During this period, with the approach of the spiritual energy recovery, the information related to Su Wei has been very popular in China.

This also means that this number is estimated to have reached its limit before the spiritual energy recovery.

However, Su Wei is quite satisfied.

Regarding the spiritual energy recovery, many people are still in a state of doubt, and a replica of the cultivation world is much more outrageous than the so-called spiritual energy recovery.

An outrageous lie must be based on an outrageous reality.

Su Wei cannot gain much trust abroad for the time being, presumably because the outrageous degree of the outside world is not as good as that of the domestic one where Su Wei has been operating for a long time.

On the day of the Zhongyuan Festival, the trust in the new world will inevitably rise sharply.

Thinking of this, Su Wei is already calm and confident.

The amount of information in this recording is too much. Picking any entry point is enough for enthusiastic netizens to eat melons for more than half a month.

And these things together, Banbijiangshan can't grab the headlines even if he holds 32 concerts.

The new world has been realized, and Su Wei began to think about how to fill in and modify its settings.

In his original plan, the cultivation world should be a world with an area thousands or tens of thousands of times larger than the land area of ​​the earth.

For cultivators who have cultivated to a high level, shrinking the earth into an inch and traveling a thousand miles in one breath is just a matter of hand.

The equator is only 40,000 kilometers, or 80,000 miles, which is not enough for Sun Wukong to do a somersault. This old and broken place is really not enough for Su Wei to brag about.

The setting of the round sky and square earth was also forced to succumb to the simplicity of the word spirit to generate entries and the difficulty of gaining trust, and had to be abandoned by Su Wei.

In addition, a pure plant world without animals is almost impossible to exist.

Animals emit carbon dioxide through eating and exercise, while plants capture carbon dioxide in the air through photosynthesis and emit oxygen.

In a world without animals, it is difficult to have the necessary conditions for plants to survive.

Unless there are plants that can prey on other plants?

Or, can plants also live by absorbing the spiritual energy between heaven and earth?

To be honest, Su Wei had no idea what kind of world the Word Spirit would materialize based on the Earth.

It was easy for him to brag.

But for a world with only plants and no people or animals, Su Wei was really unsure about how the public would define it.

Replicating the Earth was just the beginning of the other world, and there were still many tricks to play.

Before the Word Spirit II was truly realized, Su Wei wanted to try to see if modifying the public's definition of the pure plant world would affect the final result.

Talking nonsense through live broadcasts would generate Word Spirit entries, but text would not.

It was time for Jie Xun's social platform to make an effort.

"Now is the time for some unserious science popularization.

Recently, I found that many people have prejudices against the name "Lao Tie" and think it is very low. In fact, this is scientifically based.

Let me tell you a little scientific common sense. Elements with lower molecular mass than iron can generate a lot of energy through nuclear fusion, and elements with higher molecular mass than iron can also generate a lot of energy through nuclear fission.

Whether it is nuclear fusion or nuclear fission, the final product of energy release is iron, which means that the molecular energy of iron is the lowest, so the word "Lao Tie" sounds so down-to-earth.

If you have any other scientific common sense you want to know, you can ask in the comment area. I may pick out two to answer."

Whether in the live broadcast room or on the social platform, Su Wei is used to "exploding gold coins".

The fan stickiness brought by a large number of benefits is extremely impressive. This dynamic was released for only a few minutes, and the comment area was surrounded by hundreds of thousands of people.

[You didn't go to the live broadcast to come here to play awkwardly, right? ]

[Su Shen Su Shen, do you want to consider coming forward to explain what happened to that recording? Mr. Wang pretends to be dead, you can't learn from him! 】

[It's you who can do such a fresh and refined job. 】

What is the hot topic on the Internet recently? Su Wei doesn't need to remind him at all.

As long as Su Wei shows up, the comment area will naturally lead the topic to that recording.

And this is exactly what Su Wei wants.

Flipping through the highly praised comments, he waited quietly for a few hours. When everyone came to the Jie Xun social platform to watch, Su Wei sent out the second dynamic.

"It seems that everyone is still more concerned about the recording. In fact, since everyone already knows about it, there is no point in hiding it. I will give an unofficial reply: the things about the cultivation world are indeed true.

