You said you would teach top lane, but are you going to get materials for the world competition?

Chapter 113 The winning streak ends! Losing this round means we have truly won!

Soon, the first game of the regular season BO3 between LGD and WE started.

After Zhou Dian used Fiora to blast RNG in his debut, LGD's Fiora was banned in the next few games and has never been released.

However, in the first game between LGD and WE today, WE did not ban Fiora.

For WE head coach Hongmi, perhaps Zhou Dian's Fiora is not a big deal.

Or maybe he just wanted to let Zhou Dian's Fiora out to test the strength. Anyway, this is the first game, and there are two more games to go.

But no matter what WE thinks, for Zhou Dian, if you dare to let it go, then I dare to take it.

When Fiora was locked down, there was a cheer.

There were even WE fans among them.

For any normal audience, they would definitely be more happy to see some heroes that are worth watching on the field, rather than those brush heroes being selected back and forth.

"Oh wow, Zhou Dian's signature sword girl is even his signature among his signatures!"

Remember then said: "Zhou Dian first became famous among players because of a teaching video of sword girl's A flash!"

Remember obviously did some homework and had a certain understanding of some of Zhou Dian's early deeds.

And remember, it is obvious that he is one of those who surf the Internet more diligently.

These two days, the forum just started to call Zhou Dian "Zhou Dian", and remember immediately called him.

Then LGD now has three gods.

Zhou Dian, GodV, and PYL, the God of Death.

Of course, these three are all false gods, and there is only one true god in LPL.

In fact, the previous PYL was a veritable God of Death. In the game, he couldn't stop dying once he started. He is also the current death record holder in LPL.

However, since Zhou Dian started, PYL's number of deaths in the game has obviously decreased.

Maybe Zhou Dian is too attractive!

But no matter what, PYL's title of "Death God" is now somewhat unworthy of its name.

The first game of BO3 took 36 minutes, a slightly long game time.

LGD won the first game.

The content of the game was similar to the game against RNG. Zhou Dian's Fiora destroyed WE's two side lanes.

As a result, even if WE sometimes seized the opportunity to gain some advantages in the front, it could not expand the advantage because of the side lane soldiers.

Coach Hongmi, sitting in the lounge, watched LGD use a slightly rough four-one split push to take down two dragons in a row.

Rough as it was, WE really had no way.

It was because Fiora's single-lane restraint was too strong.

WE lost the first dragon because jungler Condi went to the bottom lane to catch Fiora, who was leading the line, and was killed by Fiora.

At that time, Hongmi knew that the game was over, and at the same time thought:

This guy's Fiora really can't be let go, and the unique skills still need to be respected.

After the first game, the players from both teams quickly returned to the lounge.

As soon as 957 entered the lounge, he said to Hongmi: "No, we have to ban Zhou Shen's Fiora in the next game. I really don't have a hero that can deal with his Fiora!"

Hongmi nodded, "That's what I meant!"

Xiye next to him smiled and said: "Brother Tui, are you scared? This is not like you!"

"Scared, scared!" 957 shrugged, "You know how exaggerated this guy's Fiora is, and it's not that I can't deal with it at all, but it must be very difficult to deal with it. It's better to ban it directly, which is much easier!"

"Okay, then Brother Tui, you should take the pressure well in the top lane, and I won't care about you!" said the jungler Condi.

"How can you take the pressure! In the next game, we are likely to be on the red side. I will get the counter position and see how I beat him!" 957 said confidently.

In the second game, LGD took the initiative to choose the blue side, and WE was indeed on the red side as 957 expected.

957 did indeed produce a hero on the fifth floor of the red side, and then countered Zhou Dian.

But 957 was not able to do anything to Zhou Dian.

The two fought evenly in the top lane!

However, compared with the overall strength of LGD and WE, there is an objective gap between the two sides in terms of cooperation and operation level.

When Zhou Dian was evenly matched in the top lane, LGD naturally lost the second game.

The problem lies with GodV. He chose a late-game core mage in this game, but was caught by Condi in the early and mid-game.

The core mage in this game was not chosen by GodV himself.

Instead, Dgc took the initiative to give him.

After LGD won the first game, Dgc's hidden smart attribute began to take effect.

