You said you would teach top lane, but are you going to get materials for the world competition?

Chapter 138: Punch IM and win seven consecutive regular season games!

After the game between LGD and IG, Zhou Dian was officially invited for a post-game interview.

Joining Zhou Dian in the post-match interview was LGD jungler Eimy.

Generally, by the time of the post-match interview, most of the audience in the event live broadcast room has left.

The remaining half of the people don't like to post barrages very much.

But when Eimy appeared on the scene, many [Wild Kings] suddenly appeared on the barrage.

A contestant like Eimy, who has a lot of tricks up her sleeves, will basically attract a lot of comments whenever she appears on the scene.

Even the black ones.

Nowadays, the Internet is full of fun people.

When encountering someone who can make fun of someone, they will never let go of the opportunity to make fun of someone else.

It's a pity that Eimy is very good at making flirtatious remarks in private.

But once it's on the stage, in public.

If you ask him to speak again, he will hesitate a bit.

Therefore, although it was Zhou Dian and Eimy who were interviewed after the game.

But most of the time, Zhou Dian was talking alone.

The host of today’s post-game interview is Yu Shuang.

Although not like the host Luo Xin when Zhou Dian was interviewed after playing QG last time, he liked to set the pace and attract traffic.

But, someone who has been with a rhythm master like Guan Zeyuan for a long time.

How could he not be able to guide the rhythm at all?

No, in Yu Shuang's questions to Zhou Dian, he wanted Zhou Dian to evaluate Duke's performance today in various roundabout ways.

Zhou Dian didn't accept the move at all, or quietly changed the subject.

Or it will be mentioned that Duke is the world champion and his strength is beyond doubt.

Then I would like to add that in League of Legends, on-the-spot performance is greatly affected by the situation at that time.

One game doesn't mean anything at all.

After the post-game interview, many people on the barrage praised Zhou Dian for his high emotional intelligence and ability to speak.

More importantly, Zhou Shen will not be deceived by stinky women. He is really a role model for our generation!

However, there are also some viewers who pay more attention to Zhou Dian, which is a bit strange.

When did Zhou Shen become so humble?

Although Zhou Shen is not the kind of person who is extremely arrogant despite being a bit powerful, he can't be said to be very low-key and humble!

If I were really low-key, I wouldn’t have the [top orderer] account at D station.

And he often uses material from games where he tortured his opponents as teaching material.

As a result, many players now, when they encounter an LGD game, their first reaction is not to consider the game itself.

But whether Zhou Dian will make a teaching video and publicly execute him.

Many viewers ridiculed that Zhou Dian's current D station account [Top Lane Ancestor] may have the biggest role in increasing the psychological pressure on LGD's opponents.

In places like Anti-Stress Bar, where trolls are rampant, some people even posted:

Zhou Dian's behavior of using game materials to make teaching videos is an attempt to take advantage of the situation. It is recommended that the LPL officials punish Zhou Dian and LGD!

For a moment, it was impossible to tell whether this person was serious or just cheating.

On the Internet, it’s always hard to tell the difference between true and false.

Because more and more people are pretending to be disgusting people, more and more people are being assimilated into fun people.

The morning after the game between LGD and IG ended.

Station D [Lao Zu] has updated a new teaching video.

The video content indeed used the two games between LGD and IG as video material.

As soon as this video was posted, the comment section was filled with joy.

[Haha, I actually posted it. I know you were just talking politely during the post-match interview yesterday! 】

[You have to say polite words, and you have to send instructional videos. There is no conflict! 】

[We Zhou Shen only play with reality! 】

[Indeed, this is too true! 】

[Duke is crazy. First you praise me, and then you make a video of me whipping me to death. You have a split personality! 】

[Is there a possibility that Zhou Shen was telling the truth in yesterday’s post-match interview? 】

[Leziren said that the ancestor is really interesting! 】

[Indeed, as long as we the audience have fun watching it, that’s it! 】


The huge contrast between the post-game interview and Zhou Dian's backhand video, coupled with the popularity of the music player, attracted a lot of extra traffic to Zhou Dian's new video.

