The two of them were in a state of panic.

An Ran held the unconscious and bloody Chen Jun.

It turned out that Chen Jun's figure had occupied her whole body and mind since she didn't know when. No wonder she didn't accept any man around her for so many years even if she didn't have any news about him.

At this moment, she looked at Chen Jun's pale face without a trace of blood, and she was completely panicked.

Even if she faced life and death in Area 1 that day, she was not as panicked and desperate as she is now.

And the words that Chen Jun said just now were heard by everyone around, and an inexplicable emotion rose in their hearts.

This is the soldier of our Yan country. Even if he may die in the next moment, he still does not forget the safety of the country.

Especially when Chen Jun explained his affairs and asked An Ran to help convey to his parents that he, a conscripted soldier, did not bring shame to the two elders, it instantly hit everyone's soft spot.

Everyone's eyes were red.

They all knew why this soldier was injured.

He was blocking the knife for his comrades!

This soldier was not afraid of death, but he still had a wish that he had not fulfilled.

Soldiers are not cold-blooded machines, they are also people, they have families, and they also have concerns in their hearts.

And An Ran's words were heard by the people around, and their eyes were full of sympathy.

"It turns out that this soldier is her husband, no wonder she cried so sadly, the two of them are very compatible, but, it's a pity..."

"Why hasn't the ambulance come yet?"

"If this continues, the blood of this young soldier will be drained, and there is really no hope!"

Everyone around looked around, their eyes full of anxiety.

Watching such a good young soldier step by step towards death, they are unwilling!

At this time, a middle-aged man rushed over from the crowd and shouted urgently: "Can't wait, hurry up, my car is over there, I'll take you to the hospital."

The people around also spoke up.

"Hurry up, the traffic is the most congested at this time, and the daylily will be cold by the time the ambulance comes."

"Don't worry, we will take care of his squad leader and pregnant woman."

"Thank you!"

Since it was related to Chen Jun's life and death, An Ran couldn't care less, immediately picked up Chen Jun, rushed over, and then carried him into the car.

The middle-aged man quickly started the car, the engine roared, and ran towards the direction of the hospital.

Time is life.

But this is the old city, and the traffic is usually terrible.

It is now the rush hour after get off work, and I just ran out of the community and was stuck in traffic.

"What should I do?"

"Chen Jun, hold on, don't leave me alone!"

An Ran looked at Chen Jun, who was getting weaker and weaker, and at the dense traffic in front of him, she was anxious and tears were streaming down.


The middle-aged driver had a worried expression on his face, and his eyes were full of anxiety.

He honked the horn desperately.

However, the horns on the whole street were screaming, and there was no effect at all.

Is this the fate of our young soldier?

A sense of powerlessness rose in the middle-aged man's heart, his eyes were full of helplessness and unwillingness, and crystal tears flashed in the corners of his eyes.

He was unwilling, thought about it, took out his mobile phone, and dialed the traffic hotline.

However, he did not hold too much hope. Even if it was a traffic policeman, he could not get in at this moment. If he had to wait until the traffic was cleared, it might be 2 hours later.

However, it might take more than 10 minutes, not 2 hours, and the body of the injured soldier might be cold.

Now he could only try his best.

"Hello! This is the 110 Traffic Police Command Center. How can I help you?" Soon, the hotline was connected.

"Hello, I am a driver. There is an injured soldier in my car. He has fainted due to excessive blood loss. I am now on Donghai 11th Street, but the traffic here is too serious and the car can't move at all. Please help."

"Okay, are you on Donghai 11th Street?"

"Yes, we are on the way to the military hospital!"


The communicator of the 110 Command Center immediately reported to his superiors that the injured soldier was stuck on the way to seek medical treatment, but the superior leader looked at the red and purple route in Donghai City, and his face became extremely heavy.

This is related to the life of a soldier, but if we really wait until the traffic is cleared, it will be too late.

"Try to ask the public for help through the traffic hotline..."

Finally, a young staff member came up with a quick idea and suggested to the frowning leader.

"It's the only way!"


Soon, the traffic channels of all vehicles were repeating a voice message.

"Hello everyone, this is the traffic helpline. On a silver sedan on 11th Street in Donghai District, a soldier was injured while saving people and is now in critical condition. I hope everyone can voluntarily make way for him."

"What? We have soldiers injured and in critical condition, blocking our streets."

"Where? Have you found them?"

"We have soldiers injured and need help?"


Everyone who heard the news had a different expression.

They all knew clearly that there was no such thing as a peaceful life. It was just that someone was carrying a heavy burden.

And the soldiers, whether fighting disasters or rescuing people, are the group of people who charge at the front line. They are the backbone of the country.

Suddenly, people who were doing business put down their business, people who were eating put down their bowls, and even dragged their children, and walked anxiously on the street, running and shouting: "Get out of the way, get out of the way, there are soldiers injured."

"Get out of the way, it's a soldier!"


The windows of the vehicles blocked on the road were constantly slapped by the running people.

They were already holding back their anger in the road, and at this moment, someone slapped their car doors hard, and their faces suddenly sank.

They quickly rolled down the windows, and just when they were about to scold each other, they suddenly heard that there were soldiers injured, and their faces changed.

"Fuck, soldiers!"

"Get out of the way, get out of the way!"

Suddenly, the sound seemed to be infected, and it kept spreading from the street to the end of the street.

The people who lifted the car and pushed the people, and the people who were pushed just started to curse, but when they knew that it was a soldier who was injured and needed help, they immediately shut up, as if they were electrocuted, without a single complaint.

Then they ran forward, like a domino effect.

Even if the traffic police were dispatched, they could not solve the problem. The cars in the passage spontaneously split into two sides, miraculously making way for a passage that connected to the fast lane.

On the fast lane, there were people shouting.

There were shadows of people running on the overpass and balcony...

"It's open!"

"It's open!"

An Ran hugged Chen Jun, who was covered in blood, and looked at the touching scene in front of her. She burst into tears and murmured, "Chen Jun, hold on, see."

"You, the ghost, protected these people, and they are protecting you now!"

"Soldiers, you must believe in the motherland and the people. We protect them, but when soldiers encounter difficulties, the people we protect will not be indifferent."

"They used to carry burdens and fight with us. Now, they will definitely help us open the passage, definitely."

An Ran looked at the miraculous scene in front of her, and a determination she had never had before rose in her heart.

The middle-aged driver looked at the passage that appeared miraculously in front of him, and his eyes suddenly filled with tears. He stepped on the accelerator and the car flew out.

At the same time, some people posted what happened here to their friends circle, and it was hotly discussed everywhere.

"What? The soldier was injured and needs help."

"What, he was blocking the knife for his comrades and was blocked on the way to rescue?"

"Where is it? I skipped work and came to help immediately..."

"Send the location, I'll come immediately."

"Together, together, the soldiers have paid so much for us. I heard recently that the border is not peaceful. This time, it's our turn to contribute."

So, people nearby kept rushing to help in the way they knew.

When An Ran and his car got on the road, they were surprised to find that there were many cars on the road, one by one, and they took the initiative to move to both sides and spontaneously made way for a life passage.

At some point, a traffic police car appeared in front of them, and they kept shouting, "The passage is clear."

An Ran looked at the unconscious Chen Jun, and felt an inexplicable emotion in her heart. She choked up and said, "Did you see that? Everyone is protecting you. You must hold on!"

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