This is the first batch, the profit from pure manual refining. If it is put on the production line, it will be several times higher.

"The profit is the net profit for you. The cost will be deducted after your share, so it is a little higher."

The profit of the first batch will definitely not be that high if the labor and procurement costs of the production line are deducted. Su Wei has taken more than just this little advantage.

This matter is not something that Shen Haoyu can decide alone.

Although I don't care about this little money, it feels good to be treated differently.

"That's good."


Chapter 71 Those who believe in me, embrace the extraordinary

The first batch of funds has arrived, and Longchao Charity can be officially launched.

For Su Wei, this is good news for establishing a persona and supporting the background.

China looks rich, but because of its vast land and rich resources, there are many poor and remote areas. China has so many charity funds every year, but it is still not enough to spend.

So how to spend this money and who to spend it on are all issues worth pondering.

In hospitals of this era, the pungent smell of disinfectant is actually quite rare, and the air in the ward is actually quite fresh.

However, lying here, Su Wei always felt uncomfortable all over. Whether it was the nurses coming and going or Du Yusheng on the side, they seemed to be laughing at him.

Once a person has distracting thoughts, even the white walls around him seem so ironic.

The strengthening of the system should not have too much negative impact on the body, and the examination report also proved this.

Since he woke up, Su Wei was not going to lie down any longer. He called the nurse to remove the needle and went straight to complete the discharge procedures.

Back to the new house in Benma Garden Community, Su Wei added two locks to the door, then closed all the windows, drew the curtains, turned off the phone, and then went into the bedroom alone, ready to study his newly acquired internal strength.

Su Wei had not yet visited the villa given by Shen Haoyu. The two of them were going to take a look after dinner that day, but they were interrupted by the two foreigners.

At present, the significance of the villa to Su Wei, except for the extra salary of a live-in nanny every month, has not changed anything else.

Sitting cross-legged like in the novel, Su Wei closed his eyes and began to feel the energy that did not exist in his body.

Calming down his mind, Su Wei soon felt the energy in his lower abdomen, a round ball like an egg.

Of course, this is just a kind of understanding and feeling. Internal force is invisible and intangible. Su Wei has no idea whether it is in the dantian.

To be honest, it is roughly equivalent to having a phantom limb in the lower abdomen, or the kind without tactile sensation.

"Is this internal force?"

It was not easy to really step into the extraordinary realm. Su Wei could not suppress his inner restlessness.

However, when he really wanted to drive this ball of energy, he was dumbfounded.

All the internal force was gathered in the dantian, just like a turtle egg. He had to concentrate and hold his breath, and eliminate distracting thoughts, in order to guide it to flow slowly along the main vein.

You are a liar! It's not like that in novels.

It's said that the internal force will flow automatically and endlessly? Why is it a manual gear here?

After thinking for a long time, Su Wei felt that it should be because of the lack of internal power.

Without the internal power, if you want to call the internal force, you can only use the stupid method.

After trying to guide the internal force to run in the main meridian for two cycles, Su Wei collapsed on the bed and stared at the ceiling.

It's so fucking tiring!

Moreover, did the internal force increase?

It must not increase!

Su Wei now feels like a virgin girl who has just taken a bath and met a steel straight man.

Why don't you move yourself!

"It's really fun to cheat, I'm a waste!"

It's not good without a method, and you have to get some internal power to be useful.

Thinking of this, Su Wei couldn't help but want to complain about Yan Ling.

Have you ever seen a weapon store? How can a weapon store buy bullets without a gun?

If I don't know the inner strength, how can I have ten years of inner strength?

I can only rely on guidance and practice to have such strong willpower?

Are you overestimating me?

This is not in line with public perception!

How do you do things?

Deduct money!!!

Deduct wages!!!

Of course, since Su Wei is not Yan Ling's employer and Yan Ling is not his employee, he has no say on whether to deduct money.

As for the mechanism of Yan Ling's effectiveness, Su Wei can only guess.

After thinking for a while, I remembered that in martial arts novels, inner strength has various properties.

Different inner strength mental methods can only play the greatest effect when combined with different martial arts, and different mental methods also conflict with each other.

Perhaps, it is just because Su Wei has not expressed his inclination towards inner strength, so Yan Ling did not make a decision for him without authorization.

Thinking of this, Su Wei was a little worried again.

For some reason, his current fan base seems to be a little weak.

Ten years of internal strength, even in a non-human live broadcast with a strong visual impact, it takes so many days to complete. If he brags that he knows "Nine Yang Magic Skills" and "Yi Jin Jing", will anyone really believe it?

Su Wei thinks that it is a bit far-fetched.

Kung Fu and internal strength are not unrelated. If you want people to believe that Su Wei knows internal skills, you must first make them believe that Su Wei has internal strength.

And there are very few people who really believe that Su Wei has internal strength.

It is difficult to gain enough trust for the awesome internal skills, and Su Wei does not want the common internal skills.

This is very melancholy.

Having ten years of internal strength and great power belongs to oneself, it sounds very cool, and the feeling of touching the extraordinary boundary is indeed very cool, but what is left behind is a bigger mess.

There are almost no side effects when obtaining external objects such as Black Jade Intermittent Paste and Great Power Vajra Pills through the Word Spirit. External objects are external objects after all, whether they exist or not, they have no effect on Su Wei himself.

But internal strength is not the same.

Su Wei himself sells a personality, and ten years of internal strength will also become an indelible label in his personality.

In the short term, it seems that there is nothing wrong, but in fact, this will limit his upper limit.

When the image of ten years of internal strength is fixed in everyone's mind, how can we erase their original stereotypes and make them believe that you have eighty years of internal strength?

It's very difficult...

Trust is a very strange thing.

For some things, many people can't tell whether they believe or not.

Many people eat vegetarian food and chant Buddha for blessings, thinking that they believe in Buddhism, but in fact they just seek peace of mind. They don't believe in the existence of gods and Buddhas from the bottom of their hearts.

Only those who are truly desperate will place their hopes on the ethereal and invisible gods.

Science is too deeply rooted in people's hearts after all.

But the strange thing is that when it comes to ghosts, the situation is different.

When people are afraid of something, even science can't play a big role.

The desperate worship gods, the timid fear ghosts, the chronically ill believe in folk remedies, and the greedy are fooled.

The reason is that desire is at work.

As Su Wei said, he has ten years of internal strength. After all, he has no personal interests with others. He can trust or not, so the speed of gaining trust is naturally not that fast.

After thinking through this node, Su Wei already knew what to do in his heart.

If you want it, I will give it!

Those who believe in me will get gold and silver!

Those who believe in me will get elixirs!

Those who believe in me will get internal strength!

Those who believe in me will get eternal life!

Everything in this world is fake, only interests are eternal.

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