The commentary was chatting.

The BP interface suddenly appeared on the big screen.

"Okay, the fourth game of the BO5 of this MSI finals is about to start BP!"

"SKT, which has the right to choose the side, has actively chosen the blue side, and LGD is on the red side!"

The same two sentences.

Wawa shouted, much more powerful than when the BP started in the first three games.

Coming to the BP stage.

The first round of BP.

SKT banned Karma, Fiora, and Gnar.

LGD banned Kennen, Lulu, and Lee Sin.

"No, I didn't see it wrong, SKT even banned Gnar?"

After seeing SKT's first three bans, Miller smiled and said, "I really haven't seen anyone ban Gnar in this version!"

"That can only be blamed on Zhou Shen. It only took one game to ban Gnar!" Wawa followed.

"In fact, every time we ban an unplanned hero, it means that we naturally have an advantage in BP!"

"Yes!" Miller nodded, "Look, Jayce is outside now, but I guess Huni will not dare to take Jayce first in this game!"

"Of course, LGD will not rush to take it. Since they are on the red side, I think Zhou Shen is likely to use the top hero as the last one!"

"Then look at LGD's first three bans, which are similar to the previous games!"

"It was the red side that took the initiative to ban Peanut's special Lee Sin."

"To be honest, Peanut's Lee Sin is really amazing!"

After the voice fell, SKT's first floor showed several heroes that were unlikely to appear in a row.

Finally, it stopped at Cui Shen.

SKT grabbed Cui Shen on the first floor of the blue side.

"Grab the Green God!"

"Now that SKT is trailing 1-2, Peanut no longer plays his carnivorous junglers, and instead plays a purely functional jungle hero like Green God!"

"Of course, Peanut has played Green God before, and he performed well!"

"SKT should really change their thinking. Peanut plays those output junglers, and often farms hard in the early stage."

"You can farm hard in the early stage against other opponents, but it doesn't seem to work against LGD!"

Then, LGD chose Miss Fortune and Graves on the first and second floors of the red side.

"Oh, Miss Fortune!"

"In this BO5, LGD's bottom lane is not afraid at all, just want to fight you hard, and every game is a shooter hero with good laning ability!" Miller said loudly.

Wawa smiled and continued, "If imp has something to say, your SKT bottom lane is the world champion, then I am also the world champion, why should I be afraid of you!"

"Then Eimy got his best jungle hero, Graves, who has the highest win rate!"

Then, SKT took down Zyra and Varus on the second and third floors of the blue side.

"Facing imp's policewoman, SKT's bottom lane chose to take the challenge and directly used the combination of Varus and Zyra to fight against you!"

"This bottom lane combination is also very strong in laning!"

"So, if I remember correctly, this is the third time Wolf has chosen Zyra in this BO5!"

"Yes!" Rita nodded, "In the first and second games of the BO5, Wolf also chose Zyra, and paired it with the two heroes Ashe and Policewoman respectively!"

Through this sentence, Rita seemed to show that she was not just a vase.

She also took notes of the game seriously.

The last hand of the first round of BP

LGD chose Braum on the third floor of the red side.


"It seems that LGD's bottom lane didn't think about the ultimate laning in this game!" Miller said.

"I think it's okay to play it safe, at this time!" Wawa has a different opinion, "Braum is a more comprehensive choice. If the support takes Braum, the policewoman will also be very strong in the late stage, instead of only being able to play in the early laning!"

"Maybe" Miller still thinks that LGD's bottom lane should fight to the end.

But in fact, through SKT's first three picks.

In addition to the previous two sentences, Huni was beaten into such a miserable state by Zhou Dian.

On the LGD player side, everyone unanimously judged that SKT was going to change its strategy in this game, regardless of Huni, and go all out in the bottom half.

Didn't you see that the male gun was outside, and Peanut didn't grab it, but chose a pure tool man, Cui Shen!

So, LGD chose to use the support Braum to defend.

After all, LGD now has many carry points, not just Imp.

Even if you choose a shooter with strong laning ability like Miss Fortune, it doesn't mean that you must have a big advantage in the line.

The first round of BP is over.

It's time for the second round of BP.

LGD banned Ahri and Syndra.

SKT banned Shen and Galio.

"Oh, LGD banned Faker's two mid-lane heroes in the second round!"

"And SKT even banned Shen. They were all banned by Zhou Shen!"

