"Okay, viewers, welcome back!"

"The game continues, and it will be a BO3 between LGD and QG."

For the first two games on Saturday, the official on-site commentators were Remember and Rita.

As soon as Rita appeared on the screen, there were barrages of "driving a Mercedes, drinking war horses, and spending time on the e-sports chair" in the live event room.

"The game between LGD and QG is the last game between different teams."

"Both teams are currently in very good shape and both are ranked tied for second in their respective groups."

"Whether we can secure second place in the group at the end of the different group competition, the result of this game is particularly important!"

I remember to introduce the current situation of the two teams.

Then he continued: "There is another highlight of this game. QG's mid laner Doinb and LGD's top laner Zhou Shen are currently ranked first and second in the MVP rankings."

"This direct battle between the first and second players in the MVP list is likely to have a crucial impact on the regular MVP results in the spring split!"

"Okay, both players are ready. The BP of the first game is about to begin. Come and watch the BP!"

After the words fell, the LPL's BP interface appeared on the big screen.

The blue side is QG, the red side is LGD.

First round of BP.

QG banned Policewoman, Jess, and Sword Girl.

LGD banned Ryze, the male gunner, and Qinggang Shadow.

"Oh, QG directly banned Zhou Shen's Sword Lady and Jace in the first round."

"And the imp policewoman can't just let go!"

Generally speaking, the blue side's BP is generally easier to do.

The blue side often doesn't have to ban some of the OP heroes because they can grab them.

All you need to do is ban the enemy's best hero.

LGD also directly banned Doinb's Ryze.

The hero Ryze can only be said to be too suitable for Doinb's gameplay and cannot be given to him casually.

As for Qinggang Shadow, after being continuously weakened, Zhou Dian is still worthy even if he is given to the opponent.

The reason why they still have to be banned is mainly because QG's mid laner is Doinb.

Doinb is a player with very strong roaming ability, which can even be said to be exaggerated.

I especially like to travel.

If Qinggangying is placed on QG's top lane, QG's midfielder will attack the top lane, which is a bit overwhelming for Zhou Dian.

The main reason is that Qinggang Ying's ability to retain people is too strong.

The mechanism is there, there is nothing we can do about it.

After banning the first three players, QG grabbed the poodle on the first floor of the blue square.

After the revision, Lion Dog has also become very strong. In the last few versions of the game, it is basically a non-ban must-have.

Then, LGD chose Lulu and Mantis on the first and second floors of the red square.

As soon as the mantis came out, the audience immediately burst into cheers.

Who doesn’t like to watch the duel between a mantis and a poodle?

"The Wild King is not timid at all, he directly takes down the mantis, a real man's battle!"

"As for Lulu, in the past, it was definitely a support. But now it is possible to be a mid laner and support, because Wei Shen's game style has changed recently, and he also plays many support-oriented tools in the game. The winner!"

"But..." I remember changing the subject, "This kind of mid laner style that favors tool players. If we say that the best player in our LPL is opposite Wei Shen, that is Doinb player."

"If LGD is really Lulu's mid laner, Wei Shen will be able to challenge Doinb's strength head-on in this round!"

Subsequently, QG won Jhin and Karma on the second and third floors of the blue side.

Like LGD's Lulu, QG's Karma also has the effect of swinging the midfielder.

Considering Doinb's past game play, it is even more likely that QG's Karma will be the mid laner.

In the last move of the first round, LGD locked the wheel mother on the third floor of the red square.

"Oh, Sivir! He is one of the best ADs played by imp!"

Come to the second round of BP.

LGD banned Shen and Yanque.

QG banned Lucian, the snake girl.

"After banning Yanque, LGD may still think that Karma may play support."

"QG banned two heroes Zhou Shen!"

Rita continued: "QG's top laner Kabe probably felt that he couldn't handle these two heroes, so he simply banned him!"

"In that case, QG has banned four top laners. I don't know what hero Zhou Shen will use as a counter in this game!" I remember saying.

Not only did they remember it, but most of the other viewers also assumed that Zhou Dian would place the top order on the fifth floor of the red square.

Otherwise, why wait until the second round to select a hero!

As a result, four top laners were banned by QG, ​​and the choice space was not that big.

Similarly, the audience is also curious about what top laner Zhou Dian will play in this game.

The top laner he often played before has been banned. Could it be that he is playing a tank in this game?

In other words, can we see Yasuo again?

If Zhou Dian really picks Yasuo again, the audience who will be most excited to see it will definitely be the audience of this game.

