On this point, Su Wei is really not bad. Even if Shen Haoyu doesn't want to see Su Wei showing off, he can only admit it with a pinch of his nose.

"Forget it, I guess I won't get any results from arguing with you. I'll go and discuss it with Wang Weijian later. If it doesn't work, dilute the efficacy of this medicine like the Dali Jin Gang Wan and sell it again."

If the efficacy of the medicine is diluted, maybe even the detoxification effect will be diluted.

As long as the addiction to smoking is not completely quit, it will be strengthened again with each smoking.

"Well, you are so mean!"

Cigarettes are not good things. The Dichen Xisui Pill can obviously help people quit smoking, but Shen Haoyu wants to castrate the efficacy of this pill. This approach makes Su Wei feel a little unhappy. Although he still considers the influence of the tobacco industry more, it does not mean that Su Wei will not have resentment.

Feeling Su Wei's resentment, Shen Haoyu was stunned for a moment, and then reacted.

"Damn, don't look down on me, okay? I discussed with Wang Weijian to make this thing a national brand. Diluting the efficacy is to prevent this drug from really carrying people away. Be willing to give up, only by giving up can you gain. I have made enough money a long time ago, and I don't care about this. By the way, I suddenly thought of something interesting. Think about it, what would happen if the real estate was a national brand to save the market?"

What would happen?

According to the previous strategy, funds were invested in the construction of unfinished buildings, and the bank spit out the interest, but this interest can only be obtained after the buyer has paid back the bank's principal.

The source of funds has changed to a national brand, at least the bank dare not do anything weird.

However, the real estate developer has a statement!

It should be the responsibility of the real estate developer to continue the construction of unfinished buildings, and the capital investment for the construction should naturally be converted into the real estate developer's debt.

If the creditor is Dihong, the money is basically gone.

But what if the creditor is changed to a national brand?

Shen Haoyu is going to put all those real estate developers who play with leverage to death on leverage!

"Uh... you are so evil!!!"

The previous sentence was an insult, but this one is a compliment.

Chinese characters are so profound...

253. Chapter 253 It turns out that I am too young

Chapter 253 It turns out that I am too young

Chinese characters are profound, and so is social culture.

Cigarettes occupy a very important position in social culture. Sometimes, strangers may pass a cigarette and become familiar with each other instantly.

This is the benefit of finding a commonality between each other and belonging to the same kind of people.

For many people, smoking is also a way to relieve stress and have fun.

Su Wei doesn't understand the thoughts of smokers, but he can see it by looking at Shen Haoyu.

Even after learning that his smoking addiction was cured by the Dichen Xisui Pill, he still thought about smoking this thing again.

It sounds mysterious, but for people who have a history of smoking, although the addiction to smoking is gone, the memories of smoking are still there.

Habits, even bad habits, are not so easy to give up.

Everyone knows that staying up late is harmful to the body, but this thing is not addictive, but how many people can consciously go to bed early for health?

So some things can't be taken for granted.

Shen Haoyu is not so greedy.

Under normal circumstances, people will make their own choices based on their positions.

If this was put two years ago, even Shen Haoyu himself could not imagine that he would have such a day, for the sake of the overall situation, give up the readily available hundreds of billions, or even trillions of profits.

There is no way, these prescriptions in Su Wei's hands are really too unreliable.

The ones that treat injuries can cure lifelong disabilities, the ones that treat myopia can cure blindness and color blindness, and the ones that do beauty can be used to quit smoking...

These prescriptions are as unserious as Su Wei, and they can always show their edge from some strange angles and shine.

To solve the problem of the real estate industry, Dichen Xisui Pill is an extremely important part. Even if this thing will cause a heavy blow to the tobacco industry, Wang Weijian will not give it up.

As the saying goes, the country does not compete with the people for profit, and the same is true in reverse.

If the effect of Dichen Xisui Pill in quitting smoking cannot be eliminated, it will become inevitable to confront the national tobacco industry.

Since this problem cannot be solved, then simply do not solve it.

Single point, directly change to national brand, I don’t want any profit, and I will work for you for nothing! You tobacco industry, try to touch me?

It can’t be touched at all.

In fact, this is not the first time.

Although Dali Jin Gang Wan is not a national brand in name, almost all orders are internal orders. Except for some quotas for special cases in hospitals, you can hardly buy real Dali Jin Gang Wan on the market.