In fact, many people are curious about where the cultivation world is, why it is the same as the earth, and why there are no animals. In fact, I am also quite curious.

Speaking of cultivation, in fact, everyone must have heard of the saying of the world in the sleeve. According to historical records, the cultivation world does not exist in this universe. One theory is that a powerful person used a piece of space debris to refine a magic weapon based on the earth.

I mentioned the matter of cultivation techniques in the live broadcast room before. If the Dharma Ending Age is regarded as a catastrophe between heaven and earth, then those people and animals who were nourished by spiritual energy at that time should not be spared. Only plants without true spirits can survive.

This is my inference based on historical data. As for what the current situation of the cultivation world is, we can only know it after the spiritual energy is revived and the gate of heaven is opened, and we can really set foot on that land. "

To make a space fragment into a magic weapon and recreate an earth in it, this kind of handicraft is really shocking.

There is no need to be responsible for bragging with words, so Su Wei can say whatever he wants.

Above the cultivation world, there is also the fairy world. If it is the logic of space theory, it can indeed explain why the existence of these worlds has not been discovered for so many years.

Human technology has not yet developed to that level. The wormhole theory is only a theory after all. In the short term, if you want to realize it, you have to rely on Su Wei.

In the case of steadily advancing the development of cultivation, supplemented by special guidance from the technology side, it is of great benefit to Su Wei.

However, that is based on the situation that there is no threat to himself.

Whether in the live broadcast room or the current Jie Xun platform, Su Wei mentioned the so-called historical materials.

For this Netizens are naturally curious about historical materials.

However, it is obvious that Su Wei can't take it out.

And the "great catastrophe of heaven and earth" that he mentioned again and again also made netizens speculate:

[Could it be that Master Su is the only one who is responsible for the mission of inheritance? 】

This statement is very popular. The reason is that it is too consistent with Su Wei's personality.

If the spread of extraordinary is regarded as a mission, then all of Su Wei's actions can be explained.

What makes Su Wei so selfless? Is it really for show?

No, it's responsibility!

It is the historical mission of inheriting the Taoist tradition that is about to be extinct and restoring the world to its original appearance!


Under the high intensity of melon-eating and the expectations of people all over the world, the Zhongyuan Festival of the lunar calendar has finally arrived Come.

Whether it is an update of the world version or a farce will also be revealed at this moment.

The early morning of China is actually noon for some countries on the other side of the planet.

However, at the moment when the countdown ends...

Mountains, plains, oceans, seas...

All are covered by thick clouds.

That is not a rain cloud, but a concentrated spiritual liquid group of spiritual energy.

At this moment, the whole world is "turned off".

Before the light of the sun and the moon was completely obscured, everyone could still see that the lead-black clouds were rolling and expanding on the horizon, but soon there was endless darkness.

This momentum really has the taste of the end of the world.

If it weren't for Su Wei's advance notice, I believe the ground should be in chaos at this time.

However, at this point, everyone Without sleeping, we waited anxiously for the so-called spiritual energy to revive...

Not long after, it began to drizzle between heaven and earth.

The continuous raindrops hit the awning, playing pleasant notes.

However, the ground under the street lamps was not wet at all.

The spiritual liquid formed by the rich spiritual energy suddenly collapsed the moment it touched the object, invisible and intangible, as if this rain was just a slightly weird dream.

[Ding! Word Spirit 2: "Behind the Tianmen, there is a cultivation world that is a replica of the earth, with rich spiritual energy and no people or animals." Trust level reached the standard. Word Spirit is activated and is shaping the cultivation world. 】

The Internet is a carnival. This kind of weather that is in sync with the whole world, even if it is not the revival of spiritual energy, proves the special nature of this day.

At this time, Su Wei no longer needs to explain anything.

At the moment when this abnormal astronomical phenomenon appeared, the cultivation world-appeared.

Chapter 284 Unsealed: I have been building my foundation in the mortal world for 10,000 years

Although it is late at night in China, less than one in ten people can sleep at this time.

This weird weather that is synchronized all over the world means that social development has taken another branch, and no one is willing to give up witnessing this historic moment.

When the black cloud formed by the tangible spiritual energy covers the sky all over the world, people are not calm.

Everyone's acceptance of outrageous things is infinitely magnified.

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