The two of them were so close that they had to face each other.

Conan and Hattori Heiji, who had also been observing from a distance, also clearly appreciated the horrible scene that had just happened.

"Kudo, you're right, Hanyu Kusunoki and his family are all crazy!"

Hattori Heiji's forehead was sweating, and his voice couldn't help but tremble a little.

Akai Shuichi's miserable appearance really scared him.

Even at such a long distance, he seemed to be able to personally experience the heart-wrenching pain.

That's the most important dignity for a man!

"Haha, you just found out?"

Conan is no longer surprised.

At least he saved his life.

The Ai Haibara from Hanyu Kusunoki's family is the one who really has no emotion in her eyes, and she looks at everyone like a little white mouse.

If it were her, Conan felt that he could have eaten the FBI agent's meal.

"So what should we do next?"

Hattori Heiji took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down.

While looking around with a telescope, Conan replied: "We don't need to worry about this agent. The FBI will deal with it themselves. Our current goal is still the group..."

As he was talking, Conan was suddenly blinded by a bright light.

He immediately became alert and looked in the direction of the light.

"Found it!" Conan whispered excitedly.

"Are they those men in black?"

Hattori Heiji quickly picked up the telescope and looked in the direction Conan was looking.

I saw a sniper rifle barrel sticking out from the rooftop of a building not far away, and next to it stood a big fool in black clothes, with his head down, and he didn't know what to say.

"Are these the men in black that you mentioned, Kudo?"

"Yes, they are!"

Conan nodded solemnly, his eyes revealing an unusually determined anger.

Gin, Vodka, I finally found you.

It's time to avenge my shrinkage!

"What are they going to do?"

"Sniper the agent lying on the ground, they can't snipe us, right?"

Hearing Conan's answer, Hattori Heiji also felt that it made sense, so he turned around and was about to discuss what to do next, when he saw Conan had put down the telescope and was fiddling with something.

"Kudo, what are you doing?"

Hattori Heiji looked at Conan in confusion.

"I'm going to give them a big gift first!"

Conan's eyes were firm, and as he spoke, he pressed the button on his belt, and an inflated ball popped out instantly.

Then, with Hattori Heiji looking confused, Conan half-crouched down, activated his power shoes, got into position, and then used all his strength to kick the ball hard.

"This kick is because you made me lose Xiaolan!"

Conan shouted loudly, with angry flames burning in his eyes.


"Wonderful, too wonderful, it's really science?"

Looking at the close-up of the football flying in the air recorded by the drone on the screen, Hanyu Kusunoki couldn't help but sigh from the bottom of his heart.

This is so sparks in the air, the whole ball is almost a fireball.

This is not playing football, this is direct firing!

"Tsk~" Sister Bei couldn't help but smack her lips.

What did she see?

The kid from Yukiko's family actually launched a nuclear bomb with his feet!

This "nuclear bomb" exploded on the rooftop where Gin was, and a thick smoke seemed to shake the whole building.

"The organization is in decline. They are bullied like this by two little kids!"

Mingmei's focus is completely different. After seeing Conan's actions, her eyes lit up and she almost applauded him.

Yes, that's it. Fight!

They are always on the lookout and are not afraid of trouble!

"Who prepared these equipment for him? They are not cheap, right?"

Sister Bei asked curiously, looking at Hanyu Nan, thinking that he should know the answer.

Hanyu Nan knew this very well, and said with a strange look: "It's a doctor who can't sell his inventions. He and Yukiko are friends, so he made it for Conan for free."

He really thinks that Dr. Agasa has chosen the wrong direction and should not have been obsessed with inventions for the people.

If he had chosen to switch to the military industry earlier, he should have been a famous scientist in the world by now.

When Sister Bei heard that it was someone Yukiko knew, she nodded thoughtfully and didn't care too much.

If it was her in the past, seeing these equipments that made her eyes light up, she might have directly tied the other party back to the organization to invent.

But now...

Sister Bei turned her head and looked at Hanyu Nan who was lying leisurely on Mingmei's thighs, and the corners of her mouth could not help but twitch.

Then she pressed down the big feet rubbing back and forth on her legs, and glared at him.

Her little master is the most amazing inventor in the world.

Compared with him, other people are simply fireflies competing with the bright moon.


"20, 19,..."

Gin looked at his watch expressionlessly and counted the time silently.

Since Miyano Mingmei has not come back for such a long time, it means that she and Akai Shuichi have no feelings.

Yes, with that big boss, who would look down on such a traitor?

In this way, they will no longer have any worries and can kill Akai Shuichi with confidence.

Thinking of this, a trace of fierceness flashed in Gin's eyes.

He slowly pulled the trigger, and the crosshairs in the scope landed steadily on Shuichi Akai.

Just a light pull would end the life of the traitor.

However, at this moment, an accident happened.

Gin suddenly felt a strong chill coming from behind.

He subconsciously looked back, but found that there was no one behind him, only his loyal younger brother Vodka, who was feeling hot at the moment, took off his hat and fanned himself.

But the chill did not disappear, but became stronger and stronger.

"What's wrong, brother?"

Vodka saw Gin turning his head and quickly took his hat back.

Gin ignored him, but frowned, and a trace of uneasiness rose in his heart.

The sixth sense of being on the edge of life and death for many years told him that things were definitely not that simple.

He tried to calm himself down, but the creepy feeling lingered.

At this moment, Gin suddenly heard a sharp sound of breaking through the air. He looked closely and his pupils shrank suddenly.

He didn't see any ball or no ball. He only saw a burning fireball rushing towards him at an alarming speed.

"Damn it!" Gin couldn't help but curse, then put down the sniper rifle in his hand without hesitation, and turned over to hide in the bunker beside him with extremely agile skills.

He was so fast that he even forgot to remind Vodka who was still standing there stupidly and at a loss.

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