The battle was won, but the battle was won.

Tian Lang was stunned for a moment, and also stared at Chen Jun's body.

He looked not only at the blood-stained red flag, but also at the scars on his body!

These were the indelible marks left on him by the other side in the past.

Once, Tian Lang went deep behind the enemy and was captured by the enemy. After all kinds of inhuman torture, he also had many scars on his body. In the end, he couldn't forget the brothers of Lei Dian and found a way to return.

And just returning, Chen Jun did better than him!

Chen Jun not only endured, he also turned into a ghost, holding his head to avenge his comrades, killing the enemies one by one.

This is Chen Jun, a once unknown border guard.

The other party used his actions to interpret what a life-and-death comrade-in-arms means!

Tianlang had indescribable feelings.

Looking at the other party's rifle shooting skills that were so advanced, you can see how crazy he was during training.

Why are people crazy? It's because of the obsession in their hearts!

Chen Jun's obsession was the blood feud of his comrades-in-arms.

Revenge became the strongest motivation in his heart!

At this moment, Tianlang had only admiration for Chen Jun. Such an iron-blooded man was worthy of his admiration.

He looked at the King of Hell and said, "Let's not compete anymore. Give him the things."

The King of Hell looked at Chen Jun deeply for a while and said, "Wait a minute."

After that, he turned around and ran out quickly. About five minutes later, he came over with a big box and put it in front of Chen Jun.

"Everything is here."

Chen Jun squatted down and opened the box.

Inside were the military uniforms that Lao Yang and Lao Wu wore when they were alive, as well as their notebooks and suicide notes to their families...

Looking at these familiar things, tears rolled down Chen Jun's eyes and fell on the ground.

"Washing some clothes is nothing. You train well. I will take care of everything in life. You will definitely become stronger. The squad leader will not be wrong." Lao Yang smiled and took Chen Jun's changed clothes to wash.

Old Wu laughed and said, "Chen Jun, just let him do it. He can't sit still. What you need to do now is to make yourself stronger and become a special forces soldier in the future. That will be worthy of him. At that time, my novel will have material. You will be the protagonist. It must be very inspiring to counterattack in desperation."

"Haha, that's it. Go to training quickly. Come on. I'll help you stand guard today!"

"I'll go to have a snack today, and I'll come back to make soup for you in the evening to replenish your body. You've been training hard, and you need to supplement your nutrition so that you can have the strength to train."

"Don't be embarrassed, we are comrades, aren't we? It's right to help comrades..."

The figures of comrades flashed in Chen Jun's mind, their words, their smiles... as if they were right in front of him.

They could have lived well!

Chen Jun gently stroked the folded military uniform, the thick notebook, and the letter from home...

Men don't shed tears easily, just because they haven't reached the point of sadness.

Chen Jun took a deep breath, closed the box again, then took a deep breath, stood up, saluted Tianlang and others, and said, "I'm sorry."

After that, he picked up the box, turned around and strode out.

An Ran had been watching this scene from behind, and she could understand Chen Jun's mood at the moment.

If it weren't for the deep friendship of comrades, he would not have been able to fight alone in Area 1 for a month, even if he had to risk his life to kill the enemy.

If it weren't for the obsession in his heart, he wouldn't have trained himself so strong...

An Ran immediately followed him, and then drove away from the Thunder Station quickly.

Not long after they left, a military Warrior off-road vehicle drove in. The people in the car saw Tianlang and others standing silently, and immediately shouted loudly: "What are you doing, lying dead! Why don't you train!"


The moment the car stopped, the door was pushed open heavily, and the Thunder Chariot jumped down and strode towards Tianlang and others.

The King of Hell looked at Lei Zhan, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Thunder God, An Ran was here just now."

"Where?" Lei Zhan, who was originally gloomy, immediately jumped up excitedly, "Just right, haha, I just prepared flowers and wanted to propose to her, and she came, just right."

At this time, Lei Zhan was like an excited child, not like a three-time military king at all.

Tianlang and others couldn't bear to see Lei Zhan's childlike demeanor.

Look straight at me.

What's going on!

Lei Zhan took the white chrysanthemums out of the car, and said with a smile on his face: "I picked these on the road just now. They are all fresh. I didn't expect to use them so soon. Do you think this is God's will? God asked me to propose to An Ran today. Do you think An Ran will like it?"

Tianlang looked at everyone and walked over and said: "Thunder God, you should be mentally prepared first. What will you do if your proposal fails?"

Lei Zhan was surprised and said: "Why did you fail? An Ran has never accepted me. It is said that she has an engagement. She wants to make sure that the older generation cancels it before accepting me. There is no word failure in my dictionary. An Ran will definitely agree to me."

As he said this, he excitedly fiddled with the big bunch of white chrysanthemums, with a smile on his face.

Tianlang was a little speechless. Lei Zhan was an awesome captain, but he was a bit lacking in emotion when it came to relationships between men and women. No wonder An Ran refused to accept him for so long.

Who has ever seen someone propose with a bunch of white chrysanthemums?

Tianlang coughed softly and said, "Thunder God, An Ran just came with her fiancé..."

Lei Zhan was stunned and said, "What fiancé? Where did An Ran get her fiancé?"

Tianlang said, "This is what happened..."

He briefly told the story of An Ran and Chen Jun, and finally said, "You have seen her fiancé, the ghost on the border. He has just taken away his comrade's relics. We lost to him."

"Thunder God, give up. A man will never have trouble finding a wife. You can definitely find a better wife than An Ran."

The white chrysanthemums in Lei Zhan's hand fell to the ground. His eyes turned red and his expression looked a little excited.

Tianlang knew that Lei Zhan must be feeling bad, but he had to face what he had to face. Cutting the Gordian knot would only benefit Lei Zhan, not harm him.

Otherwise, the longer it drags on, the greater the damage to Lei Zhan.

The old fox also came over and whispered: "Thunder God, give up. An Ran is really not suitable for you. There is no need to hang yourself on a tree. A man as good as you..."

Lei Zhan suddenly growled: "A bunch of trash! I lost the woman, and you even lost Lei Dian's face. Where is he now? I want to ask him in person, I don't believe it!"

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