It turns out that Eimy's choice was very correct.

Peanut is indeed courageous.

Even though he had been discovered before.

Even though SKT was now trailing by 1:2.

Peanut still dared to take a risk and chose to make a comeback.

After Cuishen returned to his own blue zone, he took the blue buff that had been planted earlier.

With two buffs in hand, Cuishen's mana quickly recovered.

His health was also steadily increasing.

Then, Cuishen crossed the upper half of the river again and sneaked into LGD's red zone.

At this time, Gragas was hitting his own red buff.

The red buff was pulled into the grass next to the camp by Gragas, and its health was already low, almost reaching the punishment kill line.

On the other side, Cuishen went all the way behind LGD's red buff.

Then there was a trinket eye across the wall, which was inserted into the red buff camp.

However, the previous lesson of this eye.

Gragas just punished the red buff in the bushes next to it.

It was also because Gragas was in the bushes next to him, with a half wall in front of him blocking his vision, that Eimy failed to see a trinket eye on the blue side and was inserted into the red buff camp.

Naturally, he didn't know that the Green God had really returned to his own jungle.

In fact, this had no effect on Gragas.

After all, the red buff was already in his hands.

However, Peanut took a huge risk and made a comeback, only to find that LGD's red buff was gone.

There was nothing to gain this time, so how could Peanut give up?

At a glance at the situation of the soldiers in the middle lane, Peanut immediately came up with a plan.

It was decided that it was you!

Green God turned around and walked to the right, entering the narrow passage between LGD's F6 and the river.

The OB of this game also immediately noticed Green God's intention and quickly switched the OB perspective to the middle lane.

Just as everything came over.

I saw Jayce switch to hammer form to accelerate, and suddenly hit the head of Clockwork with a Sky Leap (Q).

At the same time, Weakness was also applied to Clockwork.

In this game, Faker's Jayce chose the summoner skills of Flash and Weakness.

After applying Weakness, Jayce flashed behind Clockwork and used Thunderbolt (E) to smash Clockwork away from LGD's middle tower.

Weishen directly started sprinting.

Then, Weakness ended, Clockwork's movement speed increased sharply, and he ran towards the lower river.

Even after taking a full set of damage from Jayce, Clockwork's health was still low.

But Jayce was the only one who had taken away the sprint, and there was nothing that the Flashed Clockwork could do.

However, the next moment, Emerald God appeared in front of LGD's middle tower.

Then, Emerald God flashed and used the W to plant a patch of grass under Jayce's feet.

At the same time, he also gave Jayce the Equity (E).

A shield appeared on Jayce.

This shield will explode soon, causing a slowing effect of nearly half for two seconds to the surrounding enemies.

Seeing that the shield was about to explode and hit his own clockwork.

Wei Shen had to use flash to increase the distance between him and Jayce.

However, since Jayce was blocking the upper right.

Therefore, Clockwork could only flash to the left or lower right.

Otherwise, he would still be hit by the shield that exploded on Jayce.

But whether he flashed to the left or to the lower right, he would be far away from the red half of the area where LGD was.

Finally, after Clockwork flashed to the lower right, he used the high speed of sprinting to escape all the way into SKT's red zone.

There was no way, there was only this way for him to escape.

But this way was also a dead end.

On the commentary stand.

Wawa said loudly: "Zyra has surrounded the bottom lane, it depends on how long Wei Shen can delay!"

Jayce chased all the way into the jungle, switched to hammer form and hit Clockwork.

Clockwork dodged.

Afterwards, Clockwork walked to the position behind the dragon pit, clicked the explosive fruit, and bounced to the left and deeper into the SKT red zone.

Because LGD's bottom lane had no line control at the moment.

As a result, the SKT bottom lane duo, Jyra came to the jungle area to gank, and Varus went to the river to gank.

If Wei Shen clicked the explosive fruit to go to the dragon pit.

Then Clockwork's kill would be given to Varus.

Wei Shen didn't want to add burden to the bottom lane for nothing.

Clockwork continued to run forward, and only Jayce was left chasing behind.

Because it was already clear that Clockwork wanted to give up the tower, there was no need for others to waste this time.

Clockwork walked all the way through SKT's red buff camp, continued forward, stepped on another explosive fruit, and came to the high ground under the wall of SKT's right high ground.

"Hey, there is an explosive fruit, there is a chance to give up the tower!" Miller said loudly.

But Cui Shen, who was originally going to go back to the blue zone to plant vegetables, did not enter his own blue zone, but followed the middle lane and came all the way to the bottom of the high ground.