In addition, in the decisive game against EDG the day before yesterday, his BP did blow up the EDG head coach, which made Dgc a little arrogant, and now he is thinking about competing with Hongmi in BP.

He thought that WE would definitely target Zhou Dian to death in this game, so he decided to return to the traditional mode of LGD's previous games, GodV in the middle lane chose a brush core and gave the ball to imp.

So he took the initiative to choose the regular blue side.

And WE did as he expected, leaving the fifth floor counter position to 957.

Isn't this clearly targeting LGD's top lane!

After the entire BP, from the perspective of the lineup, DGC's BP in this game was no less than that of Redmi.

But he ignored the objective situation of the two teams, and he didn't expect that WE didn't target Zhou Dian, but instead targeted GodV, and directly blew up GodV.

While Zhou Dian was r, he was very uncomfortable with 957 in the first few levels.

957's strength is indeed first-class in today's LPL.

But as the hero level increased, Zhou Dian gradually turned the situation in the top lane back.

Seeing that he was about to gain the upper hand, the disadvantage in the middle lane spread to the top lane.

Xiye's frequent roaming made it impossible for Zhou Dian to suppress 957, and he could only develop peacefully.

In fact, in this situation, Zhou Dian was able to develop peacefully with 957, which was already very powerful.

But this is not enough.

The strength of this WE is indeed much stronger than the RNG and EDG they met before.

When GodV was caught and Zhou Dian was not fat enough, imp, an AD, had no ability to initiate the rhythm on his own due to his position.

The online game was generally not working, and Eimy played like a headless fly, with the intention of doing things, but often gave away.

And LGD had no rhythm in the whole game, so it had to lose!

Of course, in the final analysis, WE was strong enough. After gaining the advantage, they did not give LGD any chance in the whole game, otherwise LGD might not be able to drag it down and turn the tables.

Losing the second game also made Dgc sober up a little.

I realized that my team still has not reached the level of a real strong team in many aspects, and often relies on the personal abilities of the players.

Relying on the personal abilities of Zhou Dian and imp, LGD can now beat some mid- and lower-level teams in LPL.

But facing WE, the top favorite to win the spring season, it seems that it is still a little bit lacking.

The strength of each lane must be combined!

If you rely on one lane to poke hard, you can't pierce through it when you encounter a thick enough shield.

In the case of insufficient coordination and operation, to combine the strength of each lane, the only way is to make a fuss about the lineup.

So Dgc decided to take a different approach.

After recalling how they won the first game, Dgc suddenly had an idea and wanted to play the ultimate four-protect-one in the third game, with Zhou Dian, the top laner, as the one.

Can't you penetrate the thick enough shield of the enemy by stabbing one lane?

It doesn't exist, I will just do it with great force!

Dgc naturally knew that LGD was able to win the game in the first game by pushing the line. In addition to Zhou Dian's strength, it also relied on the hero Fiora to a certain extent.

The hero Fiora was born for solo pushing.

Under the same conditions, other heroes can't push the line to the same effect as Fiora.

But what if there is a four-protect-one blessing?

It is said that the upper limit of four-protect-one is not high enough, but Dgc always feels that the reason why the upper limit of four-protect-one is not high enough is because the right "one" has not been encountered.

Who said that four-protect-one can only protect ADC?

Just when Dgc was about to express his thoughts on the third game to his teammates, GodV suddenly said to him: "Brother Xu, can you give me the fifth floor counter position in the third game? I want to play with the assassin and Xiye!"

WE has the right to choose the side in the third game, and it is likely that they will take the initiative to choose the blue side.

And Dgc was a little surprised by GodV's address to him.

Usually GodV calls him coach, but now he calls him Brother Xu. It seems that GodV is really eager to have a head-on confrontation with Xiye.

With LGD's recent three-game winning streak, Dgc's position as the head coach in the team has also been improved. The old players have more respect for him, and the management has also increased their trust in him.

Of course, this is inseparable from his ability to give chicken soup for people and to get along well with the players and management.

Hearing GodV's request, Dgc's first reaction was of course to refuse.

GodV, GodV, do you really have no idea about your current level?

Do you still think you are the Wu Tian who fought Buddha General Pawn for 300 rounds in S5!