"And they also banned Galio. This should be a ban on Wei Shen's mid-lane Galio!"

"Currently, other teams still use Galio as top laner, especially Huni who actually used a lot of top laner Galio before. Only LGD likes Wei Shen to play mid laner Galio!"

Wawa smiled and continued: "Of course, in front of Zhou Shen, Huni's top laner Galio will definitely not be chosen. Everyone understands this reason!"

In the second round of BP, it is the red side's turn to choose someone first.

LGD chose Clockwork Demon on the fourth floor of the red square.

"It's still the Clockwork Demon. This is the third consecutive game in which Wei Shen won the Clockwork in this BO5 final!" Wawa said loudly.

"But in the first two rounds of Wei Shen, LGD won both!" Miller continued, "Since the previous picks I picked all won, and you didn't ban, then I have no reason not to pick again!"

"That's the truth!" Rita nodded, "Not to mention choosing three consecutive rounds of clockwork, it is actually common to see the same hero played in five consecutive rounds in a BO5."

Then, it was SKT's turn to select players on the fourth and fifth floors.

As the selection countdown goes down second by second.

The fourth floor of the blue square has yet to reveal its hero.

"Have you discovered something?" The doll suddenly said.


"Jace is actually still outside!"

The doll shrugged and continued: "It is quite rare that Jace can still be chosen at this time in this version!"

"But I don't think Huni dares to take Jace!" Miller also directly teased Huni.

"I think so too!" Wawa nodded, "Jace is a hero who is strong, but he also has many weaknesses. Now Zhou Shen has the counter position in hand, plus Zhou Shen's strange but very powerful With a deep hero pool, Huni will most likely not dare to play Jace first!”

"I think Huni will choose a tank hero to go on the road to resist the pressure this game!" Miller said.

"No, Huni doesn't think he will pick a tank top laner in this game!" Wawa immediately retorted.

"As I said before, why can't Huni's top laner Galio go first against LGD? Although Galio was banned in this round!"

"It's because Zhou Shen has top laner Lucian, top laner small cannon, and top laner VN!"

"In front of these heroes from Zhou Shen, if you play that kind of pure tank top lane first, you are giving away!"

The baby just finished speaking.

SKT showed Rambo on the fourth floor of the blue square and locked it down.

"Sure enough, huni here still chose the top laner who plays output!" Miller said.

"Rambo is a very versatile choice in the top lane. I remember when LGD was on the blue side in the first game, Zhou Shen played a Rambo top laner!"

"But if huni chooses Rambo, Zhou Shen can take Jace in this game!"

"Then huni is gone again?"

Miller just finished speaking.

SKT showed Jayce in the last move on the blue side.

Then it was immediately locked.

Obviously, SKT decided to take Rambo on the road.

At the same time, it was decided to grab Jace in the middle.

"Mid laner Jace?"

"SKT's move is to grab instead of ban, it's a bit slow!"

"Furthermore, once the SKT lineup was selected, it was very aggressive in the middle and lower lanes, that is, in the entire lower half!"

"In this case, SKT's intention is obvious, which is to drag the rest of LGD into the bottom half and let the top laners of both sides play on the top lane!"

Pushing up his glasses, Miller continued: "If the hero Rambo is not afraid of being caught, he won't be afraid of anyone fighting in the lane. Just push the lane hard and that's it!"

"Then let me tell you this, Zhou Shen must choose a top laner who can push the lane quickly in this game, otherwise he will be pushed hard by Rambo!" Rita asked at the right time.

At this time, Wawa took over the conversation: "How is Yasuo? Yasuo can push the lane very fast!"

"Yasuo is not very good!" Miller immediately shook his head, "Yasuo, this hero, needs to be equipped a little bit, so that the push speed will be really fast. In the early stage of the game, Yasuo's push speed is not very fast. of!"

"Besides, Yasuo is a melee fighter. It's difficult for any hero to defeat Rambo. If he goes up to him, the A soldier will be roasted!"

"So, SKT's move to steal Jayce to play the mid laner was quite clever!"

"What about Zhou Shen choosing a top laner? Anyway, Zhou Shen can also play heroes like VN and Lucian!" Rita asked again.

"But LGD has already chosen a female police officer and a male gunner in this game!" Miller immediately said, "If we choose another shooter in the top lane, it will be a three-shooter!"

