After successfully convincing Pucci, the director and screenwriter of "Stardust Fighters", he stayed on the full stealth helmet to watch Jotaro and the others successively eliminate the evil that DIO had imposed on Kakyoin and Polnareff. mind control.

And Kakyoin and the others joined the Stardust Crusaders either to repay this kindness or for revenge.

Together with Jotaro and the others who want to save his mother, they embark on this journey to defeat DIO, and continuously defeat other stand-in assassins sent by DIO... These are closely followed Kujo Seolun for the plot later in the second episode.

She finally waited for this plot adapted from the suggestions she made——

——"The Emperor and the Hanged Man Part 1".


Chapter 155 Magical India

"Tokyo, Hong Kong, Singapore, and now, finally, we're going across India!"

Watching the destination on the nautical chart getting closer and closer.

Joseph in "Stardust Fighters" couldn't help but look a little sad on his face: "But, I'm a little worried."

After all, isn't their journey so far a little too smooth?

Of course, to say it went smoothly is actually not too smooth.

Ever since Jotaro used his stand-in [Platinum Star] (named in order to welcome Jotaro to join and use tarot cards to divine the fate of their journey), it has a superb precision that is enough to catch bullets.

In the photo of DIO, which was supposed to be pitch black, I used my vision that was more precise than a microscope to see that in a certain shadow in the photo, in addition to DIO, there was also a Nile fly. .

Joseph and the others, who originally knew nothing about DIO's location, finally confirmed that DIO was in Egypt!

And finally officially started their journey to Egypt, where they will inevitably send DIO, a centenarian, back to his grave!

But this is the same for DIO.

Joseph and the others wanted to defeat DIO and eliminate the avatar who also awakened. However, due to his gentle personality, he was unable to control the avatar. They could only let the avatar be Kujo Heri, who absorbed the host's life energy and spiritual energy, and helped She got rid of the source of this curse and solved the danger of the double at the same time.

Why wouldn't DIO want to take the opportunity to get rid of the annoying Joestar bloodline owner?

It couldn't be done before because Joseph and the others didn't have a clear destination.

And now, after they have determined a destination.

Naturally, DIO can accurately intercept Joseph and the others on the road based on this destination, and arrange for stand-ins to go on planes, cruise ships, or wherever they can appear next to Joseph and the others to assassinate them. !

It was also along the way that he was either fighting the enemy's stand-in, or he was wary of whether the enemy's stand-in was hiding somewhere.

Even our own personnel have changed from the original three.

Slowly the number increased to four and five Jotaro and the others.

Like now, I feel like nothing has happened since I left Singapore.

It's so weird.

So Joseph continued to express his worries: "Actually, this is my first time coming to India. And India gives people the impression that the country is full of thieves and beggars, and they only eat curry every day. It's easy to catch a fever..."

Well, that's right. India is so weird... eh eh eh eh eh eh! India! ?

At this time, we shouldn't worry about whether this is the enemy's stand-in messenger, or whether it has set up some new trap? !

But thinking about it carefully, it seems...

"This is the Joseph we are familiar with~~!"

In the barrage, some viewers couldn't help but sigh.

""One of the words I hate most is [work hard], and the second most annoying word is [come on]"... Indeed, I hope that Joseph, who can say this sentence, can be serious. Something incredible. "

Rather, Joseph has already used facts to illustrate his life motto.

As the strongest ripple warrior who had defeated the Man in the Pillar and the ultimate creature, with Joseph's level of ripple, there was no way he would grow old so quickly.

But the fact is that Joseph is now older than his mother! ?

There is also the words that are said in the mouth.

But this is actually the same as when he clearly wore the death ring and was the one who should be worried the most, but he still used an exaggerated and calm tone to divert Caesar's attention and alleviate the guilt in the other party's heart.

"Joseph has really never changed."

That was the case before.

It's the same now.

Using words like this could help Jotaro and the others, who had been tense, relax a little.

This kind of tacit understanding and respect can only be understood by truly understanding people.

It's really...amazing!

For those viewers who have watched "Battle Trend" all the way, nothing can move them more than this!

For those viewers who are not very familiar with "Battle Trend", such as Xu Lun Kujo, she also saw the plot she wanted to see.

"Yes, yes, yes! This guy Pucci, I thought he had forgotten everything I said before, but I didn't expect that he wanted to use this method to reduce Joseph's role!"

Xu Lun, who thought the audience was complaining about Joseph.

She was also in a happy mood and said: "You actually thought of using this method to discredit Joseph, the protagonist of the previous game, and to minimize his influence... I have to say that you are really insidious. Ah, Pucci! But I like it!”

"Now that my proposal to Joseph has taken effect, what about Jotaro?"

"Is the protagonist Jotaro finally starting to be punished!?"

Kong Tiao Xu Lun who said this sentence.

