Chapter 112 Painting the land is king? No, it’s about changing the world.

The weight of Qin Xu’s words at this moment is definitely no less than that of a war zone commander.

When he said that he would directly acquire two shipyards, his tone was that he could not refuse. None of the old people present had any objections.

Because everyone knows very well how cold the aircraft carrier is to the rabbit family. One aircraft carrier formation is definitely not enough.

Now that the Emperor-class aircraft carrier has been exposed, the construction of later aircraft carriers must be accelerated.

Nowadays, great powers such as Yingjiang often make troubles, especially the joint naval exercises of 27 ports, which are just eye drops for them. So at this time, the Rabbit family will push forward the aircraft carrier project no matter what.

As for Qin Xu’s status, to be honest, this guy is now a well-known presence in the Rabbit family.

A global technology has helped countless people escape from the struggle of poverty, and even helped the Rabbit family rise. Coupled with the attention from above, his status is almost untouchable.

The attitude of several elderly people was also very obvious, and they fully supported this boy. When they sent Xiao Hei to follow Qin Xu, they considered the highlights.

One is to protect this kid’s safety and not let him get hurt in any way.

The second is to stay by his side and observe his inner state. Once he harms the interests of the Rabbit family and the people, he will be imprisoned directly.

This is the most important thing.

Although they believed in Qin Xu, they had to be on guard. This uncontrollable speed of sound must be stifled no matter what. Fortunately, this kid Qin Xu has never had any evil intentions at all.

He is ruthless in making money, and sometimes he takes advantage of his connections and even his value in the eyes of several old people to do things. But there is no doubt that everything he does does not harm the interests of the Rabbit family.

So gradually, several old people acquiesced in this kid’s nonsense. If there is any problem, they will help him clean up the mess.

Now that Qin Xu has proposed an aircraft carrier project plan, they will naturally not object.

The old man knocked on the table and said:”Now that I have approved it, you just have to go and implement it. But I have to say ugly things first. Don’t you just take the money and do nothing! We won’t be able to build a second ship in three years.” Aircraft carrier, I want to scold you.”

Qin Xu:”…..”

He curled his lips and said:”Old chief, you underestimate me, don’t you? You don’t do anything with money.······Haha, to be honest, I really don’t like your little money.”

Old chief:”….”


Several other old people couldn’t help laughing. This guy’s words are rough but his reasoning is rough.

Indeed, that 40 billion fund, even if it is 120 billion in three years, that kid may not be able to take advantage of it.

They checked and found that the annual revenue of Quanyu Technology exceeded 400 billion US dollars, a total of more than 2 trillion red coins. If he were to become this corrupt official and embezzle 120 billion red coins, he might not be able to afford this person.

The old chief couldn’t help but shook his head and laughed, and said:”I just wanted you to speed up, I didn’t say you would take it for yourself.”

Qin Xu blinked his eyes and said with a smile:”Old chief, two aircraft carriers in three years. I can assure you that you will be able to get into the water. However······How about we make a bet, I will get you four ships, and you will grant me a piece of land?”

The old chief was stunned and looked at Qin Xu with a wary face.

This guy is just a profiteer. Those foreigners don’t know how much money he cheated. With his current behavior, he doesn’t know what kind of bad idea he is planning.

“You tell me first, I have to think about it.”

He said.

Qin Xu:”In the no-man’s land of Beixili, I want to build an aerospace base, a large base covering an area of more than 1 million acres.”

He directly stated his purpose


“What did you say?”

“Damn it!”…Among the several old people, some squirted out a mouthful of tea, some exclaimed, and some even uttered a curse word.

One million acres, that’s more than 660 square kilometers. Does this guy want to make the land king?

The old chief was also frightened by his words, his eyes widened, and he said:”Are you crazy? 1 million acres, what do you want to do?【?”

