The two of them were very happy.

"Hey, hey, hey? I agree."

Seeing Hanyu Kusunoki agree so straightforwardly, Sonoko's cheeks instantly turned red, and the stone hanging in her heart finally fell to the ground, and the whole person became relaxed and comfortable.

So, she and Xiaolan led Hanyu Kusunoki to the place where the two of them usually had lunch together.

After the three of them sat together, Hanyu Kusunoki was sandwiched between the two girls. A faint girl's fragrance lingered on the tip of the nose, making people feel relaxed and happy.

Hanyu Kusunoki's eyes first fell on Sonoko, who was smiling and busy opening the lunch box, and then moved to Xiaolan, who was sitting quietly with a smile on the other side.

To be fair, Xiaolan is like a quiet and elegant angel, while Sonoko is like a lively and agile elf.

While placing the lunch box she brought on the table, Sonoko said, "Hanyu-san, you can just call me Sonoko from now on. As for Xiaolan...just call her Xiaolan."

"Okay, then you can just call me 'Nan' from now on." Hanyu Nan changed the name between them.

"Really? Nan", after hearing Hanyu Nan's words, Sonoko immediately looked at him expectantly. Although her body was still resisting, her mouth had already called out the name obediently.

After getting Hanyu Nan's affirmative nod in response, Sonoko's face instantly bloomed with an extremely cute smile.

Xiaolan, who was sitting next to her, seemed a little embarrassed and embarrassed. After all, the closeness of the relationship between the two could be seen from the way they addressed each other;

However, when she saw her good friend with an excited face, she finally nodded slightly to show her agreement.

"Then let's eat!"

As the voice fell, the three people opened their lunch boxes. Hanyu Kusunoki's cooking skills in his previous life were quite good, but after coming to Neon, he could only say that he was familiar with the lunch boxes here - there were only a few sandwiches and a few convenience foods in the box.

The sharp-eyed Sonoko immediately noticed this situation and shared most of her lunch box with Hanyu Kusunoki without hesitation.

As the second daughter of the Suzuki Group, Sonoko's lunch box was extremely rich, filled with all kinds of delicacies: fragrant rice balls, tender and juicy steaks, fresh sashimi carefully wrapped in lotus leaves, etc., everything is available, with good color, fragrance and taste.

After sharing it with Hanyu Kusunoki, Sonoko decisively looked at Xiaolan with a smile, with a hint of cunning in her eyes.

Xiaolan saw through the little calculations in her good sister's heart at a glance, and couldn't help but smile lightly and shook her head, but still handed her carefully prepared lunch box to Sonoko.

It can be seen that Xiaolan's lunch box was carefully prepared by herself, with staple food, meat, fish, and vegetables.

The three of them sat together and enjoyed their lunch time, eating and chatting, and the atmosphere was relaxed and pleasant.

Most of the time, it was Sonoko who took the initiative to ask Hanyu Kusunoki questions, trying to understand his living habits, hobbies, etc. Hanyu Kusunoki also answered Sonoko's questions very patiently, and occasionally interspersed some humorous words, which made everyone laugh. Xiaolan on the side always smiled, listened to their conversation quietly, and occasionally inserted a few words to make the whole atmosphere more harmonious.

The sun shines through the gaps in the leaves and sprinkles on the ground, forming patches of mottled light and shadow. The breeze blows gently, bringing bursts of flower fragrance. In this beautiful scenery, the laughter of the three young people seems to have become the most beautiful notes, interweaving into a youthful movement.

In the afternoon, accompanied by the melodious and urgent school bell, a busy and fulfilling day of classes came to an end. However, Kudo Shinichi did not come to class all day today, and did not even ask for leave.

"Xiaolan, Nan, I'm leaving first, see you tomorrow!" Sonoko waved her hand and said goodbye to the two of them lightly, and then jumped into her luxurious nanny car.

After the two watched Sonoko leave, Hanyu Nan moved to the side, looked at Xiaolan who was looking down at her phone with worry, and asked softly: "Are you worried about Kudo-san?"

Xiaolan did not seem to notice Hanyu Nan's arrival until she heard his concerned inquiry, and then she suddenly raised her head as if she had just woken up from a dream,

Looking worried, she said: "Yes, Shinichi has not had any news for a whole day, and the phone has never been dialed, and there is no reply to the text message. I am a little worried that he has something wrong..."

"In that case, how about going to find Kudo-san together? After all, we are all friends.

"How can we watch such a pitiful girl worrying alone?" Hanyu Kusunoki suggested at the right time.

Xiaolan was startled when she heard this, and raised her head with a puzzled look on her face, blinking her big eyes and said, "Go find him?"

Hanyu Kusunoki's mouth corners slightly raised, revealing a barely noticeable smile, and responded softly: "Yes, let's go find Kudo-san together. You two have grown up together since childhood, and you must know better than me where he might go. I believe Kudo-san doesn't want to see you worrying about him so much! "

In fact, Hanyu Kusunoki had already made up his mind to rescue Xiaolan. So as long as he got the chance to create some trouble for Kudo Shinichi, he would never show mercy.

After all, only by turning Kudo Shinichi into Conan and hiding his true identity from Xiaolan can he achieve his goal smoothly.

Because only when a girl loses her support is she often the most vulnerable in her heart, so that he can take advantage of the opportunity and take advantage of the opportunity.

Otherwise, it would be too difficult to break up Kudo Shinichi and Xiaolan, who have been childhood sweethearts for so many years.

After hearing what Hanyu Kusunoki said, Xiaolan was obviously stunned, with a trace of confusion and confusion in her eyes. She couldn't help but think to herself: "Yes, I can't watch my good friend sad... But what about Shinichi? That reasoning madman who is always obsessed with solving cases, in his mind, is I more important, or are those cases more important? "

But soon Xiaolan put those chaotic thoughts behind her and fell into worrying about Kudo Shinichi again. Despite this, the seed has been planted, and it only needs to be watered carefully, and sooner or later it will take root, sprout, bloom and bear fruit.

"Then I'll have to trouble Nanjun. Let's go to Shinichi's residence first to see if he is at home, okay?" Xiaolan asked softly.

"Well, no problem, let's go now. "Hanyu Kusu responded.

At this moment, the sun was setting, and the afterglow fell on the streets and alleys of Beika Town, as if covering the entire town with a layer of orange-red gauze. The two walked side by side, and the figures of one tall and one short were particularly slender under the setting sun.

If the person accompanying Xiaolan at this moment was replaced by Kudo Shinichi, there is no doubt that he would definitely chatter around Xiaolan with great interest, telling her his wonderful reasoning stories, or talking to her about the famous detective Sherlock Holmes. But now, walking on the streets of Beika Town with Hanyu Kusu, although the two were silent all the way, Xiaolan actually felt an indescribable sense of peace in her heart.

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