The answer was too late.

"Fuck, Hanyu Nan, you actually cheated!"

Conan never thought that this guy knew the answer in advance and was still teasing him.

Hanyu Nan looked down at the stunned Conan, blinked and said, "Don't be angry, I'll buy you some melon seeds later!"

Hearing the noise here, Kisara pushed her glasses lightly and a sharp look swept over.

"Why do I feel a little bad..." Conan, who was carrying Kisara on his back, felt the gaze behind him, and beads of sweat began to appear on his forehead involuntarily.

"Auntie Eri, Xiaolan asked me to wait for you here." Hanyu Kusunoki didn't want to pay attention to Conan, who was like a mouse seeing a cat, but stood up and greeted him with a smile.

Seeing the familiar tone of the boy in front of her who had never met before when he mentioned Xiaolan, Kisaki Eri's heart suddenly "stomped". She walked forward and asked, "Who are you? Where is Xiaolan?"

While talking, Kisaki Eri's eyes were always on Hanyu Kusunoki, looking him up and down carefully, as if she wanted to see through him.

A strange man appeared inexplicably beside her daughter who she regarded as a treasure, and she didn't know anything about it. Kisaki Eri couldn't help but feel that she was really incompetent as a mother.

"Auntie Eri, Xiaolan went out to buy things. My name is Hanyu Kusunoki, and I am Xiaolan's classmate." Hanyu Kusunoki took the opportunity to say some words to please her mother-in-law, trying to leave a good impression on her.

"By the way, Xiaolan and you look so much alike, I recognized you at first sight!"

By the way, in front of Conan who was shivering on the side, he was frantically poaching.

Sure enough, after hearing Hanyu Nan say that Xiaolan looked like herself, Kisaki Eri's cold face gradually eased. This sentence was what she liked to hear the most.

Kisaki Eri sat down gracefully on the seat with a file bag in her hand, adjusted her sitting posture slightly, and asked: "Hanyu, right? How long will Xiaolan take to come back?"

"Xiaolan should be back soon. She went to buy Conan a small cake. Don't you think so, Conan!" Hanyu Nan replied with a smile.

Hearing Hanyu Nan's words, Conan finally realized who the woman in front of him was.

The scene of being beaten horribly when he was a child immediately emerged in his mind, and his head began to hurt again, "Xiaolan's mother, it turns out to be this hateful old woman!"

Conan still remembers the painful experience of being beaten up by her when he was a child.

"Haha, yes, Xiaolan will be back soon." Conan forced a smile and tried to get away with it by being cute.

"Who is this kid?" Eri Kisaki stared at Conan coldly.

Feeling Eri Kisaki's gaze, Conan shrank back involuntarily.

"Aunt Eri, his name is Conan, and Uncle Mori let him stay at his house, and Uncle Mori will take care of him." Hanyu Kusunoki answered the question while waving to the waiter beside him, "Aunt Eri, what would you like to drink?"

"Coffee" Eri Kisaki replied expressionlessly, staring coldly at Conan who had shrunk into a ball.

"Huh... That drunkard, it's good enough that he can take care of himself, but he also takes care of others? In the end, Xiaolan will definitely have to take care of him." Eri Kisaki thought to herself, and at the same time felt an inexplicable irritation.

Originally, I had an appointment with my daughter to meet today, and I was in a particularly good mood.

As a result, before her daughter even saw him, she heard that there was a strange child in Maori Kogoro's house that she didn't know about.

She felt sorry for Xiaolan and had to take care of one more person, and was a little afraid that things would be what she thought.

Noticing that Kisaki Eri was staring at Conan, and the aura she exuded was getting colder, Hanyu Kusunoki observed the scene with interest.

Although she didn't know what the other party was thinking at the moment, it was definitely not a good thing.

"Ah, Auntie, what, what's wrong..." Conan was stared at by Kisaki Eri, and he was fidgeting and stuttering.

"Hehe, Conan, what's your last name?" Kisaki Eri sneered, knowing that she might be a little overthinking, but she couldn't help asking.

"E, Edogawa Conan, I'm a detective..." Conan was startled by the sudden question and subconsciously said his classic opening remarks.

Kisaki Eri frowned slightly when she heard Conan's self-introduction.

Although she didn't hear the answer she didn't want to hear the most.

But is it true that my family is in conflict with the detective?


"Hanyu, what do you do?"

Hearing Eri Kisaki asking herself, Hanyu Kusuno, who was watching the show, put down the cappuccino in her hand, "Aunt Eri, I'm still a student. My main task now is to study. I have been recommended to the University of Tokyo."

Hanyu Kusuno took a look at Eri Kisaki, who looked better, and then said, "Aunt Eri, come to think of it, I should call you senior sister. I have heard about your elegance in the past."

Eri Kisaki is now known as the "Queen of Law", but she also had a famous name in her student days, called "Queen of Teitan".

The reason why she is a queen, not an empress, is because the surname "Fei" means "Queen" in English, which means queen.

"Haha, those are all old things, not worth mentioning." Hearing Hanyu Kusuno's praise, Eri Kisaki also remembered her student days.

At that time, I probably didn't expect that I would be like this now.

I was silly when I was a student. In fact, I wanted to be a delicate little princess more than a queen.

But many times, many things can't go as you wish.

"Hanyu, the most important thing for students is to study. You should cherish your time as a student and don't learn bad things from those bad people." After saying this, Kisaki Eri deliberately glanced at Conan who was trembling.

"Okay, Aunt Eri."

"What are you doing? Why are you looking at me? I'm a famous detective! I'm not a bad person." Conan rolled his eyes, lay on the table, pretending not to see.

If you have any anger, go to the uncle. I'm just a child. Why are you angry with me?

Besides, I paid the custody fee, but I didn't live in the uncle's house for free.


"Ding Dong!"

"Hey, boss." As the doorbell rang, a rough-looking man walked into the store.

"Oh, it's Mr. Toyama." The boss obviously recognized the visitor. He wiped the cup in his hand and asked, "What's wrong with your hand?"

At this time, Hanyu Kusunoki, who was chatting with Kisaki Eri, also looked up at the other party and said in his heart: Oh, today's murderer has made a brilliant appearance~

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