence is reasonable. Although it is impossible to establish a reliable research system for this energy with current technology, electricity naturally existed in nature before the emergence of electricity, and magnetic fields also existed in nature before the discovery of magnetic fields.

Real life is not a program in a computer, there is no pseudo-randomness, and luck is something that runs through the entire human history.

You can't prove that it doesn't exist, so in the face of corresponding applications, you can only choose to believe it.


It would be fine if he had to work overtime without the bonus, but he actually received such an outrageous document. Qi Yuhong was so angry that his lungs were about to explode.

The New Year was not like the New Year. Thinking about his age, Qi Yuhong wished he could just retire right here.

But as he put more and more energy into the ancient prescription project, he was reluctant to make a decision.

Love masters often say that if you love him, let him pay more for you, because even in love, there are sunk costs. The more you pay, the more reluctant you are to give up.

The one who gets hurt in love is always the one who loves deeply, but compared with the bitter lover, Qi Yuhong is lucky because the project will not abandon him on its own initiative.

Qi Yuhong, an experimentalist, can't beat Wang Weijian no matter how high his reputation is in the circle.

The reason for complaining about this document is that the content in it is too outrageous. Secondly, it is also to seek some resonance. While gaining psychological comfort, it also improves the cohesion of the team and uses the common hatred of the enemy to increase everyone's motivation.

After scolding for a long time, Qi Yuhong was also tired, drank a sip of water, and waved his hand to signal everyone to continue working.

However, there is always a fat guy who likes to poke people's wounds without knowing how to look at them.

"Dean Qi, should we still wear this ring?"

Qi Yuhong's blood pressure could not be suppressed by this question.

Wear it or not? You said whether to wear it or not? This has already been issued to the institute. If you don't wear it, it will be a violation of the rules. What will you say during the review next year?

Are you still planning to take a salary without a bonus?

However, most people who do scientific research are so straightforward. You can't make a person full of IQ and EQ.

Qi Yuhong patted the table and didn't say anything. He could only feel sad in his heart.

People's hearts are scattered, and it's hard to lead the team.


On the fourth day of the New Year, the Du brothers and sisters returned to Xiajing.

"Why are you back so early? I thought you had to welcome the God of Wealth before you come back."

The fifth day of the first lunar month is the day to welcome the God of Wealth. According to tradition, the sound of firecrackers on this day will be louder than on the first day of the new year.

Du Yusheng waved his hand, looking helpless: "Hey, don't mention it. What God of Wealth are you welcoming? Aren't Xiaoying and I the God of Wealth? I was really sick when I went back this year. All the aunts and uncles, relatives who I couldn't even see in previous years, all came to my house this year. Not being able to sleep well is a small matter. There is almost no place to stay at home. I told my mother that this is because we are rich. If you are down and out, they will not pay attention to you if you ask them for money, but my mother didn't listen. She likes this."

Du Yusheng's words were quite obscure, but Su Wei understood immediately. This story of down and out must have happened in real life, but Du Xiaoying was there, so it was not easy to say it out loud.

His complaints made Su Wei very happy: "It's a good thing I didn't really go back with you, otherwise I would have suffered a lot! Hundreds of people would surround me to "watch the monkeys in a civilized manner". The scene was terrifying just thinking about it."

When the phrase "watch the monkeys in a civilized manner" came out, the three of them laughed.

"Hey, you're right, it's like that. Otherwise, I wouldn't have used the excuse of having something to do at the company and rolled back so early."

Although it was not a good year, Du Yusheng had no complaints about his mother.

The thoughts of the older generation are easy to understand, it's nothing more than a good face. People of their age pay attention to "holding their heads up" among relatives, and this kind of socializing is also a need for them to show off.

So the things that the Du brothers and sisters hate to the bone are what their parents enjoy.

"I gave the two aunts a few more days off. They probably won't be back until the eighth day of the Lunar New Year. What do you want to eat? I'll cook today."

When Su Wei was alone, he could just make some instant noodles or frozen food, but since the Du brothers and sisters were back, he had to prepare some normal meals.

The villa area was really far from the commercial area. Su Wei was too lazy to go out, and Du Xiaoying was also a homebody.

Moreover, most people in Xiajing were from other places. During the Chinese New Year, even the businesses were closed, just like a ghost town.

But fortunately, there was a stall over there at the property, which would provide some seasonal vegetables and fruits and various regular meats.

Although there was nothing too high-end, Su Wei and his friends were not very picky about food, so it was really convenient.

Su Wei's chef skill points were purely from his previous life, but his talent was there, and he was not much worse than Aunt Lan, just a little slower.

After dinner, Su Wei returned the live broadcast room to Du Xiaoying. Poor viewers, they finally didn't have to watch the snow scene.

He and Du Yusheng found a side hall to discuss some private matters.

"Are you going to take a few days off? Otherwise, I'll be thick-skinned and call Auntie back in advance."

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