Jayce also came around from the other side.

Clockwork was trapped by SKT's mid and jungle, one on the left and one on the right, under the high ground on the right side of SKT.

Peanut was killing all the enemies in this wave, not even letting Clockwork to lose the tower.

In the end, Clockwork's head was taken by Faker's Jayce.

First Blood!

The first blood prompt sounded throughout the stadium.

In the audience, there was a burst of cheers.

In the LGD player seat.

Wei Shen scratched his head, and then said: "Damn, I didn't know their Cuishen was coming, otherwise Jace would have weakened me and I would have just flashed out! I wouldn't have been knocked back!"

"This little peanut B is really brave, he actually entered my red zone again!" Eimy continued, "I pushed the middle line of troops for you!"

"Push, push quickly, Jace has lost a lot of soldiers this time, and taking first blood is actually not that profitable!"

On the big screen live.

The OB perspective is staying in the middle.

Keg is pushing the lane in the middle.

When Jayce B returned to the spring, the wine barrel had already pushed a wave of red square soldiers into the first tower of SKT.

After Jace walked up the line, he definitely couldn't eat a single thing.

And after this wave of return to the city, in order to maximize the first blood advantage that Jace got.

Faker chose to use Jace's money to directly make a serrated dagger.

He didn’t choose to cry the tears of the goddess first.

One thing he knows very well is that he needs to continue to expand his advantage in the middle line.

As for the tears of the goddess, they can only be released later.

The goddess's tears came out late, and the disadvantage was of course that the demons came out too late.

But there's nothing I can do about it. With this wave of saw-tooth daggers and goddess tears, I can only choose one of the two.

There has to be a trade-off.

In addition to Jace, after killing Clockwork, Little Peanut's Cuishen also returned to the city.

Cuishen returned to the spring and mended a pair of shoes, a true eye, and a dark seal.

It is also commonly known as the killing ring among players.

After getting out the equipment, Cuishen went straight to his blue zone.

There are two groups of wild monsters, the Three Wolves and the Demon Swamp Frog, in the blue zone, waiting for him to grow vegetables.

And in the commentary box.

Wawa also quickly noticed that Cuishen had added a murder ring this time.

"Wow, little Peanut is a bit brave to just do the killing ring!" said the doll.

"More than a little bold, Little Peanut is very courageous in this game!" Miller said immediately,

"When the red zone was invaded at the beginning, I dared to force my own red buff, and then I dared to go to LGD's red zone to plant vegetables!"

"After being discovered, you still dare to fight back and grab the wine barrel red buff!"

"Although I missed it a step too late, I immediately took advantage of the situation and caught Wei Shen to death!"

"Little Peanut has only played Cuishen for a few minutes, and I feel like it's all working. He's doing something all the time!"

At this time, Rita took over the conversation and said: "This little peanut, how come you were immersed in writing the first few sentences, but this game suddenly started doing crazy things, your style changed a bit quickly!"

"My assessment is, I'm in a hurry!" The doll chuckled.

"SKT was not lagging behind in the previous games, so Little Peanut chose a damage jungler and just farmed there without doing anything!"

"SKT is now trailing 1-2 and can't afford to lose any more games!"

"Just like Peanut was doing crazy things in the early stages of the game, I think he is really anxious!"

"Well, it's possible!" Miller felt that although the reason for the doll sounded a bit ridiculous, when he thought about it carefully, it seemed quite reasonable.

"So, in fact, Little Peanut is not so suitable for those carnivorous junglers, and is more suitable for Little Peanut, but this kind of tool man jungler?"

"Uh, maybe it's true!"

When several commentators used peanuts to "talk about cross talk".

In the LPL official event live broadcast room, many online viewers have already made fun of it directly on the barrage.

[Output jungle mask brush, tool man jungle control map, gank all at once, isn't this the factory director? 】

[It’s true, just like a blind man, Olaf goes shopping in a big way, this is so factory-directed, and the taste is so authentic! 】

[It’s broken, Little Peanut has been transformed into a real factory and completely transformed into Ming Kai! 】

[Don’t be so oblivious, the factory director can be regarded as the pinnacle of this type of jungler! 】

【peak? Which is the pinnacle of Mingkai? Last year's S game was not just beaten into a pig's head by a little peanut, but he was taught in a different way! 】

[So, isn’t Little Peanut getting retribution now? He also turned into Ming Kai! 】

[Mr. Ming, all encounters in this world are reunions after a long separation! 】

[No matter what, I haven’t seen that you haven’t touched F6 until now in this game of Little Peanut? A jungler who doesn't like to farm F6, do you think he looks like Ming Kai? 】

[I remembered what you said. Could it be that the reason why Little Peanut did crazy things in this game was because the wild king robbed him of three birdies on F6 at the beginning, which made him angry? 】

[Hey, that makes sense! 】

[It’s broken, now I look more like the factory director! 】


Back to the game.