Qin Xu looked innocent and said,”Didn’t I just say that we will build a large aerospace base? Once this aerospace base matures, I will bring all the industries in our region there. go”

“At the same time, I suggest that all industrial industries be moved to no-man’s land and our beautiful environment be returned to the people. Whether it’s a city or a suburb, stop building polluting factories, etc.······”

When Qin Xu finished the entire plan in one breath, all the old people in the office were moved.

It turns out that this kid has already considered environmental issues and the entire human living environment.

The old chief took a breath of cold air and said:”You mean, you want to build an industrial base in no man’s land and move almost all the industrial industries there?”

“If this is the case, how many people will work and live there? Have you considered it?”

His words were approved by all the old people.

After all, if such a large industrial base is moved to the northwest, countless workers, engineers, etc. will have to go there to work. They will leave their hometown and become unknown, except for the older generation. Those staff members and young people may not be able to do it!

Qin Xu:”Commanders, we just want to get a piece of land and make future plans, but we don’t want to move now. Besides, who can tell clearly about the future? What if we could achieve artificial intelligence production? By then, we may not need so many technical personnel.”


The old chief was speechless.

Qin Xu continued:”And if we can make transportation faster, it will even take less than two hours from the northwest to the Magic City! By then, no matter where we work, we can go back and forth in the same day”

“Crazy, you kid is crazy”

“Is that something you only see in science fiction movies?”

“Xiao Qin, be realistic and don’t think about these illusory things.”…..Several old people began to persuade him. In their opinion, Qin Xu was completely crazy.

Otherwise, how could you say such nonsense?

But only Qin Xu knew that he was definitely not crazy. He can’t even count how many things he has stored in his mind.

Mechanical, aerospace, civil technology, energy, etc.······It can be said that it covers the entire industry and technology. If he upgrades all of these again and again, as long as he has enough experience points, he can create a complete science fiction country.

No dou

bt, it can definitely be done.

The only thing he lacks now is time and experience points.

But there is no conflict between the two. As long as he researches and builds, and as time passes, he can gain experience points. He is only 28 years old now. Maybe when he is 60 years old, such a world can really be realized.

After a moment of silence, Qin Xu smiled and said:”Commanders, according to the old man’s words, I should have realized my own value now, right? In your opinion, it should be okay.” As soon as these words came out, all the old people They all nodded silently.

If this doesn’t mean he realizes the value of his life, then who does?

Qin Xu smiled and said again:”But in my opinion, that’s not enough. When I came to this world, my first goal was to change the Rabbit family. My second goal was to change the entire human race.”


These words made all the old people take a breath of cold air. This guy’s goal is simply inhuman.

But maybe, what he said can really come true?

Unknowingly, several old people suddenly began to believe in Qin Xu.

The old chief said:”You can use the land in Beixili without any approval or disapproval. As long as you don’t occupy the people’s land or harm the people, we don’t care. How you build it is up to you. We don’t care.”

These words are tantamount to delegating power to Qin Xu. The higher-ups don’t care about the development over there.


The tone suddenly changed, and the old chief looked at Qin Xu.

Qin Xu’s mouth twitched when he heard this, and he knew that there would definitely be conditions.

So he said:”Old chief, just tell me, as long as I can agree, I will definitely agree.””

“Start a family first, then······Post me a position.”

The two conditions were stated directly.

Qin Xu:”…..”

He felt like he was being tricked again.

Do these two conditions have anything to do with the construction of Beixili?

Wait, the latter one seems to have something to do with it, but the former one······Starting a family has nothing to do with your career!

“I agree.”

Zheng Lin nodded directly.

Mr. Yang smiled and said,”I also agree.”


“I also agree”…Mr. Hu, Mr. Li and others all spoke.

It’s good now. If Qin Xu wants to object, he can’t find a reason unless he doesn’t want development.

“Chief, you guys are taking advantage of the situation. He said with a speechless face.

The old chief smiled and said,”You are just taking advantage of the situation. What can you do?””

“I surrender.”