"You have three shooters, no soft assistants, and no big front row, so this lineup is very stiff. If you get poked a few times by SKT's Jess Varus double C, you won't be able to stand it!"

"Although Zhou Shen has the counter position in hand, it is really difficult for LGD to choose a hero on the road this game!"

"KkOma's BP is really something!"

At the same time, in the LGD player seat.

When Dgc saw SKT steal Jayce to play mid lane.

He also frowned immediately.

He immediately realized that he had fallen into SKT's trap.

It's hard to find a hero on the top lane now.

But immediately, Dgc’s brows relaxed.

Which hero to choose in the top lane? Is that something I should worry about as a coach?

Dgc took a step and came behind Zhou Dian, asking, "Brother Zhou, what should we pick this time?"

Hearing this, Zhou Dian immediately raised his eyebrows.

Wow, how did he upgrade from Xiao Zhou to Brother Zhou?

Of course, Zhou Dian didn't have time to think about this title.

He just turned his head to look at Eimy and said, "Brother Dan, there are still jungle heroes to take, right? Let me play Graves in this game?"

Hearing this, Dgc's eyes lit up immediately.

Eimy subconsciously asked, "You mean you want Graves to be the top laner?"

Then he immediately figured out the joints and said, "Second, this time SKT's grab for Jayce is a waste!"

"Give you Graves, I can play Gragas as a jungler!"

Back to BP.

Seeing that LGD didn't show the hero in the last hand.

Miller said with some concern, "It seems that it is really difficult to choose!"

To the last few seconds of the countdown to pick.

LGD suddenly showed Gragas on the fifth red floor, and then locked it down.

"Will Gragas play in the top lane?"

"Have you finally decided to develop in the top lane to resist pressure?"

"That's fine, it's a relatively safe choice, but I always feel uneasy when Zhou Shen doesn't play the output top lane!" Miller said.

"Can Gragas play AP Gragas?" Rita followed.

"Yes, it can! But at this time, if LGD chooses a Gragas, it must be the front row, and it is impossible to play a pure AP!" Miller replied.

At this time, Wawa said: "Something is wrong, I always feel something is wrong, this is not Zhou Shen's character!"

On the big screen at the scene.

The BP stage has entered the countdown to the last minute of preparation time before loading.

As the male gun was replaced on the first floor of the red side, the barrel was replaced on the second floor of the red side.

And it stayed there, and there was no more change.

On the commentary seat

Wawa said excitedly: "Gun is on the top lane, it turns out that it's Gun on the top lane!"

"I knew it, how could Zhou Shen play tank at this time!"

"This is Zhou Shen! This is Zhou Shen!" Miller also said excitedly: "LGD's move of Gun from the jungle position to the top lane directly broke SKT's move of forcibly grabbing Jayce to play mid-lane!"

"But LGD forced Gun to the top lane, I'm a little worried whether Zhou Shen will play Gun?"

"Do you still need to worry about this?" Wawa said with a smile, "As long as Zhou Shen dares to play it, there is no one who can't play it!"

"Besides, Zhou Shen plays Lucian and VN so well, it's reasonable for him to play Gun!"

"That's right!"

At this time, there was no BP interface on the live screen.

The live camera was given to the main stage.

The head coaches of both sides closed their notebooks, took off the headphones on their heads, walked down the player seats, and walked towards the center of the main stage.

Just behind the pillar where the MSI championship trophy was placed.

After shaking hands, the two head coaches turned around and walked into the player channel.

Under the camera, both Dgc and KkOma had a polite smile on their faces when they shook hands.

It is hard to tell what the two head coaches were thinking at this moment.

They were able to hold their emotions at this critical moment.

It seems that the two head coaches are very good at keeping their temper.

After all, KkOma is a three-time coach and has been in battle for a long time.

It is not surprising that he can keep his composure at this time.

It is just that Dgc has never been particularly strong in psychological quality, so it is not easy to be completely calm at this time.

It seems that after a spring season plus this MSI mid-season championship.

Not only LGD players have grown, but also LGD coaches.

On the big screen at the scene.

The game has entered the loading interface at this time.

In the fourth game of the BO5 of the 17th MSI finals,

SKT on the blue side:

Top laner Rumble, jungler Emerald God, mid laner Jayce, bottom laner Varus and Zyra.

Red side LGD:

Top lane Graves, jungle Gragas, mid lane Clockwork, bottom lane Caitlyn and Braum.

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