The two of them were very close, and the two of them were very close.

"Ahem, Hanyu-san, I was just kidding you!"

Yukiko realized that something was wrong, so she quickly put away her smile and said seriously, then quickly took out the protective shield ball from her pocket and handed it to Hanyu Kusunoki.

"Yes, I'll give it back to you. I'm going back."

No, I have to run away!

Yukiko secretly groaned in her heart, thinking that something might happen to her.

However, Hanyu Kusunoki didn't intend to let her go.

He didn't reach out to catch the ball, but curled his lips and showed a sly smile: "Go? Of course. But, beautiful Miss Sharon, can you give me the recorder in your arms?"

Hanyu Kusunoki's words were like a sharp blade, easily cutting through Yukiko's psychological defenses.

Yukiko's heart "clicked", it's over!

How did he find out!

"What...what recorder? What are you talking about? I don't understand." Yukiko's voice began to tremble, and a layer of sweat appeared on her forehead.

She opened her eyes wide and tried to deny it, but her legs softened uncontrollably.

This shouldn't be!

How could he find out when I hid so well?

Could he have been secretly observing my every move? Thinking of this, Yukiko couldn't help but feel nervous.

At this moment, Hanyu Kusunoki's face was getting closer and closer to Yukiko, almost touching her face.

Yukiko's heartbeat was getting faster and faster, and her breathing became rapid.

Facing Hanyu Kusunoki's questioning, she had no idea how to respond.

This was not a contest between a princess and a demon king, it was clearly a little white rabbit being cornered by a big bad wolf.

"Chris Wynyard."

Yukiko, who was about to get up and leave, was shocked when she heard the voice behind her, as if she had been struck by a thunderbolt.

She turned around slowly with a look of disbelief on her face, and saw Hanyu Nan who was holding her chin leisurely, looking at her quietly, and whispered softly: "Although I don't know Sharon Wynyard, I know her daughter Chris Wynyard!"

Hanyu Nan looked at Yukiko who was already dazed, and raised the corner of her mouth slightly, revealing a meaningful smile, and continued to say slowly: "As far as I know, Chris's mother Sharon Wynyard died two years ago."

"So, Miss 'Sharon', who are you?"

As Hanyu Nan's voice fell, the door of the living room slowly closed automatically, making a dull sound.

This sudden change made Yukiko's heartbeat accelerate instantly.

She stared at the closed door with wide eyes, and a sense of helplessness surged in her heart.

The emotions that she had been trying to calm down by force were completely out of control at this moment. Her voice was trembling: "I don't understand what you are saying, let me go!"

Yukiko never thought that Hanyu Kusunoki would know her best friend's daughter.

So after performing for a long time, in his eyes, wasn't she just a ridiculous clown?

(Hanyu Kusunoki: You are not a clown, you are a clown princess.)

"Hehe." Hanyu Kusunoki chuckled, stood up, and slowly walked towards Yukiko.

What do you want to do? I'm going to call the police. You are illegally detaining me."

Looking at Hanyu Kusunoki who was approaching her step by step, Yukiko's heart suddenly became flustered. The images of the investigator series flashed through her mind quickly. She felt helpless and stepped back involuntarily.

Hanyu Kusunoki leisurely pointed to the surveillance above, with a playful look on her face, and said: "Do you think the police will believe the facts in the surveillance, or will they believe your one-sided words? Miss Fujimine Yukiko!"

This sentence was like a thunder, exploding in Yukiko's ears, shocking her to the point of being burnt on the outside and tender on the inside.

She stumbled backwards, and her whole body tilted, and she was about to fall flat on her face.

Looking at Yukiko who was about to fall, Hanyu Nan's heart moved, and Yukiko, who was about to fall, fell into his arms.

"Ah!" Yukiko screamed, but soon closed her eyes and dared not open them.

Yukiko could feel Hanyu Nan's breath blowing on her face, which made her heart beat faster and she was at a loss.

Hanyu Nan looked down at Yukiko who closed her eyes in his arms, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and whispered: "Why are you so careless, Mrs. Yukiko."

"Let me go, let me go!" Yukiko felt the hot feeling coming from her waist strongly, and was immediately ashamed and angry.

Yukiko twisted wildly in Yukina's arms, "Don't touch me! Let go!"

"I'm not Yukiko, no, you made a mistake!"

After breaking free, Yukiko immediately explained loudly and incoherently.

She would never admit that she was Yukiko Fujimine!

Because this time it was really her own face that was lost.

"Okay, okay, since Yukiko said it's not her, then it's not her."

Feeling the remaining warmth in her hands, Yukina smiled and nodded.

"Don't call me Yukiko!"

Also, what the hell is this doting look of yours?

Looking at Yukina's expression, Yukiko yelled in her heart.

"Okay, Mrs. Kudo!" Yukina said slowly.

"This is even worse!" Yukiko was almost going crazy.

"Okay, Mrs. Yukiko!" Yukina still said slowly.


Yukiko felt like hitting someone now, it was worse than at the beginning!

"Since Mrs. Yukiko doesn't admit her identity, I can only ask Kudo-san to help me investigate who came to my house today."

Hanyu Kusunoki said slowly, and took out her mobile phone from her pocket calmly, pretending to send a video to Kudo Shinichi.

"No, absolutely not!" Yukiko panicked when she heard it. If her stupid son saw her just now, how could she live?

As she said that, Yukiko ran to Hanyu Kusunoki angrily, desperate to snatch the phone from Hanyu Kusunoki.

"Don't be like that, you're not Mrs. Kudo, what are you afraid of."

Hanyu Kusunoki smiled evilly, feeling the wonderful feeling brought by Yukiko's warm and soft body rubbing back and forth on her body, while holding the phone high so that Yukiko couldn't reach it.

"Shameless! Obscene..." Yukiko realized that she couldn't snatch Hanyu Kusunoki at all, and then she realized that her behavior just now had been giving Hanyu Kusunoki "benefits".

Her face turned red, and she quickly retreated to the back, angrily cursing loudly.

"You're wrong to say that, I'm obviously the victim!" Hanyu Kusunoki pretended to be innocent.


(It's so hot, 40 degrees, how can it be so hot, it's going to kill me!)

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