The two of them were very happy.

"Xiaolan, Sonoko, take it and carry it with you when you sleep. Press the button on it when you are in danger."

Hanyu Kusunoshi handed the two protective shield balls to the two of them in a serious tone, and signaled them to keep them carefully.

Sonoko picked up the ball with curiosity, looking left and right, as if exploring an unknown mystery.

And Xiaolan put the ball close to her body obediently, then raised her head and looked at Hanyu Kusunoshi with the same curious eyes.

Hanyu Nan shook his head gently and said in a low voice: "This is not the place to talk about these things. Let's talk about it when we go back. When the time comes, I will also tell you about my other identity."

"Another identity!" Sonoko and Xiaolan exclaimed in unison, their eyes widened, and they began to look Hanyu Nan up and down at the same time.

Hanyu Nan smiled slightly and nodded, confirming their guess.

He kept it a secret mysteriously: "Yes, it is another identity, but I can't reveal too much now. However, if you can be obedient, I will tell you everything."

Upon hearing this, Sonoko immediately held the ball tightly against her chest, as if guarding the most precious treasure, and then nodded frantically, muttering: "I promise to be obedient! Nan, tell me quickly!" Sonoko's eyes flashed with anticipation and excitement, and she couldn't wait to know this secret.

"Then let's go out and see what's going on outside." Hanyu Nan looked at the two of them and put it away solemnly, and nodded with satisfaction.

Here, Ryoichi Takahashi ran to the suspension bridge with a horrified expression, and Conan and the other two who followed him also looked at the suspension bridge in shock.

“What happened?” Suzuki Ayako also rushed over at this time, and seeing that everyone was standing still, she hurried forward to check the situation.

“It must be that he fell down by himself, right?” Ota Masaru asked softly with an insufficient tone.

“No, this suspension bridge was cut off by someone!”


Everyone turned around and looked at Hanyu Kusunoki who was walking over with two girls.

“Didn’t you notice the traces of damage on the suspension bridge? These are all new traces.” Hanyu Kusunoki pointed to the pillars of the suspension bridge.

Conan was the first to rush over to check: “Yes, Brother Hanyu is right, it was indeed damaged by someone.”

“How could someone do such a thing?” Suzuki Ayako muttered depressedly.

“It must have been done by that bandage weirdo! He did it!” Ryoichi Takahashi continued to shout loudly in fear.

"What bandage weirdo? It's just nonsense!" Chikako Ikeda, who followed, was a little impatient. She shouted at the top of her voice, "The so-called bandage weirdo has done so many things just to scare us."

After saying that, Chikako Ikeda turned around and went back to the villa, not noticing that Takahashi Ryoichi, who had a horrified face just now, was looking at her with murderous eyes.

Hanyu Kusunoki glanced at Takahashi Ryoichi, turned around and said to Sonoko and Xiaolan, "Since you can't leave today, let's go back and have dinner first."

Suzuki Ayako looked at the current situation and nodded.


"I'm so sorry, Xiaolan, I still need your help." Suzuki Ayako said to Xiaolan who was helping to cook dinner with an apologetic face.

"If it's there, I usually cook every day at home." Xiaolan raised the corner of her mouth slightly, revealing a gentle smile.

"This class reunion is really disappointing..."

Suzuki Ayako sighed, thinking of what happened before, she felt a little depressed.

"Okay, don't think too much, be happy!" Xiaolan gently patted Suzuki Ayako's shoulder and comforted her.

"Well, thank you Xiaolan." Suzuki Ayako nodded gratefully.

After a while, the food was ready. Xiaolan brought the last dish to the table, then looked around and turned to ask Sonoko in confusion: "Sonoko, where is Nan?"

"I don't know either. She just said she was going to the bathroom upstairs." Sonoko answered Xiaolan's question while turning her head and shouting, "Nan, Nan, it's time to eat, Nan!"

"Here I am."

"Ding, get 10 points of spiritual power."

With a response, Hanyu Nan walked out from the corner of the stairs and crushed a ball of spiritual energy in his hand.

Hanyu Kusunoki just used the invisibility effect of the snake spell to enjoy a wonderful revenge drama, and also gained 10 spiritual power as a reward.


"By the way, where's Chikako?" Hiroki Kadaya suddenly asked Suzuki Ayako after he sat down.

"Chikako is a little tired, so she'll go back to her room to rest. Takahashi, are you done? Come down and eat."

Hanyu Kusu looked at Takahashi Ryoichi, who looked harmless, on the second floor with interest. Who would have thought that Chikako's head was in his stomach?

Although Chikako didn't come to eat, Takahashi Ryoichi brought her head to eat, so it should be considered eating together!

"Come on, smile." While waiting for Takahashi Ryoichi to come downstairs, Sonoko pulled Hanyu Kusu and Xiaolan to ask Hiroki Kadaya to help take a photo of the three of them.

"Hey, who's there?"

"What happened?" Hearing Takahashi Ryoichi's sudden shout, everyone looked up.

"There seems to be someone next to the window below!" Takahashi Ryoichi shouted with horror on his face.

Several people downstairs looked at the window curiously. Hanyu Nan stretched out his hand to hold the heads of Xiaolan and Sonoko who looked back curiously, and whispered: "Wait a minute before you look, otherwise you may have a psychological trauma."


Everyone was shocked to see the bandaged monster hugging Ikeda Chikako passing by the window. They were shocked and immediately chased after him.

Conan, who was in the front, noticed the actions of Hanyu Nan and the other two, and wondered: "How come Hanyu Nan seemed to know what would happen in advance?" After silently remembering this in his heart, he jumped out of the window without hesitation and followed closely.

"Hey, Conan, don't run around."

Ran, who noticed Conan running out, also stood up quickly and prepared to follow him.

"Xiaolan, you and Sonoko stay here, I'll go over to take a look, remember to bring the ball."

After pressing Xiaolan who stood up and instructing the two, Hanyu Nan walked out slowly.


"There is a foot here!"

Hanyu Kusunoki's voice was particularly abrupt in the dark night.

Although he was the last to arrive at the scene, he was the first to discover part of it.

Conan and several others heard this and immediately rushed over.

After careful identification, they were sure that the foot belonged to Chikako Ikeda.

Just as they stood up and prepared to continue searching, Hanyu Kusunoki shook the flashlight and motioned everyone to look in his direction.

Everyone looked in the direction of the light and found that Hanyu Kusunoki had found other parts of Chikako Ikeda.

In the following time, Hanyu Kusunoki almost found most of Chikako Ikeda alone.

After several people discussed it, Hiroki Kakutani took off his coat and gently covered Chikako Ikeda's body.

Then, he returned to the villa silently.

"How come Hanyu Nan seems to know everything that happened? He even knows where the body is. It's really strange. There must be something wrong." Conan walked at the end of the team, staring at Hanyu Nan's back, thinking to himself.

If Hanyu Nan knew what Conan was thinking at the moment, he might respond: "Please, I witnessed the whole process of killing and disposing of the body with my own eyes, and observed every detail closely. Of course I know it very well."

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