The treasure was found.

"Give it back to me! Give it back to me! That's the treasure we found!"

Yuantai stared at the three men in black who suddenly appeared in front of him with wide eyes and angrily rushed to the leader of the men in black, holding him tightly and refusing to let go.

"How can this kid be so strong!"

The leader of the men in black tried to break free, but it was no use. He simply raised his fist and hit Yuantai hard. After a few punches, Yuantai was beaten black and blue.


At this time, Conan also realized that something was wrong. When he saw the three men in black walk out, he instantly understood the so-called treasure and the true identity of these people.

"Don't move! Stand still!"

The muzzle of the gun pointed at Conan and the others, and they could only surrender and be tied up tightly.

"Are you okay, Genta?" Ayumi looked at Genta with several big lumps on his head worriedly.

"Well... I'm fine." Genta replied with gritted teeth.

"Damn it!"

Looking at the three men in black rummaging around, Conan watched their every move, his mind spinning rapidly, thinking hard about how to get out: "Fortunately, they don't know the exact location of the gold coin..."

"No, boss, it's too time-consuming to search blindly like this!"

After a long search without results, one of the blond men in black finally couldn't hold back his anxiety and questioned their boss.

After thinking for a moment, the black-haired and mustached boss walked straight to where Conan and the others were with a gun in hand.

"Hey, listen up, little guys. If you don't want to suffer, you'd better tell me the whereabouts of the gold coins. Otherwise... hehe, I'm going to throw you down!" The little mustache threatened fiercely, and took a few steps forward, ready to choose a target to put pressure on.

The little mustache glanced at the Queen Mother Yuan, and gave up this option without hesitation, and turned his eyes to Mitsuhiko.

"Mom! Dad! Mom! We are going to die!" Hearing the threat of the little mustache, Ayumi and the other two children burst into tears.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Conan couldn't help but scolded: "Damn it! Do you only know how to bully children? It's shameless!"

Faced with Conan's rebuke, the little mustache not only did not feel guilty or restrained, but laughed wildly: "Hahaha, this is called the mantis stalking the cicada, the oriole behind. Now I give you a chance to think it over. Who is willing to be the first to be thrown downstairs?" After saying that, he showed a playful smile.

"Damn it! Damn it! What should I do? I must think of a solution quickly!" Looking at the approaching mustache, Conan frantically thought about how to deal with it.

"Oh? So you want to be the clever bird, but have you ever thought that the hunter's gun is already aimed at you?"

This sudden word exploded like thunder, shocking the mustache and the other three.

"Who? Who is talking?" They looked around in horror, trying to find the source of the sound. However, no matter how hard they looked, they could not find any figure.

The tied people also looked puzzled, and they all cast their eyes on the three people who inexplicably claimed to have heard the sound.

At this moment, Hanyu Kusunoki was quietly standing beside the three people, calmly applying air pistol fluid.

In fact, he had been here for a while. After activating the snake spell, he stood quietly behind the three guys and watched the show for a long time.

"Okay, your time is over." Hanyu Nan whispered softly.

"Who is it? Come out!"

They could only hear the voice but could not see the person. Fear spread in the hearts of the three people, and they finally couldn't help but shoot wildly around.

"Pah! Pah! Pah!"

After Hanyu Nan aimed at the three people, he counted to three times in his heart and fired three air guns.

"Ah!" "Ah!" "Ah!"

Under the astonished eyes of Conan and the three little ones, the three men in black flew into the air as if they were hit by a high-speed car, broke through the fragile wooden attic, and then fell heavily.

"What happened!"

Seeing this, Conan immediately stood up and rushed to the scene without hesitation, eager to find out what strange situation had just happened.

"Damn, what's going on? How could this happen?"

While the attention of several people was completely

When everyone was focused downstairs, Hanyu Nan raised his head and cast his eyes on the maple leaf gold coins above the ceiling.

Looking at these maple leaf gold coins shining one by one, Hanyu Nan thought to himself: "Well, they are pretty. Although there is not much practical use for taking them back, it is a good choice to give them to Xiao Ai as a toy. After all, girls like this kind of shiny things."

Thinking of this, Hanyu Nan picked out 8888 maple leaf gold coins from a total of 15,000.

Well, he is not greedy, leaving some for the suicide group as a reward for a busy day.


"Ayumi, Conan, are you here?" Conan, who was searching for clues carefully with a gloomy face at the window hole, suddenly heard Hanyu Nan's shout.

"It's Brother Hanyu, we are saved!" Ayumi shouted excitedly.

Hanyu Nan came to the three people who were tied up, untied them, and pretended to be ignorant and asked: "So you met the Italian robbers, where are they now!"

Ayumi and the other two who escaped death tightly surrounded Hanyu Nan and burst into tears, while Conan stared at Hanyu Nan with suspicion.

"Brother Hanyu, how did you know we were here?" Conan asked.

Noticing Conan's suspicious eyes, Hanyu Nan smiled slightly and explained: "Haha, I guessed this address, of course I know it. I just finished my meal and came to see if you found the treasure."

After listening to Hanyu Nan's words, Conan's originally tense face gradually relaxed, thinking that maybe it was true, after all, he was the first person to guess this location.

"So, you just said that the three robbers fell from the upstairs for no reason?" Hanyu Nan continued to ask.

"Yes, Brother Hanyu, they were shouting and making some noises, but we didn't hear anything and didn't see anyone." Ayumi said, pulling the corner of Hanyu Kusunoki's clothes with a look of fear.

"In this case, we can only call the police first."

"Ah! What about our treasure?" Yuan Tai said unwillingly.

"Yuenta, those are dirty things."

"Okay, I'll tell you."



After calling the police, more than a dozen police cars drove downstairs soon.

The Italian government paid great attention to this robbery and offered a particularly high reward to the Metropolitan Police Department.

The leader of the team this time was Jusan Megure. After seeing how many people there were, he walked over with a look of surprise.

"Brother Hanyu, it's you, what happened here?"

After understanding the situation with the children and Hanyu Kusunoki, the police also looked for the three dead people downstairs.

With Conan's help, the police also found the maple leaf gold coins, but the number did not match. After confirming that the few people did not hide them, they could only report it truthfully.

"Damn it, what did they hear, and what attacked them!"

At this time, Conan had already run to the bodies of the three men in black downstairs. The amazing thing was that all the police turned a blind eye to him.

Conan stared at the hideous scars on the chest of the deceased, which looked like they had been hit hard by a huge hammer, and his heart was at a loss.

He was clearly at the scene of the crime, but he did not notice any clues. This feeling of being clueless was something he had never experienced before.

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