Moreover, the recipe of this thing was directly made public by Su Wei. The cost is there. It is an internal order. Can you still turn the price upside down?

It can’t make any money, and it’s all in vain.

However, although it is free work, it is not completely without benefits. As long as the pattern is there, the transferred benefits will always return in another form.

It is not unreasonable that the ancient martial arts faction has been able to go so smoothly since its establishment.

How many favors are there outside, who can tell?

And this time, the dust-cleansing and marrow-washing pill has become a national brand, which is just a more thorough way of the original Dali Jin Gang Wan.

Who would have thought that in order to solve the problem, Wang Weijian and others could be so decisive.

It can be foreseen that when the Cleansing Dust and Cleansing Marrow Pill is launched, if everything goes on track as planned, the footsteps of the ancient martial arts faction will no longer be unstoppable.

Wang Weijian and others have made great contributions.

And what about Su Wei? That is an industry worth hundreds of billions of yuan. At least he can get a name as a red-top businessman. He may even be like Mr. Huo, and he can get a flag to cover his head when he dies.

Of course, Su Wei still hopes that it would be best if there is no such day.

He is still counting on the Word Spirit to achieve immortality, so how can he die young so easily.

Well, thinking about it this way, it seems that the Word Spirit's work intensity is not enough, and it has to work overtime...

After opening up the situation, the ancient martial arts department directly entered a crushing posture.

The efficacy of the Cleansing Dust and Cleansing Marrow Pill was exposed, and the tobacco industry dared not even fart, and was stunned by Wang Weijian's set of combined punches.

With the precedents of various ancient prescriptions, the Cleansing Dust and Cleansing Marrow Pill has been smooth in the review process, but Qi Yuhong's burden has become much heavier.

Well, it's not a big problem.

Even the lucky ring failed in the Ancient Prescription Research Institute. In fact, everyone has long given up on the Ancient Prescription Research Institute.

Otherwise, Qi Yuhong had laid such a big mess for Wang Weijian, and Wang Weijian would have dealt with him long ago.


Whether it was the rectification of the chaos in the beauty industry by Su Wei and Sihuo, or the influence brought by the Dichen Xisui Pill, the news of the lucky ring was diluted a lot.

Everyone makes mistakes, and such things are not rare. Anyway, it does not harm the public interest. If no one claims it, it will pass over time.

And these new things that Su Wei has done are much more powerful than the gossips of first-line stars.

Driven by huge interests, new national brands were quickly launched.

The listing restrictions on beauty products are far less strict than those on drugs. With the efficacy of other ancient prescriptions as a foundation and the pressure from the real estate industry, the listing of Dichen Xisui Pill did not encounter any obstacles at all.

In less than a week, after a simple clinical test, Dichen Xisui Pill was directly listed. Who wouldn't be confused by this speed?

[So efficient? It's only been a few days, I thought I had to wait another half a year. ]

[Roar, my great Su Shen's background is getting stronger and stronger. ]

[Wait, this drug description... known adverse reactions: continuous high fever? Severe night sweats? Continuous diarrhea? Long-term smokers react particularly strongly? Smokers and people with weak qi are recommended to buy the course version of the preparation? My God, are you sure this is not poison? ]

[Discrimination against smokers, blatant discrimination against smokers! ]

At first, everyone just watched the fun, after all, not everyone has beauty needs, but soon, the consequences of insufficient clinical practice were reflected.

# Just because I didn't read the instructions, such a terrible change happened to the old smoker. Do you still dare to take the Dichen Xisui Pill casually? #

# After taking the Dichen Xisui Pill, the effect of the electric eel potion I just took is gone! Su Shen compensate me for my hard-earned money! [Crying] #

# A medical miracle, a person accidentally took herbicide, a suggestion from a miracle doctor saved him from death. #

Now, it's really lively.

The price of Dichen Xisui Pill is extremely high, but this does not affect people's enthusiasm for buying. And because the cost is extremely low, once the production line is set up, there will be no such thing as supply exceeding demand.

In this case, its outrageous efficacy burst out instantly.

Compared with the efficacy, the competent authorities are more concerned about whether the side effects of the drug are within the controllable range. Simple clinical tests, all the energy is spent on the negative effects of the detoxification effect of Dichen Xisui Pill on various groups.

As for the real efficacy, no one cares.



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