Your state has long declined because of playing badly.

In Dgc's opinion, it is difficult for GodV to find his peak self again.

Now GodV's best choice is to transform!

Mid laners are not only about fighting on the line, other game styles can also lead to the peak.

It just so happens that LGD's current top laner can carry, and his carrying ability is very strong.

The resources of a game are limited.

Allocating resources to people who can carry more is the most correct approach under a large sample.

However, Dgc also knows that heroes are easy to practice, but it is difficult to change mentality.

Saying "no" to the past self is often the most difficult!

Dgc can roughly guess GodV's current mentality.

He is still unwilling to admit that his operation has declined, and he is unwilling to transform into a tool man mid laner.

If he could barely convince himself that he was not as good as Scout in the last game against EDG, after being beaten by Scout in a mechanical competition, he would choose to play Lulu mid lane in the deciding game.

After all, Scout is only 18 years old and is from SKT, the top team in LOL e-sports. He is favored by three-time champion Faker and three-time coach KkOma. He won the LPL Summer Championship with a perfect record right after coming to LPL. His strength is obvious to all.

Moreover, LOL has been dominated by Koreans for several years since S3. GodV can put aside his former pride and play a tool man in front of Scout, a Korean player.

But GodV can't convince himself to lower his posture in front of Xiye, who is also a domestic mid laner.

After all, as players who debuted in the same era, GodV has already won the LPL championship, while Xiye can be said to have achieved nothing so far.

Even though Xiye's performance has been very strong since the start of the spring season, he has obviously reached the peak of a player.

But the former arrogance is naturally not so easy to let go.

GodV didn't perform as well as Xiye in the first two games. He felt that it was not entirely his fault. He was indeed targeted by Condi.

Today, we must manipulate Xiye to let him know that what Diangun said, "Xi La Xiao Me", was not nonsense.

Dgc finally agreed to GodV's request.

When Dgc nodded in agreement, PYL looked at his head coach in surprise.

This shouldn't be the case. The coach doesn't want to win?

Moreover, it shouldn't be the case that Dgc is accommodating GodV, although it is common for coaches to accommodate players in LPL clubs.

But after GodV's salary increase and then his poor performance for a while, his position in the hearts of LGD management is no longer as good as before.

If the two have a disagreement over this matter, the management will definitely stand on the coach's side.

This is a bit strange. What does the coach think?

But in Dgc's view, this may be an opportunity.

If he can really achieve what he wants, losing a regular season game will not be a big deal.

Losing now is to win better in the future.

Losing this game is the real win!

"Xiye, give me some strength!" Dgc thought, "I hope it's Xi who surprises me today!"

When Zhou Dian heard Dgc let him pick a tank hero, he didn't quite understand.

Giving the mid laner a counter position on the fifth floor doesn't mean that the top laner has to pick a tank!

This game doesn't have to have a big front line to play.

This is against WE, if I pick a tank, can I win?

Zhou Dian didn't have much confidence in this.

Seeing Zhou Dian's hesitation, Dgc kept winking at Zhou Dian.

Zhou Dian and Dgc played a lot together, so he really understood what Dgc meant.

The coach thought that this game couldn't be won, so he just took the blame himself, right?

Okay, coach, if you take the initiative to take the blame, I definitely have no objection.

So Zhou Dian locked Poppy on the first floor of the red side.

"Ah, Poppy!"

I remember being a little surprised, "It's a bit inappropriate to pick Poppy for Zhou Shen?"

The implication was, who will be the C in this game for LGD?

There were also constant question marks floating on the bullet screen of the live broadcast room of the event. Almost all LGD fans did not understand LGD's selection.

Is Poppy not a top laner, but is used to sway and confuse the opponent?

But as LGD locked Syndra on the fifth floor, the BP of both sides was completed. From the lineup, LGD's Poppy was a top laner.

Now most of the audience did not understand.

What does LGD coach mean by choosing a tank for the most C player recently?

What kind of dish B do you think WE is?

How can they win this way?

And the result of the game was exactly as most of the audience thought, LGD did not win.

WE won the third game of BO3 and completed the comeback against LGD.

LGD's three-game winning streak ended at the hands of WE, who is now the first in the regular season of the spring season.

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