However, the player Duke naturally does not have much traffic.

Today's IG fans can't make any big waves.

Therefore, this video is still not able to become a video with one million interaction points.

Five or six days have passed, but Zhou Dian has only added hundreds of thousands of interaction points.

Zhou Dian did not save these interaction points to draw S-level abilities.

Instead, he directly used A-level abilities several times.

With the blessing of the keyword [Duke], several heroes from the Duke hero pool were drawn.

There are Shen, Poppy, Troll, and Gnar.

The proficiency given to Zhou Dian is all unique skills.

This time I was lucky and the harvest was quite good.

Although most of the heroes drawn were tank heroes, Zhou Dian rarely chose pure tank heroes in games.

But after all, there is a time to play tank heroes.

Of course, the deeper the hero pool, the better. It means you have more skills than you need to do.

Moreover, this wave gained a Gnar.

Gnar is a hero because of its mechanics.

In the game, it's a bit like the Clockwork Demon on the road.

No matter what version, when you really have no heroes to choose in the top lane, you can always play Gnar.

This is a top lane hero that will never go out of style.

Moreover, Gnar is a very difficult hero to practice.

Just the control of rage alone is basically difficult to master without a lot of experience in playing Gnar.

Some top laners play Gnar, and they basically have half of their rage in a team fight, which can be increased at any time.

Some top laners play Gnar, and they have no rage before every team fight.

Not only do they have no rage, but they are often the kind that have just changed from a big Gnar to a small Gnar.

They can't stack rage at all for a while.

The impact of these two situations on the game situation can be said to be very different.

Even among professional top laners, there are not many who can really master the hero Gnar.

Zhou Dian also practiced a lot of Gnar before.

But he always felt that his Gnar was still a little bit lacking, and he couldn't show it off in the game.

Now he has drawn Gnar's mastery level.

Zhou Dian immediately started a ranked game.

After entering, I decisively chose Gnar to play!

April 9, Sunday.

Eight days after the last game against IG, LGD finally ushered in another regular season match.

The eight-day interval between games is indeed a bit long.

However, during this period, the entire LGD team has maintained high-intensity training and will not take a long break.

Today, LGD's opponent is IM.

Today, LGD's goal for the remaining regular season is to win three consecutive games and eventually reach the first place in Group A.

After seven or eight days without playing games, LGD's coaching staff has studied IM hard to ensure that today's game will not overturn.

Speaking of IM's team.

In fact, Zhou Dian's ability to come to LGD is also related to the IM team.

LGD's first game in the spring season this year is against IM.

At that time, the King of Magic, who was still LGD's main top laner, contributed to the milestone event of Qing Gangying's first defeat in the global event in the first game of that BO3.

After the game, Heart, the head coach of LGD at the time, also resigned with the blame.

It was because AJ used Noxus to beat the King of Mages's Shen that Heart was fired indirectly.

Because Heart was fired, Dgc became the head coach of LGD today.

It was also because Dgc became the head coach of LGD that, with his "help", LGD signed the all-newcomer Zhou Dian with a high salary.

Therefore, Zhou Dian felt that AJ's Noxus was a great contribution to his success today!

In this case.

In order to thank AJ, he must be beaten today.

At this time, in the backstage of the LPL competition venue, in the lounge where the IM team members were.

AJ sneezed twice.

After pulling a piece of tissue to wipe his nose, AJ felt a chill on the back of his neck.

It was as if he was being stared at by some malicious eyes.

AJ turned his head and took a look.

There was a wall behind him.

No one was staring at me!

Why do I feel like someone is staring at me?

Afterwards, IM's players and coaches left the lounge and headed to the main stage to prepare for the match with LGD.