Who doesn’t like to see a happy man?

At this time, in the LGD player seat.

"Zhou Dian, why don't I choose first? I think Doinb is very likely to play Karma in the middle!" Wei Shen looked at Zhou Dian and said.

"It's okay, I'll go first. If you go first, even if Doinb is going to play Karma in the middle, he will have to change heroes to counter you!"

Zhou Dian continued: "Once I play this hero, the opponent's top laner can't counter me!"

"What hero?" imp asked curiously.

Lucian and Snake, the two heroes who are the worst in the top lane, have been banned. What other heroes can have this effect?

"imp, give me the Chrysanthemum Letter!"

"Chrysanthemum Letter? What is this?" imp was a little confused.

"Xin Zhao!" PYL said quickly.

"Oh, Xin Zhao! This is interesting to play in the top lane!"

As he said, imp found Xin Zhao and locked him on the red fourth floor.

When Xin Zhao was locked, the scene was suddenly noisy, and the audience started to discuss.

In the live broadcast room of the event, the barrage refresh rate also skyrocketed.

【Xin Zhao in the top lane? 】

【Zhou Shen can always come up with something new! 】

【Turtle, Zhou Shen's new round of research and development has begun! 】

【QG's top laner must be dizzy. I have banned Lucian and Cassiopeia. How come you still have dirty stuff! 】

【Why does Zhou Shen have so many dirty stuff! 】

【Do you think the top laner is called for nothing? You can use anything to play top lane! 】

【Tell me, is there a possibility? I mean possible. LGD is playing Xin Zhao as jungler and Mantis as top laner! 】

【Impossible, absolutely impossible! 】

【What are you thinking? The opponent has Rengar as jungler. What else can you play if you don't play Mantis as jungler? 】


On the commentary seat.

"Xin Zhao as top laner, it must be Xin Zhao as top laner!"

I remember the sincere sigh: "What other heroes can't be played as top laner in Zhou Shen's hands!"

"I'm looking forward to this Xin Zhao as top laner!" Rita followed.

The camera swept across the QG player seat.

It can be seen that QG top laner Kabe's face is very solemn.

Zhao Xin is certainly not invincible in the top lane, and there are actually many shortcomings.

For example, in the laning phase, he can use a ranged hero, pull better, and beat Zhao Xin easily in the laning phase.

However, he can't play a ranged top lane hero!

It's not that he can't play it at all, but it's definitely not up to the level of proficiency required by the competition.

He doesn't dare to practice heroes in the competition.

He doesn't have the courage, nor the status in the team.

"What should I do, Coin Brother, what should I choose?" Kabe turned his head and looked at Doinb.

Anyway, in the QG team, when you are undecided, ask Doinb.

When encountering problems in the game, the first reaction of QG players is not to find the coach, but to find Doinb.

"Choose Poppy! Poppy's W can restrain Zhao Xin's E skill!" Doinb said.

Doinb's reaction is still very fast, and he can immediately think of using Poppy to beat Zhao Xin.

But Poppy is not Zhao Xin's opponent in the line.

With the blood recovery efficiency of Xin Zhao's W skill, he is not inferior to any melee hero in the top lane, not to mention the melee tank hero.

Poppy has Steadfast Style (W), which is mainly restrained by Xin Zhao in team battles.

In fierce team battles, there is often only one chance to enter the field.

In addition to Poppy's W skill that 100% prevents Xin Zhao from entering the field, her ultimate skill also has a certain chance to knock Xin Zhao away.

Of course, the premise is that Poppy's reaction is fast enough.

"My Poppy proficiency is not very high!" Kabe said hesitantly, "Besides, Poppy can't beat Xin Zhao in the laning phase, right?"

"I know it can't be beaten!" Doinb was speechless, "But if you choose Poppy, you can survive in the laning phase and won't be easily killed by a single person!"

Damn, Brother Coin, do you have to be so direct when talking!

Kabe is a bit awkward.

So, QG took Poppy on the fourth floor.

At this time, QG coach asked: "Taesang (Doinb's name), let Karma go to support! What do you think you should play in the middle?"

"Why should Karma go to support?" Doinb frowned, "I'm going to play Karma in the middle in this game!"

Hearing this, QG coach knew that Doinb was afraid of being countered by Wei Shen.

So he decided to play Karma in the middle.

Karma in the middle is Doinb's specialty, and Karma is basically not afraid of laning in the middle.

Even in the early stage, he can suppress most of the middles.

However, in the late stage, Karma is a tool man, and he can't be the C, all depends on his teammates.

