The time flies, and 10 years have passed in a flash.

During these long years, Hanyu Kusunoki has always remained calm and restrained, and would never easily take the lives of others.

After all, he knows very well that he is in a detective world full of mysteries and dangers, and he may fall into an abyss of no return if he is not careful.

Hanyu Kusunoki knows that before he has enough self-defense ability, it is better to follow the main line of the story and wait silently for the character known as the "Death God Elementary School Student" to make a shining debut.

Only when he successfully harvests souls several times and has a certain self-protection ability, will he really shine and emerge.

Because the feeling of not being in control of one's life in the previous life is really unforgettable.

So, in these years, Hanyu Kusunoki has successfully created the image of a three-good student with the help of the magical "memory bread".

After all, as the saying goes, if you can recite 300 Tang poems, you can recite them even if you can't write them.

Not to mention that he can memorize them directly.

Success allows him to easily win the first place in every exam, whether in junior high school or high school, his grades are far ahead of other students.

But it's only before college, just memorizing can solve everything.

However, looking at Kudo Shinichi who was lying on the table next to him with a book covering his head, he estimated that he could only read until now.

Thinking of this, Hanyu Nan looked at his system:

(Random item enhancement system)

Master: Hanyu Nan

Physique: 12 (10 for an average adult male)

Spirit: 17 (10 for an average adult male)

Spirit: 5 (0 for an average person)

Item: Memory Bread Baker

It is absolutely impossible to expect students to listen to the class consciously.

The teacher who was teaching the class frowned as he listened to the whispers of the students below the stage, but soon regained his composure.

He cleared his throat and attracted everyone's attention: "Be quiet, look at what you are like now. If you don't work hard now, are you still waiting for me to help you write the test paper during the exam?"

Seeing that the classroom was still restless, the teacher continued:

"If you can have excellent grades like Hanyu Kusunoki, do I still need to worry about you? As long as you don't make trouble in my class, I'm afraid you will catch a cold even if you sleep, so I have to cover you with clothes!"

As soon as the voice fell, the teacher turned his head, smiled at Hanyu Kusunoki, and then continued to write on the blackboard.

"Tsk, why is it this guy again! He always has to be brought up." Kudo Shinichi muttered impatiently, and then picked up the textbook in his hand and covered his face.

Since Hanyu Kusunoki entered Teitan School, Kudo Shinichi, the former academic bully, has lost the chance to be the first in the grade, and has to endure the teachers of various subjects using Hanyu Kusunoki as an example to educate them every day.


With a light sound, a crumpled piece of paper landed steadily in front of Mao Lilan who was concentrating on the class.

Ma Lilan's face was full of question marks. She picked up the paper and looked at it, then looked around.

After a while, she found her best friend Suzuki Sonoko lying on the table, covering herself tightly with books, and waving at her.

After understanding Sonoko's gesture, Mao Lilan carefully opened the note, and saw that it said: "I heard that Hanyu won the championship again, so happy ^0^."

After reading the content of the note, Xiaolan couldn't help laughing. She knew that this was another Sonoko writing to share her happiness.

Sonoko, a good friend, usually likes to give advice to herself and Shinichi, as if she knows a lot about love and has a lot of experience, but in fact, she has never been in love!

But she always likes to act like a love expert, which is really funny.

Now it was her turn. Sonoko became shy and timid again. She could only secretly admire the other party and dare not confess easily.

Occasionally, when she looked at Hanyu, Sonoko would be as excited as a child, and this happiness could last for several days.

Speaking of which, Sonoko's feelings for Hanyu have been around for a long time.

As early as junior high school, she secretly liked him. It was just that Hanyu Kusunoki did not study in the same school as them at that time.

The acquaintance of several of them originated from a grand joint competition among middle school students. At that time, Kudo Shinichi signed up for the competition, and Xiaolan and Sonoko went to give Shinichi a gift.

Cheer up.

As a result, Shinichi lost miserably and was left far behind by Hanyu Kusunoki, who was in first place. Since then, Shinichi has been thinking about overtaking the opponent, but unfortunately he has never succeeded.

Hanyu Kusunoki, who was standing on the podium and giving a speech with high spirits, was remembered by Sonoko. After returning to school, Sonoko told Xiaolan that she would win Hanyu Kusunoki sooner or later.

This "sooner or later" was not until the second year when Hanyu Kusunoki transferred to their school, and Sonoko was still embarrassed to express her feelings.

Xiaolan looked back at Hanyu Kusunoki who was reading a book, and replied on the paper: "Congratulations should be said in person, or let's go together after class to congratulate Hanyu-san for winning the championship?"

After throwing the note back, Sonoko just glanced at it, and covered her head with a book like Kudo Shinichi, without saying a word.

Hanyu Kusunoki, who was apparently reading a book, actually saw everything clearly about what happened before.

You know what, it feels so good to look down on a group of poor students with the identity of a top student.

The reason why I didn't take the initiative to contact the protagonists in these years is that I am worried that if Conan fails to come out smoothly and the system can't start, it will be fun.

So I have been letting the plot proceed normally. If in the end, I am still fanning the storm with this little butterfly.

Then, I can only say sorry to Kudo Shinichi.

My buddy took the initiative to defect and join the water plant. I have thought of the code name in advance, just Red Star Laobai Gan, Erguotou is also OK.

You have to eat this APTX-4869 for me, my happy life depends on you, and I will help you take care of Xiaolan and your family.

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