In this game, Zhou Dian was facing a top laner who was a backup player, not a main top laner.

This guy picked a big tree to get by, but was directly beaten by Jayce.

In the end, Zhou Dian won the game easily.

Three days later, Zhou Dian finally "hardly" made it to the top ten of the national server.

Why is it hard? Because after he carried several games with Jayce, some people started to ban Jayce.

Even though Zhou Dian still didn't add anyone as a friend, these people in the high-ranking segments of the national server could often guess that he was on the opposite side, and then when they entered the game, they would say:

"First floor, Fiora and Jayce are banned!"

In addition, there is a Qinggangying who can hardly be released in the current version.

Sometimes after the BP is completed, the three heroes banned by the opponent are Qinggangying, Fiora, and Jayce. (Note: The ban in the public game will not change from 3ban to 5ban until May 2017)

There is no other way. Banning heroes when catching people is a common way to gain points in the high-ranking segments of the national server.

Of course, Zhou Dian's trick of not adding anyone as a friend is somewhat effective.

It is impossible for the opponent to catch him every time and ban his hero.

Therefore, he can still get the special skill intermittently.

So, after playing for three days, Zhou Dian also went from the top 30 in the national server to the top 10 in the national server.

But after playing for three days, Zhou Dian gradually had the idea of ​​not playing in the national server anymore.

At least not in the recent period.

It's not because of the frequent ban of heroes.

After all, the ban position is set up to ban heroes, which is understandable.

Recently, Zhou Dian doesn't want to play in the national server. There are two main reasons.

First, the new season of the national server S7 will start in a few days. Recently, most of the top 100 in the first round have stopped playing in the ranking of the big account, and are waiting for the new season to start.

Many of them are holding back, waiting to hit the first king of the S7 national server.

This has led to him not being able to queue up for half an hour at any time.

Secondly, Zhou Dian made a Jayce teaching video yesterday and posted it on the D station [Top Order Ancestor] account.

However, after a day, this Jayce video did not bring him many interactive points.

It’s not that the video quality is a problem.

The rank of the video material is the national server king game, Jayce’s operation is also exciting enough, and Zhou Dian also talked about many details of Jayce through the material.

If you consider it from the perspective of teaching alone, this is a very good Jayce teaching video.

This video really took up a lot of Zhou Dian’s energy.

However, the discussion level in the comment area is not high, and it is simply not as good as the "Fire Girl A Flash" teaching video.

It is even worse than the Sword Girl video he used to clarify that he is not a script.

Lack of discussion naturally does not provide Zhou Dian with many interactive points.

Zhou Dian seriously thought about it and summarized it, and found out the reason why the new video lacks discussion-

Lack of explosive points!

Too conventional!

After scanning the comment area of ​​the previous videos again, Zhou Dian understood.

In fact, the audience who really want to learn heroes when watching [Top Order Ancestor]'s videos are actually a minority.

Most people just come to watch the fun and have fun.

The killing of Yu XiaoC and the script storm are the small hot spots of his videos.

The development of the new operation of Sword Princess A Flash is the first big hot spot of [Top Order Ancestor].

The role of the hot spot is to create a gimmick and then attract traffic.

The content of his Jayce video this time is too serious. The comment area is full of players who love to play Jayce seriously, and they are discussing Jayce's operation seriously.

There is not much to discuss!

The main reason is that Jayce is not as good as Sword Princess, and there is no new operation. All the operations in Zhou Dian's video have been discussed by others.

After serious thinking, Zhou Dian decided to play in the Korean server.

This is a comment in the comment area of ​​the new video, which provides Zhou Dian with ideas.

The content of the comment is——[What is good about the materials of the national server? Isn't the national server King's game all about chickens fighting each other? If you have the ability, use the Korean server King's game as material! 】

This guy is an old troll, often trolling in the comment section of the video [Top Order Ancestor].

But this time, it really gave Zhou Dian inspiration.

How can the Korean server King's game be enough? It's best to directly line up against professional players!

Professional players who are a little famous all have their own traffic.

Using them as teaching materials, this is the explosion point, this is the gimmick!

Of course, this is only one.

The second is that Zhou Dian has found a new big explosion point.

The new operation of "Fiora A Flash" has brought him a lot of traffic and a lot of interaction points.

If you can develop new operations for heroes, there will be new explosion points.

However, the premise is that they are popular heroes.

If it's something like Scorpion or Grasshopper, even if you develop a new operation, no one will pay attention to it and it won't attract much traffic.

Jayce is of course a popular hero, but Zhou Dian really can't play a new operation of Jayce that has not yet appeared in the world.

The mechanism of this hero has long been studied by players.

However, Jayce can't do it, but Qing Gangying can!

The hero, Shen, has just been released for one version.

I decided to make you the next teaching video. I will make a teaching video about Shen.

Moreover, in the game against professional players, Shen will perform a new unknown operation.

Put two hot spots into the same video!

If you want to explode, then explode hard!

The Korean server has been updated to version 7.1 yesterday, the rankings have been reset, and it has officially entered the new S7 season.

In the new version, Qinggang Shadow has been weakened, and presumably the ban rate is not that high.

Thinking of this, Zhou Dian immediately opened the browser and checked on the official website.

The new season has only started for a few days, and Qinggangying's ban rate in the Korean server has indeed dropped a lot compared to the previous version.

It's good, and you don't have to worry about not getting heroes.

Just do it!

Zhou Dian immediately bought a Korean server account on a certain website.

This Korean server account ranked gold five last season.

It cost several hundred yuan, which made Zhou Dian feel a little bit pained.

Damn, it’s really expensive!

Zhou Dian couldn't help but remember that when he was playing professionally in his previous life, there was nothing else in the club and he only had a lot of Korean servers.

Forget it, if it’s more expensive, just be more expensive!

Expensive accounts are safer, while cheaper Korean accounts can be easily retrieved.

Download the Korean server client, connect the accelerator, and log in to your account.

There are still some coupons on the account, so the first thing Zhou Dian did after signing up was not to start ranking, but to——

Change your name!

The current ID of this account is a string of Korean characters.

It's like a bunch of earthworms gathered together, and you can't even figure out what they are!

Therefore, Zhou Dian must change this ID.

Open the game store and buy a name change card.


What should I change my name to?

In the Korean server, if you don’t want to get a Korean ID, you can only use English letters.

How about using the pinyin of "Shangdan Laozu"?

It doesn't feel domineering enough.

After thinking for a while, Zhou Dian entered the new ID of his Korean server account on the name change card——


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