She seemed to be recalling the relationship between the person who played Jotaro and her father.

The tone of voice was impatient and eager to try, but it was almost ready!

Then she saw Polnareff in India.

When he was going to the toilet, he almost had his butt licked by the pig kept in the hotel toilet, or almost had his butt licked on a certain special part...

"Damn it! If I had known that India was like this, I wouldn't have asked Pucci so quickly to cut Jotaro's part!"

Xu Lun Kujo said with pity on his face: "At least we have to wait until this episode is over before we cut Jotaro's role!"

That's right, after seeing this scene of Kong Tiao Xu Lun, she regretted it!

Why was she so anxious in the first place! ?

If she hadn't called Pucci to cut down Jotaro's role quickly.

So now this person who almost had her butt licked by a pig, or licked a certain special part, shouldn't her dad bear the responsibility? ?

Just thinking about the possibility of her father being raped by a pig like this is enough to make Kujo Xu Lun happy for the rest of her life!

As for why she was so sure that this role would fall on Jotaro?

That was of course after experiencing this little Indian shock.

In "Stardust Fighters", the problem of defecation was finally solved, and when Polnareff came out of the toilet and was about to wash his hands on the sink, he saw it again...

In the mirror on the sink, an arm suddenly appeared on the window behind him! ?


Just, no?

Polnareff quickly turned his head and repeatedly confirmed that there was indeed nothing outside the window behind him. He said doubtfully: "Yes, is it my imagination?"

"It's no wonder, after all, there is a pig in the toilet."

"I was so scared that I had hallucinations and thought there was a monster outside the window. Is this the culture shock in India...Wha, what!?"

ゴゴゴゴゴゴゴゴ——————! !

No, this is not an illusion!

This is... the enemy's stand-in attack! !

Chapter 156: Substitutes and Substitutes will attract each other

Look, the enemy's stand-in attacks have already appeared.

To say that this has nothing to do with the main plot.

Who believes it! ?

And obviously, the key to triggering this main plot lies in the toilet!

That is to say...

"Damn it! It's really just that close!"

When Kujo Xu Lun saw "Stardust Fighters", he had already opened the window in the mirror.

However, the window behind Polnareff still did not open! ?

There is a trace of reasonableness in this unreasonableness.

Coupled with the strange humanoid figure that was already in the mirror, slowly approaching behind Polnareff.

There is no doubt that this FMD is a substitute!

If only Jotaro's role hadn't been cut.

According to Xu Lun Kujo's conclusion from her recent viewing of "Stardust Fighters", the unspoken rules for fighting stand-ins are to be resolved by whoever encounters them first.

In other words, it is basically impossible to have free time to ask for help from your companions after encountering the enemy's stand-in messenger.

If Jotaro really wanted to take over the scene of fighting the enemy's stand-in, he would have to have contact with him in the toilet. Wouldn't he have to have a close contact with the pig in the toilet first?

Of course, this is just an idea that comes from Kujo Xu Lun's feeling of fatherly kindness and filial piety.

for other viewers.

It’s true that they didn’t know the suggestions put forward by Xu Lun Kujo, that’s right.

But even if they knew it, they would still think that this enemy's substitute messenger would only be encountered by Polnareff!

This is not because Little Bobo licks shit, he has a very unique indissoluble bond with the toilet.

But because...

"[The Hanged Man] has abilities related to mirrors, and the body of this double also has two right hands. He is Polnareff's sister-killing enemy."

"...If the information given by [Yellow Control] is correct, then it should be him."

I also realized this when watching "Stardust Fighters".

Polnareff began to separate from Jotaro and the others, and wanted to find the other party for revenge alone. Sora was quite helpless and said with some approval: "What can I say, this trap to lure the enemy deep is also too obvious. Come on."

"But one thing is correct - that is, for those who dare to hurt my sister, even if I know it's a trap, I must beat them so hard that they regret being born into this world!"

This is the recognition from someone who also has a sister!


"Polnareff probably didn't see what the enemy's Stand ability is?"

Although he supported Polnareff emotionally, he could only sigh rationally.


Mirror world?

If you just look at the performance, then you must think that the Stand ability of the [Hanged Man] is to enter and exit the mirror world.

In fact, Sora did have such an idea at the beginning.

Because apart from this, it is really hard to explain why the [Hanged Man] can be seen in the mirror, but he can't see his figure in reality.

Besides, the Stand ability itself is very magical.

It doesn't seem strange to have a Stand ability that can enter and exit the mirror world.

But when Sora saw the subsequent broadcast.

He quickly rejected the previous affirmation and doubted the true ability of the [Hanged Man]?

The reason is very simple.

The window in reality was not moved along with the window in the mirror by the [Hanged Man]! ?

You have to know that this picture means that what happens in the mirror world has no effect on the real world!

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