Due to the current limitations of the Heavenly Dao rules, Yan Ling could not help Su Wei break through the foundation-building period to reach a higher, non-existent realm.

So, he had to help him build his foundation...

I built my foundation in the mortal world for 10,000 years...

The life span of a foundation-building period is only two or three hundred years. How can an ordinary person live for 10,000 years?

It is said that immortal heroes do not fight across realms, but Su Wei's foundation-building period is about to fight a golden elixir.

Hmm... Is this a bit too conservative?


Xia Jing, Wang Weijian and Shen Haoyu did not sleep.

A group of people gathered around the conference table, and the projector in front played a video uploaded by netizens, titled: Xia Jing's Sky.

It is not a good thing to whisper in a meeting, but Wang Weijian really couldn't help it.

"Did you know about this thing in advance?"

"You know his secretive nature, he takes things out bit by bit, do you think he can be so happy?"

Shen Haoyu's implication is that Su Wei never said anything about the thunder and lightning, so it is even more impossible for him to tell him secretly about this kind of thing.

However, Shen Haoyu also has his own little secret. Su Wei once said that he would give him some "laziness pills", but he never told anyone about this.

To be honest, Wang Weijian was originally convinced that Su Wei was shot by a sniper rifle.

But when this video was exposed, he was not so sure.

From this fierce aura, it can be seen that Su Wei should be in an "extremely weak" state before the aura was revived.

Wang Weijian knows how painful it is to have no internal force after practicing internal force to this point.

And how much stronger can a cultivator without true essence be than an ordinary warrior?

After a light cough, Wang Weijian stood up and asked the head of the information department: "Besides Xiajing, are there any other places with similar celestial phenomena?"

The head of the information department, who was not wearing glasses, pushed his glasses and replied: "At present, apart from Xiajing, no other places have uploaded relevant similar videos, and the local supervision offices have not responded. The satellite video is still being analyzed."

Of course, Shen Haoyu also knew that even if there was no news, it did not mean that there were no people like Su Wei in the world.

The world is so big, and there are too many places that cannot be monitored by human power.

The personal destructive power of a person is comparable to that of nuclear weapons. Before today, Wang Weijian would never believe it, but the facts are in front of him, and now he can't believe it.

The rain is still falling outside, and the red bricks, green tiles and gray cement can't stop the spread of spiritual energy.

As an ancient warrior, it is easy to notice that there seems to be a lot of mystery in the air that has never been seen before.

With a radius of dozens of miles, a large area of ​​rain clouds were swept away. The people present could only be glad that such a monster was born in their own country.

The spiritual rain lasted for half the night before the sky finally cleared up.

Many people enjoyed the literary and artistic behavior of walking in the rain all night, but the rain would not wet their clothes, mess up their hair, or make them sick.

Of course, the citizens of Xiajing City could not experience this kind of welfare.

But it doesn't matter, everyone has their own fun.

Su Wei rarely leaves Xiajing, and now he is a landmark building in Xiajing. Isn't this more powerful than anything else?

At six o'clock in the morning, the sun shone into the room through the curtains. Su Wei woke up from the bed, stretched his body, and felt refreshed.

However, it was not until he got up from the bed that Su Wei realized: Did I do something earth-shattering again last night?

Examining himself, Su Wei was stunned.

What the hell? With my current strength, the sword energy spans 30,000 miles, and the sword light chills 19 states. Do I still need to brag?

Well, this sudden strength made the young man swell up.

Turning on the computer and glancing at the news, Su Wei realized:

"It seems that the whole world knows that I have made a breakthrough, but I am the only one who is kept in the dark?"

When he woke up, he found that all the internal force in his body had become spiritual force. If he said he was not excited, that would be a lie.

But Su Wei didn't know why this change happened to him, and he didn't know that his current realm was the foundation-building great perfection of "Heaven begs you to form a pill quickly".

In his opinion, the foundation-building period, as one of the most representative realms of cultivation, seemed to be like this.

"I got up early in the morning and opened the window, clang clang clang clang..."

