[Humanity will have another new way to generate electricity? In the future, when you go to work in a power plant, you just need to tie your hands to the positive and negative electrodes. Damn, what cyberpunk is this? I am a bit behind the times. ]

There is no evidence that Su Wei has developed an invasive animal genetic modification agent.

But he just mentioned the electric eel, and netizens directly imagined the whole process.

There is no need for Su Wei to explain the second sentence. The trust in the words of electric power has doubled.

This is the power of personality, and it is also a textbook scam that cleverly uses the bug of the words mechanism.

Through previous scientific research results, netizens have long believed in Su Wei's genetic attainments.

And using the hot topic of those little black people on the Internet who black him for injecting glucose to deceive the masses as an entry point, you can add an absolutely necessary purpose orientation to this show.

He Su Shen not only researched the results of biological gene preparations, but also first used himself for human experiments.

Such a great scientist, you actually black him for injecting glucose?

Is this a moral decline or a distortion of human nature?

Is it true that good people don't get good rewards?

Su Shen, he is really, I'm crying!

Netizens quarreled, and in Su Wei's mind, the reminder of the Word Spirit rang out as expected:

[Ding! Word Spirit 2: "I am a superpower who controls the power of thunder and lightning" Trust level reached the standard. Word Spirit is activated, and the acquisition of electric superpowers is completed. 】

There is a BUG in the mechanism of the Word Spirit, which allows Su Wei to steal concepts.

As early as the time when Wang Weijian invited Su Wei to Beijing to play, he successfully obtained the flying superpower through this BUG.

And today, he once again obtained the thunder and lightning superpower through this BUG.

Su Wei has laid so much groundwork, and he is just short of jumping the shaman.

This looks like a rotten job to outsiders, and it is really a bit clownish.

But the most fundamental reason is that he just wants to lock the definition of the entry as "electric superpower" at the moment when the Word Spirit is generated.

The final effect of the Word Spirit is related to the content when it is generated. If the electric eel is thrown out too early, the final effect will definitely be damaged.

The term "a superpower who controls the power of thunder and lightning" sounds very cool.

But if the concept is changed, humans who have the ability of electric eels and can generate electricity by themselves, wouldn't they be "controlling thunder and lightning"?

If there is no Word Spirit, a bug that changes the concept, it is definitely not so easy to obtain superpowers.

And if Su Wei hadn't laid countless foundations in genetics, don't even think that enough people would believe that he could transfer the electric eel gene to himself.

For this lie, Su Wei prepared for a long time.

And today, it finally came true!

Opening! Flying! Control electricity! Prepare soldiers and train horses, waiting for the opportunity.

Today's world has been transformed by Su Wei and is completely different from two years ago.

Give him a chance, he can spread superpowers all over the world!

"What? Do you think the light bulb in my hand is a prop? Then change the way, what if it is like this?"

Under the high-definition camera in the live broadcast room, Su Wei opened his ten fingers and faced his palms together. At this moment, countless arcs flashed between his palms.

Du Xiaoying, who was sitting next to him, looked at Su Wei sideways, her eyes wider than the assistants beside a live broadcaster.

Who could have thought of this? ? ?

The weather was very cold and it was snowing outside, but the air conditioning in the studio was very powerful.

Su Wei rolled up his sleeves. The camera in the live broadcast room was high-definition, and he could tell at a glance whether there was any trick.

"I haven't met such a reasonable and well-founded questioner for a long time. I almost forgot how to write the word slap in the face."

[The King of Force Reappears! ]

[The Bible! In the new year, Su Shen's Quotations have written a new chapter! ]

[No, my wallet has its own ideas! When will the electric eel potion go on sale? This broken day, I really can't wait for a day. 】

He is too pretentious, really too pretentious.

But this ability to generate high voltage electricity with bare hands is so cool, so cool!

The key is that you don’t need to practice every day for this thing!

One injection of invasive gene preparations will last for three years.

You can’t afford to suffer losses or be fooled!

The electric power is right in front of you, what are you waiting for?

The blue sky is dead, and the yellow sky should be established. In the year of Jiazi, the world is auspicious! ! !

Okay, it’s over, I have completed another self-transcendence.

242. Chapter 242 The storm is coming

Chapter 242 The storm is coming

When netizens were still stuck on the durability of rats, the amount of pigs, and the frequency of lions, no one thought that Su Wei would silently give them a big job.

Electric eel gene? It sounds outrageous!

Yes, I know you want to make animal genetically modified drugs, but who doesn’t start research from the simplest?

Okay, you already know how to do one plus one equals two, let's do a calculus!

You're the only one who's outrageous!

And what's even more outrageous is that he actually did it.

Controlling thunder and disturbing the wind and clouds, it sounds really cool, and people can't help but yearn for it.

But who knows that this cool move can only be possessed by the supernatural power generated by the word spirit?

Although the electric eel can release a voltage of nearly 800 volts, it is limited by physiological conditions. The corresponding current and duration are very short, and it can't pose enough threat to the human body.

Although the weight of the human body is many times higher than that of the electric eel, the discharge potential after genetic modification is just so-so. It is absolutely impossible to do what Su Wei did, to easily break through the air and form a continuous arc link.

However, not everyone knows this knowledge.

If Su Wei is willing, he can strike while the iron is hot and strengthen the electric eel gene potion on the current basis, and it will be easy to achieve the results shown by Su Wei.

But... why do this?

Gene potions that are too powerful cannot enter the market at all, and the only way waiting is to be banned from sale.

However, the electric eel potion based on existing science has the possibility of allowing people to obtain "electric power".

Haha, a trial card!

But the effect Su Wei wants is to issue trial cards.

What? You ask why you are not as powerful as Su Shen in the video after injecting the electric eel potion?

Others can do it, why can't you? Look for the reasons from yourself, whether your internal strength has increased, and whether you have worked hard to practice?

As for the relationship between internal strength and gene potions? You ask me, who should I ask? Do you understand the control variable method? We are not good enough, but Su Shen is so powerful, it must be because of his profound internal strength!

The ability given by the Word Spirit is to truly control thunder. He can easily rub out a ball of lightning, which can cause extremely terrible consequences when thrown out.

Moreover, the ability to control lightning directly makes Su Wei immune to electric current damage. Not to mention touching an electric switch, even if there is a Pikachu in front of him, Su Wei can't be hurt at all.

Hmm... Maybe Pikachu will have to think about how not to be electrocuted by Su Wei.


The electric current released by bare hands can penetrate the air, so it is not difficult to materialize an electric eel potion.

The netizens of this generation are still too easy to deceive.

However, netizens can ignore the outrageousness of Su Wei, but some others have to be more careful.

Waiting until Su Wei is off the air before calling him is already the last patience of Shen Haoyu.

"Wow, that Gouba electric eel potion, is it so ruthless? Are you okay?"

In Su Wei's opinion, Shen Haoyu, as a capitalist, should not be easily fooled.

Before the call was connected, Su Wei could never have imagined that this guy actually believed his lies.

From this point, we can also see how powerful live broadcast is.

The electric power was created by stealing the concept of Ka Yanling BUG, ​​but the performance after obtaining the electric power is real and irrefutable.

From this point, we can also see how successful Su Wei's planning this time is.

"Oh, you really believe it? That light bulb is a magic prop, forty or fifty yuan. Do you want to play it? I'll send you the link later."

"I saw with my own eyes that your hands were full of arcs, and the opening technique is not over yet, and you want to treat me as a fool again."

Oh, now I have become smart.

However, the power cannot be exposed now.

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