The takeaway was delivered quickly. After a few quick bites, Jiang Fan went back to work!

One hour!

Two hours!

Five hours!

It was already midnight, and the photographer was so sleepy that he couldn't open his eyes. He yawned and yawned.

On the other hand, Jiang Fan, who had been working for such a long time, had no trace of fatigue on his face, but was full of energy.

After such a long period of planning, the ultimate transformation plan for the tractor had been completed.

Looking at the draft in front of him, Jiang Fan nodded with satisfaction.

He stood up and stretched himself. Looking at the photographer who was dozing off next to him, Jiang Fan asked him to take a rest.

The photographer didn't refuse. He came to Brother Niu's lounge and fell asleep on the bed.

Jiang Fan simply moved his body and started working again.

This scene was also transmitted to the live broadcast room by the camera that had been set up on the side.

Because it was already midnight, most of the netizens in the live broadcast room went to rest, leaving only some fanatical fans and some netizens who were quite interested in modification.

At this time, Jiang Fan picked up the toolbox and came to the tractor. In just five minutes, he used tools to disassemble all the tractor parts and placed them on the seat.

This scene was transmitted in the live broadcast room, causing quite a shock.

[Brother Fan is awesome. He disassembled a tractor in five minutes. This speed is too fast. I, a car mechanic who has worked for ten years, can't do it! ]

[Although I know nothing about tractors, I like anything Brother Fan does, smooch! ]

[It seems that Brother Fan is really good. Although the structure of a tractor is simpler than that of a car, it is impossible to completely disassemble a tractor in five minutes without a certain foundation. It takes at least ten years. So Brother Fan, have you really never been a mechanic before? 】

【The person above, Brother Fan is only 21 years old. He was only 11 years old ten years ago. It is impossible for Brother Fan to be a mechanic at the age of 11. This must be called talent! Brother Fan is a talented player, understand? 】


At the same time, in a residential area in Jinghai.

A man was sitting in the study room with his legs crossed, watching Jiang Fan's live broadcast on the screen in front of him.

When he saw the admiration of Brother Fan in the barrage of comments in the live broadcast room, a trace of disdain and contempt appeared on his face.

"It's just a jumping clown, who can only attract attention. What's there to brag about!"

The man snorted coldly.

He is 30 years old this year and is an employee of the Vehicle Research Institute of Jinghai Academy of Sciences. He specializes in researching cutting-edge technology in the automotive field.

And he has a girlfriend who has been in love for ten years and is about to get married.

With a successful career and a girlfriend by his side, he always thinks that he is a model of successful people.

As a result, for some reason, his girlfriend always giggles at the phone these days, and occasionally shows a crazy look at the phone.

I thought my girlfriend was cheating on me, but she was watching a live broadcast.

And this live broadcast room was Jiang Fan's.

He watched his girlfriend being crazy about a man all day long, and she was talking on the phone with her best friend all day long, saying that Brother Fan was the best man in the world.

This made him very unhappy, so he deliberately entered Jiang Fan's live broadcast room to see what kind of man could make his girlfriend so obsessed.

As soon as he entered Jiang Fan's live broadcast room, he saw Jiang Fan dismantling a tractor.

For him, who is from the Institute of Automotive Engineering of the Academy of Sciences, the cars he usually comes into contact with are all high-end cars, and he can't get in touch with low-end models like tractors.

So in his subconscious, he naturally looked down on tractors, so Jiang Fan's ability to dismantle a tractor in five minutes was not worth mentioning in his eyes.

The man typed quickly on the keyboard and then sent a barrage.

[Haha, I thought it was so awesome, but this is it? What year is it and he still modifies a tractor? You have the ability to modify cars, but you are just trying to attract attention and traffic, a bunch of clowns] - Kick Jiang Fan Piyanzi.

As soon as this barrage was sent out, it was directly attacked by Jiang Fan's fans.

[Haha, you are a big shot, come on! ]

[Look at your online name, you are just a black fan of Brother Fan, just for the sake of black fan, in fact, you are the real clown! ]

[Hey, some people must be jealous of Brother Fan's awesomeness, and they are angry and start to attack him personally! ]

[I can understand it. After all, Brother Fan is too good. Some people are jealous of Brother Fan and become black fans. ]

[After Brother Fan transforms the most awesome and coolest tractor in the world, I will slap your dog face! ]


The man looked at the many barrages attacking him and shook his head with disdain.He was too lazy to reply, and continued to watch the live broadcast after blocking the barrage.

In his eyes at this moment, Jiang Fan was just a parallel import who relied on the show effect to attract those brainless fans.

He did not believe that Jiang Fan had the ability to modify.

He wanted to see how Jiang Fan would modify this tractor.

He was ready to use his professional knowledge to expose Jiang Fan when Jiang Fan modified it, so that Jiang Fan's true face as a parallel import would be made public.

Jiang Fan had no idea what happened in the live broadcast room.

At this time, he had moved the equipment he needed from the warehouse.

Although this repair shop was shabby and small, it should be said that Brother Niu had collected a lot of equipment.

Looking at the old small aircraft engine picked up from somewhere in front of him and several scrapped but very complete cars, Jiang Fan nodded with satisfaction.

It seemed that the equipment for modifying the tractor by himself was enough.

Without nonsense, Jiang Fan immediately started to operate.

He first picked up the old aircraft engine for debugging and repair, and soon the repaired aircraft engine could start normally.

Then Jiang Fan started to pick up the wrench and started working on the scrapped cars.

An hour later, the floor of the entire repair shop was filled with various parts.

Seeing this scene, the disdain in the eyes of the black man became more obvious.

"What a joke, you took out the aircraft engine, what, you are going to install the aircraft engine on the tractor, why don't you go to the sky."

"Even if it can be installed, with such a large power of the aircraft engine, it is definitely not something that the tractor can withstand. It is estimated that it will fall apart after a few steps."

"I originally thought you were a bit skilled, but you didn't find anything worse than the parallel imports. Haha, I want to see how you make a fool of yourself in the end!"

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