The two of them were so confused.

"What are you talking about, Huiyuan-san..."

The cold voice behind him was like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, exploding in Conan's ears.

Conan's heart "slammed". Although he had long suspected that his identity might have been exposed, being exposed in front of him at this moment still made him feel like being struck by lightning, and he was stunned.

"I don't understand what you are saying." Conan gritted his teeth and turned his head to look behind him.

Behind him stood a girl holding a pink pistol, with a cold smile on her lips. This smile seemed to freeze people, and Conan's hands began to tremble involuntarily.

"It's over. With that look, she will shoot. She will definitely shoot." Conan felt a strong fear in his heart.

"Don't you understand? The drug you were fed was developed by me personally!" Huihara Ai shook the small pistol in her hand and said in a cold tone.

Looking at Conan who was gritting his teeth, clenching his fists and staring at him angrily, Huihara Ai suddenly seemed to understand Gin's feelings.

This feeling of controlling the life and death of others in the palm of your hand is really great!

No wonder Gin is always keen on carrying out tasks and has become a model worker in the organization.

"So, what are you going to do next? Are you going to kill me?" Conan stared closely at the initiator who caused his body to shrink, and his anger could no longer be suppressed.

It was because of this person in front of him that he became a child, which gave Hanyu Kusunoki an opportunity to successfully capture Xiaolan's heart.

"Xiaolan!" Conan's expression suddenly shook when he thought of Xiaolan.

No, we must not let Xiaolan stay with dangerous people like Hanyu Kusunoki.

Just as Conan silently reached out to turn the watch, a small pink pistol aimed at his forehead again.

"If I were you, I would stay here honestly and never act rashly." Huiyuan Ai seemed to be concentrating on thinking about the problem, but in fact, she saw all of Conan's little movements.

She heard from Hanyu Kusunoki that after Kudo Shinichi became small, a man named Dr. Agasa tailored a lot of props for him so that he could continue to solve the case.

Huiyuan Ai took the watch from Conan's cold little hand, looked at it for a while, and put it on her wrist.

"You should have used it many times, do you want to experience it yourself?" Huiyuan Ai adjusted the dial and aimed at Conan.

"Why? What are you doing? What is the purpose?" Conan tried his best to restrain the trembling of his body, clenched his teeth, and was eager to know the answer.

"You are really not afraid of death!" Huiyuan Ai didn't expect that at this point, Conan didn't think about how to escape, but was still thinking about his little truth.

"We have nothing to do with the organization, I'm just a little interested in you, the little white mouse!" After saying that, Huiyuan Ai gently pressed the button on the dial, and a subtle light shot out from the dial and flew straight to Conan.

What a retribution!

With the injection of anesthetics, Conan's body gradually lost strength. He knelt on his knees and struggled to stand up.

Huiyuan Ai looked at Conan who fell to the ground coldly, with a slight smile on her lips.

She turned and left with a brisk pace, leaving only one sentence: "I don't know much about the organization, but since you want to find the organization so much, I'll tell you that the organization's top thugs are Gin and his subordinate Vodka, the two people who drugged you."

After saying that, Huiyuan Ai's figure gradually went away and disappeared into the darkness.

The night wind blew Huihara Ai's hair. On the one hand, her sister's safety reduced her hatred for the organization; on the other hand, she was also happy to see someone looking for trouble with the organization.

After all, the organization has brought her too much pain and harm over the years.

As for whether Conan would get into trouble if he was left alone here, Huihara Ai didn't care.

In her opinion, if Conan really encountered misfortune, he could only blame his bad luck; if he was lucky enough to escape, then the next good show would be even more worth looking forward to.

Anyway, she could watch the show.

"I will definitely catch you..." Looking at Huihara Ai's back, Conan forced his eyes open and slowly closed them.


Hanyu's house.

"I'm back!" Xiao Ai entered the password and walked into the dark villa.

"Hey, sister and Hanyu Nan went to bed so early today?" Xiao Ai turned on the lights in the living room.

, looked around, but didn't see anyone.

After putting her schoolbag on the sofa, Xiao Ai went to the kitchen to see if her sister had left dinner for her.

After searching for a long time, Xiao Ai's face was full of resentment, and finally she only found two dry bread in the refrigerator.

"Sister really doesn't love me anymore!"

Xiao Ai bit the bread hard twice as if to vent her anger, then poured herself a glass of water and swallowed it with great effort.

"Sister was not like this before, she has changed!" Xiao Ai carried the bread, stared at her short legs, and walked upstairs angrily. She was going to ask her sister if she didn't love her anymore.

Da Da Da...



After staying for a while, Xiao Ai returned to her room with a red face.


(Happy Children's Day!)

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