The spiritual energy revived, and the cultivation world was also successfully realized. For Su Wei's immortality, this is a more milestone achievement than spreading ancient martial arts.

Humming a light tune, Su Wei suddenly became full of energy.

Although everything is going well at present, Su Wei feels more and more that there is still a lot to brag about.

But judging from the online videos, an "ordinary foundation-building period" needs to drain all the spiritual energy within a radius of dozens of miles. How many foundation-building period can be supported in such a small place like the earth?

If nothing unexpected happens, we have to find a way to start the second stage of spiritual energy recovery, so that spiritual energy can surge.

Although the cultivation world has been successfully materialized, the channel connecting to the earth has not been opened. Before that, Su Wei is not sure what the situation is over there.

Moreover, for cultivation, the area occupied by the two earths is far from enough, and it needs to be expanded.

Spiritual medicine, monsters, ten dangerous places, ancient cultivators' caves...

From this point of view, it seems that the "historical materials" in hand have come into play.

The most important thing...

After this night, Yan Lingyi's trust level finally stopped being a pitiful 0.01, and became...


Even if all the people on Earth believe in it, can this thing really be realized?

The road is long and arduous, and I will search up and down.

In human terms: Either consider the long-term and increase the world's population growth rate...


Consider aliens? ? ?

Chapter 285 Campus Innovation

It sounds almost impossible to transform a completely technological world into an outrageous world full of extraordinary things.

Everyone has been learning about the world in various ways since birth.

And as the understanding of the world increases, the concepts become more and more solidified and less and less easy to change.

Because of this, the older people are, the slower they accept new things.

However, Su Wei did all this in just three years.

Originally, Su Wei always had a sense of urgency about immortality.

Fifty years is too short.

Su Wei was actually a little scared whether he could deceive the whole world and build a great personality in his lifetime.

However, with the arrival of the revival of spiritual energy and the establishment of the cultivation world, Su Wei's heart suddenly calmed down.

Perhaps it was the life span increased by the great perfection of the foundation-building period that gave Su Wei enough confidence...

Or maybe, since the spiritual energy has been revived and transcendence has become a reality, even if he does nothing and lives a few years in peace and stability, transcendence will gradually be accepted by some people who were originally more conservative.

The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and each wave is stronger than the previous one.

When the new generation rolls up, Su Wei's pretense work will naturally be easier.

The sword energy spans 30,000 miles, and the sword light chills the 19 continents. Su Wei's current strength sounds really impressive.

But when Su Wei thought of tossing around and pretending, he found that his most awesome way of attack was still the ability to manipulate lightning.

Cultivation is about communicating with the heaven and earth. Through "methods", one's own true essence can call upon the spiritual power of heaven and earth, hundreds or thousands of times, to cause damage.

No matter how much true essence one has, without the corresponding techniques related to cultivation, one is not much different from a wild bull.

According to Su Wei's previous plan, cultivation should be like ancient martial arts, allowing people to take their own path.

This should not be difficult in the framework system of immortal heroes created by Yan Ling.

But in fact, when Su Wei really entered the foundation-building stage, he found that there was always an unknown number of generations between ideals and reality.

The reason why immortal heroes are called immortal heroes is that they are essentially different from ancient martial arts. The techniques of cultivating immortals, which circulate in the tendons and veins, are all based on the human tendons and veins as the array base, and have a set of special circulation arrays.

And the final result of these techniques running at the peak of the Qi Condensation Stage is to transcend the shackles of the flesh, transfer the true essence to another level, and achieve transcendence on the immortal path.

In this context, using the mental methods of martial arts to guide the creation of self-cultivation techniques is completely a wrong path.

As a technique for both immortal and martial arts practitioners, Wanhua Jue itself has the characteristics of internal martial arts mental methods. Using it as a blueprint to create immortal cultivation techniques will also inadvertently increase the difficulty of creating immortal martial arts techniques.

It can be predicted that if Su Wei does not take action, within a hundred years, before someone steps into the threshold of the foundation-building period, everyone will not even discover this problem, let alone create any original techniques.

Of course, everyone is weak, that is really weak.

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