Qin Xu shook his head and smiled bitterly.

But having said that, he knew that several old people were afraid that after they entered the no-man’s land, they would not come back for several years. By then, their personal problems would not be solved for a long time. That was not what they wanted to see.

In their In his eyes, Qin Xu’s genes are very important.

I don’t know how this kid’s brain grew, but his intelligence is definitely frightening. A genius child’s abilities in all aspects will definitely not be too bad.

This is already the case with foreigners. It has been certified. [I’m not sure, but when people escape in science fiction movies, those who escape are those with better genes.····Well】

“Okay, that’s it. It’s time for us to leave. We’ll probably have to work again next time.”

The old leader stood up with a smile, his expression extremely relaxed.

Qin Xu nodded, he understood what the old man meant.

Next, it is estimated that many people will come to visit the Rabbit family, because the birth of the Emperor-class aircraft carrier will definitely The Rabbit family has been pushed to a new level.

Some wallflowers are like this. When they saw the Rabbit family being besieged by foreign powers before, they didn’t dare to come to help. But now······They are afraid that one by one they will send money to the door to seek shelter.

Yang Niancheng said to Qin Xu:”I’ll give you a month. When you’re done, come to Kyoto and pick a wife for you.”

Qin Xu:”…..”

“yes! Chief!”……

Several old people took a special car to the airport, then boarded a special plane and left the magical city. After Qin Xu watched them leave, he immediately walked towards the reception hall of Hainan Airlines.

He asked Xiao Hei beside him:”How is the situation? How many reporters are there? How many foreign media are there?”

Xiao Hei:”All the big media in our Rabbit family are here. As for the foreign media, basically There are more than 30 of the great powers, big or small.”

Qin Xu nodded, with a smile on his lips, and said,”We will give them a big surprise later.” He opened the door and entered the reception hall., I saw that the entire hall was densely packed with heads. The reporters took cameras and immediately started taking pictures of Qin Xu and Xiao Hei.

Qin Xu:”Everyone, I’ve been waiting for a long time. The press conference has begun, and I will only answer three questions from you.”

Standing on the stage, Qin Xu looked at the reporters with a faint smile on his face. After hearing his words, all the reporters rushed to raise their hands.

Qin Xu caught sight of a young female reporter, pointed and said:”Reporter from Kyoto Daily, you come first.”

“Hello, Mr. Qin, I am Wang Sha, a reporter from Kyoto Daily. I would like to ask you, did you personally lead the construction of our aircraft carrier?”

The reporter’s eyes were full of little stars. Looking at Qin Xu’s handsome and masculine face, he almost couldn’t help but fall.

Qin Xu clicked���, smiled and said:”Hello, Reporter Wang. I can give you an accurate answer. This aircraft carrier was indeed designed and built by me personally.”


Qin Xu pressed his hand, then pointed to another reporter from the Rabbit family, and said:”This reporter, it’s your turn.”

“Hello, Mr. Qin. I am a reporter from the Shanghai New Newspaper. I would like to ask you, is our aircraft carrier stronger or inferior to the Nimitz-class aircraft carriers in all aspects of performance?”

After the male reporter asked this question, he looked at Qin Xu with some anxiety.

Qin Xu smiled:”That’s a good question. I can also give you a clear answer. Our Emperor-class aircraft carrier is two generations ahead of the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier. It will take at least 30 years for the Eagle to catch up with us.”


The reporters at the scene all gasped.

It will take 30 years to catch up with the Great Emperor-class aircraft carrier. Is this an exaggeration? Or······Is what he said true?

Qin Xu pointed casually and looked at another reporter from the Rabbit family.

That’s right, he didn’t give those foreign media the slightest chance. The three questions were just an explanation to the Rabbit family media and the Rabbit family people.

“Mr. Qin, how many aircraft carrier battle groups will we build in the future?”

The reporter started talking about it.

Qin Xu:”Sorry, your question involves military secrets.”

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