The current QG, the carry ability of other people is not enough, and many games rely on Doinb to deal damage.

But Doinb decided to use Karma in the middle at this time, which is a bit cowardly!

Of course, QG coach certainly didn't dare to say this in front of Doinb, so he could only think about it in his heart.

In the end, QG chose Thresh on the fifth floor of the blue side.

"In that case, QG will have Poppy as top laner, Thresh as support, and Karma as mid laner!"

Remember to continue: "LGD still has one mid laner left to choose, I wonder what hero Wei Shen will choose to match up against Karma!"

LGD player seat.

After QG confirmed the lineup, Wei Shen said: "Karma is mid laner, I don't have a good hero to play against, this B hero is too bad to play in a single lane!"

"Cheating? Is there anyone who cheats when Xiao Zhou uses Lucian to play a single lane?" PYL laughed.

"No!" God of War also laughed, "Lucian in the top lane, really cheating to a new level!"

In response to his teammates' "complaints", Zhou Dian shrugged and said, "Lucian in the top lane is not the worst, I have a worse one, just playing Karma, God of War, do you want to play?"

"Forget it, forget it, I really can't play it, I'd better choose something conventional!"

As he said, God of War turned his head and looked at Dgc, "Coach, what should I choose this game?"

Ah? What about me?

Originally, when the BP reached this situation, Dgc planned to choose the mid and top randomly.

As a result, God of War actually asked him which mid laner to choose.

This question stumped Dgc a little!

You GodV don't know what to play Karma, how should I know?

"What mid lane to choose, coach?" PYL urged.

But suddenly, Dgc got an inspiration.

He knew what to choose!

"Ice Girl, take Ice Girl!"

"You like playing Karma mid-lane, right? Wei Shen, pick Ice Girl and cooperate with your teammates to kill him!" Dgc said.

Hearing this, Zhou Dian said: "This is good. Let's do more mid-top cooperation later to kill Karma!"

So, PYL locked Ice Girl on the fifth floor of the red side.

"Oh, Lissandra!"

"This hero is relatively rare in this year's competition!" Ji De said.

At this time, the ban rate, pick rate and win rate of Ice Girl in the spring season were given at the bottom of the screen.

In the nearly 140 games played so far in the entire spring season, Ice Girl has only played once before, and lost.

"Uh, Ice Girl's data is a bit miserable!" Rita said, "But Ice Girl is still a good match for LGD's lineup."

When the commentator analyzed the lineups of both sides, the head coaches of both sides had already come to the center of the stage.

After shaking hands and greeting each other, they turned around and walked into the player channel.

On the big screen at the scene, the game has reached the loading interface.

Blue side QG: Top single Poppy, jungle Lee Sin, mid single Karma, bottom lane Jhin and Thresh.

Red side LGD: Top single Xin Zhao, jungle Mantis, mid single Lizard, bottom lane Lulu and Annie.

"LGD, come on!!!"

After QG fans cheered first, it was LGD fans' turn.

The cheers of LGD fans far exceeded those of QG fans in volume.

Due to LGD's strong performance in recent times, more and more LGD fans have chosen to come to the scene to support their home team.

After the cheers of fans from both sides, Summoner's Rift appeared on the big screen.

The camera looked down over the entire canyon, and when passing the dragon pit, an orange mark could be seen on the pit wall.

This means that the first dragon in this game is an earth dragon.

There is still a certain need to fight for the earth dragon in the early stage.

QG's bottom lane of Jhin and Thresh is undoubtedly more advantageous in the early dragon fight.

Of course, the specific outcome of the game depends on the hero selection, which ultimately depends on the players' strength and on-the-spot performance.

The players on both sides quickly bought their starting equipment, and ten heroes rushed out of the fountains at both ends of the Summoner's Rift and headed straight for the fountains.

LGD lined up along the river, a defensive start position.

QG, on the other hand, did not defend their jungle area at the beginning.

Jhin and Thresh were in a defensive position, standing at the intersection behind the red buff on the blue side.

But the other three players in the middle, top and jungle went straight to LGD's triangle grass on the top lane.

The intention was obvious, just to catch people.

Doinb studied a lot of LGD's recent games and found that when LGD was on the red side, their top laner liked to stand in the triangle grass on the top lane at the beginning.

So, Doinb planned to take them by surprise.

If they could kill Zhao Xin, it would be great.

If they couldn't kill him, it would be great to flash out.

However, QG's top, middle and jungle players were empty-handed.

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