Little Peanut's Green God went through the door on the highland wall on the left. After getting off the highland, he entered his own blue zone.

Following the trend, he took two steps forward and threw a bunch of thorns from the wall, flying towards the Three Wolf camp.

It is Cuishen's Q skill - deep roots and strong enemies.

However, when this Q skill was thrown out, it didn't hit anything.

What's going on?

Is it possible that the three wolves will still move?

This is of course impossible.

Little Peanut quickly controlled Cuishen to use Seedling Growth (W), planting a patch of grass in front of the Three Wolf Camp through the wall, and explored the view of that area.

Wherever there were wild monsters in the Three Wolf camp, they were completely empty.

Suddenly, another bad feeling emerged in Little Peanut's mind.

He quickly controlled Cuishen to move forward.

Just as I walked around the corner of the wall, I saw the Frog Camp on the left, which was also empty.

The three wolves and the Frog at home were all gone.

What's going on?

It's impossible that the wild monsters grew legs and ran away.

No, the wild monsters did grow legs.

But there is no need to think too much. There is only one possibility for this situation.

That is, these two groups of wild monsters were stolen!

Did the opposing jungler Gragas steal them?

But Gragas was just pushing the line in the middle lane, and he definitely didn't have such a fast speed to run to SKT's red zone to kill two groups of wild monsters.

Since it wasn't Gragas.

It could only be Graves.

Xiaohuasheng glanced at the Graves' avatar in the top lane on the small map.

Then he pressed the tab key and looked at the number of Graves' last hits.

He quickly calculated it in his mind.

Even if Graves had not missed a last hit in the top lane from the beginning of the game to now.

He wouldn't have the current number of last hits.

Peanut switched the screen and took a hard look at the Graves in the top lane.

Then he controlled the Green God to walk towards his own lower jungle.

There was only one group of stone beetles left in the jungle, and he could only go to kill them now.

"Forget it, I'll let you go this time, don't let me catch you!" Peanut gnashed his teeth and thought to himself.

At the same time, in the LGD team voice.

Zhou Dian was saying to Eimy: "I told you to steal his stone man, you have to do it thoroughly, he caught our mid lane, we can't let him catch it for nothing!"

The three wolves and the frog in the SKT jungle were killed by the Graves who ran to the SKT blue zone when the Green God caught the clockwork just now.

The Graves pushed the line too fast, and pushed the line against the damage of Rambo.

So Huni had no way to deal with the Graves running around.

From the beginning to now, Rambo has been laning with the minions instead of laning with the Graves.

Graves is fast at killing wild monsters.

Plus, LGD's mid and jungle chased Clockwork for a long time.

The time in between was enough for Graves to steal two groups of wild monsters from Empyrean.

It was a coincidence.

Peanut didn't plan to chase Clockwork, so he let Faker's Jayce chase him alone.

But he suddenly felt that he had to completely cut off the possibility of Clockwork giving up the tower.

So Empyrean, who was about to turn around and go into the blue zone, rushed straight to his own high ground and stopped Clockwork who was about to give up the tower.

If Empyrean had directly entered his own blue zone at that time, he should have just run into Graves who was stealing three wolves.

Two groups of wild monsters would have been saved.

In that situation, Zhou Dian would definitely choose to retreat after being seen.

But the result was that Peanut not only lost two groups of wild monsters.

He didn't even get an assist for Clockwork's kill.

Wei Shen directly gave the kill to Jayce and deliberately didn't assist Empyrean.

Therefore, that gank in the middle lane was actually a pure loss for Peanut.

And he lost a lot!

Fortunately, Eimy was timid and didn't choose to listen to Zhou Dian to steal SKT's stone beetle, leaving a little chance for Cui Shen to survive.

At this time, Eimy's Gragas had just finished killing the river crab in the upper river and returned to his own red zone to fight F6.

Hearing Zhou Dian's question, Eimy immediately said: "Brother Zhou, I'm just playing it safe. The position of the opposite stone beetle is so deep. I ran all the way to steal it. If I get caught, I will lose a lot!"

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