After Jiang Fan set the tractor to autopilot, he actually went to sleep.

Doesn't he worry about accidents on the road?

Watching the tractor driving on the road, the photographer's heart almost jumped out.

At this time, he was sweating profusely and wanted to call Jiang Fan, but hearing Jiang Fan's slight cry made him give up the idea.

At the same time, the voice of the smart assistant came from the screen in front of the seat again.

[Smart assistant Xiaotuo detected that the co-pilot was emotionally excited and afraid, and specially reminded, please don't be afraid, Xiaotuo's driving skills are super high! ]

[Please believe Xiaotuo, in order to ease your emotions, Xiaotuo specially prepared car music for you, please enjoy it! ]

This scene fell in the live broadcast room, and instantly caused a boil among netizens.

[Popularity] +1+1+1

[Popularity] +1+1+1


[Damn, this smart assistant is so awesome, it can also detect people's emotions and comfort them, this is too amazing! ]

[I am a newbie. Is the smart assistant that can do this really as powerful as the above? Please explain! ]

[My job is to develop smart AI. I can only say that, with the current level of AI research in the world, AI that can detect human emotions has not been developed yet! ]

[Fuck, Brother Fan is awesome. It took only one night to develop such an awesome thing. It is a waste of talent to let you record the show! ]

[Wow, Xiaotuo is too cute. Brother Fan, I am your loyal fan. Can you give me one! ]

Then, a beautiful girl in a JK uniform appeared in front of the screen. She looked very cute. She was the virtual character model of the smart assistant Xiaotuo.

But the suona in her hand made people feel a little out of place.


The beautiful girl played the suona, and the dynamic suona sound came out from the screen.

Wow, listening to suona in the car music is a bit unique.

When the photographer heard the suona sound coming from the screen, for some reason, his nervous and scared mood calmed down instantly.

Then he felt a wave of sleepiness, and then he tilted his head and fell into a deep sleep.

In the live broadcast room.

[Damn, what happened to the photographer? Was he too scared to faint or was he sent away by the suona sound! ]

[Hahaha, the car music turned out to be suona, Brother Fan is so talented, but after listening to the suona sound, I don’t know why my mood calmed down all of a sudden, and I felt so sleepy...]

[This suona seems to be playing the famous Weishui Autumn Song. I heard that this song has the effect of calming the soul and clearing the spirit. After listening to it, it can calm the mood, make people become free of desires, and have the effect of sleeping! 】

【Damn, no wonder. I was just about to play basketball with my wife, but just as I was about to shoot, I heard the sound of suona from the live broadcast room. I surrendered and became pure-hearted. I thought I was useless, but it turned out that I heard it from the music! 】


【I have heard this song before, but why don’t I feel the same as I did in the live broadcast room? Could it be that this song was played by Brother Fan? 】

And this suona song was recorded by Jiang Fan overnight and stored on the car computer.

At the same time, a strange picture appeared on the road.

On a tractor, the man in the main driver's seat covered his head with a coat, and the man in the co-pilot seat tilted his head to the side close to his eyes.

And the sound of suona kept ringing in the car.

This scene is really a bit weird!

Fortunately, Jiang Fan and his friends are in the suburbs now, and there are almost no pedestrians on the road.

If this scene happened in the city, it would probably scare a lot of people!

Ten minutes later, the tractor arrived at the destination - Akina Mountain!

The voice of the smart assistant Xiaotuo sounded again.

[Wake up, wake up, we've arrived at Akina Mountain! ]

After hearing Xiaotuo's voice, Jiang Fan and the photographer woke up from their slumber.

After stretching and moving his limbs, Jiang Fan was full of energy after a short rest.

The photographer looked unbelievable. He actually fell asleep and slept very soundly!

The previous second, he was nervous and scared, and the next second, when the suona sounded, he lost consciousness.

When he woke up, he was here!

At this time, the mood of the netizens in the live broadcast room was almost the same as that of the photographer.

Because along the way, they saw the power of the intelligent driving of the tractor in front of them.

Automatic avoidance and optimal route selection have been developed to the extreme by Jiang Fan.

Halfway through the road, the other party drove a high-speed car, and the driving process was shaky, like drunk driving.

At this time, Jiang Fan and the photographer were still asleep.I know nothing.

This scene was recorded in the live broadcast room, and some timid netizens were almost scared to death.

The road in the suburbs is relatively narrow, and only two cars can pass together, while the car on the opposite side, which was swaying left and right, almost occupied the entire lane.

According to the current situation, the possibility of a collision between the two cars is very high.

When the opposite car appeared in everyone's sight, they didn't know that the smart assistant Xiaotuo had already listed several solutions on the screen!

In the end, Xiaotuo chose the best and safest solution, slowed down the tractor, and then drove to a small road on the side to temporarily avoid it.

After the car passed, Xiaotuo resumed normal driving.

And Xiaotuo also automatically called the traffic bureau to inform the opposite side that the opposite car was driving irregularly and might be suspected of drunk driving.

The whole process was smooth, and no one participated in the whole process.

The safety and reliability of autonomous driving were fully demonstrated to the audience in the live broadcast room.

At the same time, Jiang Fan turned off the automatic driving and switched to manual driving.

The photographer on the side saw this and asked in confusion.

"Brother Fan, isn't the test over yet?!"

In his eyes, everything about the tractor was beyond his understanding. The intelligent assistant that looked like a real person was shocking enough.

So he thought that the modification of this tractor was over.

Jiang Fan said calmly.

"What we just saw was just an appetizer. Fasten your seat belts. The next step is the real modification!"

After hearing Jiang Fan's words, everyone was even more surprised!

The scenes that shocked them just now were just a simple appetizer!

Then the so-called real modification will surely blow their eyes!

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