Soon, the first game of the regular season BO3 between LGD and IM began BP.

IM, who had the right to choose the side in the first game, took the initiative to choose the red side.

More and more teams will consider taking the initiative to choose the red side when facing LGD.

So as to ensure that their top laner can produce heroes later and counter LGD's top laner Zhou.

Moreover, this kind of active counter to choose red is often not to beat Zhou in the line.

It is to prevent their top laner from being beaten by Zhou in the line.

After the first round of bans.

Zhou Dian directly locked Qing Gangying in the first floor of the blue side.

In recent versions, Qing Gangying's values ​​have been continuously weakened.

In today's games, Qing Gangying is banned less and less.

And, since it is against AJ today, Zhou Dian must choose Qing Gangying!

Whether AJ gave LGD Qing Gangying his first defeat in the world.

It was the second popular video of [Top Lane Ancestor] - in the Qinggang Shadow teaching video, he used Qinggang Shadow against AJ's Jax.

In short, all the connections between Zhou Dian and AJ are basically related to the Qinggang Shadow hero.

Seeing that the LGD top laner on the opposite side locked Qinggang Shadow in seconds, AJ's face changed slightly.

AJ's first reaction was to choose Jax!

Compared to the time when Zhou Dian's Qinggang Shadow beat his Jax in the Korean server ranking and then made a teaching video.

Qinggang Shadow has been weakened and Jax has been strengthened.

But AJ still has no confidence in choosing Jax.

Because his Jax is not a master.

AJ feels that his Jax proficiency has not reached the top level, and he may not be able to beat the "world's best Qinggang Shadow" on the opposite side.

Then, AJ thought of Noxus.

More than two months ago, he used Noxus to beat the King of Magic's Qinggang Shadow in the game, causing Qinggang Shadow's first defeat in the global event.

Noxus is also AJ's master hero.

AJ is very confident in his Noxus level.

At that time, even the ultimate stats of Shen were so amazing that his Noxus could be slashed to pieces.

Are you still afraid of Shen who has been nerfed several times?

Don't say it, I'm really afraid!

I’m not afraid of Shen, I’m afraid of the opponent who plays Shen!

AJ is 100% sure that if his Noxus doesn’t beat Shen in this game.

Then this game will definitely become the material content of the latest Shen teaching video of [Top Ancestor] tomorrow.

Mainly because the match between Shen and Noxus is too representative.

I have been used as material for a Shen teaching two months ago.

I really don’t want to be used again!

But if it is a tank hero on the line, even if it is blown up, it is not very interesting to watch, and it is highly likely that it will not be made into a teaching video.

AJ thinks that if he chooses Noxus in this game.

Then, the five words "Shen teaching" will become the sword of Damocles hanging over his head.

This kind of psychological pressure is simply too great.

I feel like I can’t breathe!

So, AJ didn’t want the counter position on the fifth floor, and directly chose a tank hero on the second floor of the red side.

Then, in the first game, LGD defeated IM without much effort.

Against tank heroes, Zhou Dian's Qing Gangying had no pressure on the line.

In the early and mid-term, he made various ganks, and in the mid-to-late stage, he completely revitalized the whole team.

In the second game, AJ played a tank hero again.

Then, the whole game trend was similar to the first game, and LGD won easily.

There is indeed a gap in hard power between the two teams now.

In the end, in this regular season BO3, LGD swept IM 2-0.

It can be regarded as revenge for the loss to IM in the first game of the spring season.

After winning IM, LGD has won seven consecutive regular season games.

LGD's seven consecutive wins also surpassed WE's previous six consecutive wins, and it has the longest winning streak in the spring season.

However, even with seven consecutive wins, LGD is still only ranked second in Group A.

Because RNG, who ranked first in Group A, has been winning games recently.

LGD is still one big win behind RNG.

It seems that we have to wait until the last round of the regular season when LGD and RNG face off to determine who will take the first place in Group A.

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