That's right, this method was exactly what Jiang Fan had told Brother Niu just now.

The reason why he asked Brother Niu to fire him was to make this group of people give up.

After all, seeing the fanatical look of the group of people at the door, simple persuasion would probably not work.

Seeing the repair shop surrounded by this group of people, Jiang Fan knew that he had to make a choice.

As for why Jiang Fan didn't resign himself, it was because according to the regulations of the program group, if a contestant voluntarily resigned, it would be considered as abandoning the game.

The people at the door were full of disbelief at this time. They all thought that this was Brother Niu's delaying tactic, and they shouted to express their disbelief.

At this time, Jiang Fan walked out of the repair shop, and he was seen saying loudly to everyone with a serious face.

"Everyone, I have been fired from the repair shop, and the modification of the repair shop is not my responsibility."

"Next, I need to find a new job, so please go back!"

After that, Jiang Fan said goodbye to Brother Niu and left the repair shop with the photographer.

Seeing Jiang Fan leave, everyone present was confused.

It was not until they saw Jiang Fan stop a taxi and leave the repair shop that they reacted.

"Oh my god, is he really fired?"

"Ah? He won't modify it for us, what should we do?"

"Didn't Brother Fan say he didn't know anything when he first came to the factory, but he became so awesome after just one day. It must be the director of the repair shop who taught him, so the director's modification level must not be low. Why not let the director modify it for us!"

"Yes, director, you see we are here, just modify it for us!"

Seeing Jiang Fan leave, everyone set their sights on Brother Niu.

Seeing everyone asking him to modify it for them, Brother Niu smiled and said loudly to everyone.

"Thanks for your love and trust. Now that you have spoken, I can't let you down."

"Let me talk about my achievements first. Ten years ago, the old man Le that I modified successfully sent an old man away. That day, the old man passed away peacefully, leaving nothing behind but a mouthful of false teeth!"

"So I have since retired from the modification industry, but since so many people want me to come out today, I will naturally not let you down!"

"Come on, everyone line up, I will modify you one by one!"

Good guy, as soon as Brother Niu finished these words, everyone was silent.

This is not Brother Niu, this is clearly the King of Hell!

Modifying an old man Le and sending the old man away directly, with this level, asking him to modify it is like adding a soul ring to his own car!

"Everyone, don't be stunned, line up quickly!"

Brother Niu said with a smile as he looked at the sluggish look of the crowd.

"Come on, big brother, you go first, I'm not in a hurry!"

"No, no, no, you came first, you go first!!"

"Uncle, you go first, the elderly are first!"

As soon as Brother Niu finished speaking, the crowd that had been fighting for each other before began to give way to each other instantly.

Five minutes later.

The repair shop that was originally surrounded by people had now returned to its former appearance.

Those who originally wanted to modify drove away from the repair shop.


At the same time, Jiang Fan and his friends had arrived at the hotel.

"Brother Fan, Brother Niu has returned to normal!"

The photographer said to Jiang Fan.

Jiang Fan nodded.

"Then Brother Fan, what should we do next?"

Recalling the scene where Jiang Fan was fired by Brother Niu, the photographer asked.

"Wait for the program team to notify you, they should have known about this!"

In the live broadcast room.

[Good guy, Brother Fan has worked for four days and changed four jobs. Is this the legendary professional killer? ]

[It's a pity that Brother Fan quit. I was thinking of going to the repair shop and asking Brother Fan to modify it for me! ]

[The fans above are fake fans. As true fans of Brother Fan, we will never do anything to cause trouble to Brother Fan or disturb him. We will only support him silently behind his back! ! ]

[The big brother above is right. Those people are so damn hateful. Brother Fan was fired. Ninety percent of the responsibility is those people! ]

[Haha, the program team probably has a headache again. The new job just arranged for Brother Fan was fired after only one day of work. I just want to say that Brother Fan is awesome! ! ]

At this time, the program team headquarters.

The conference room was crowded with people again.

At the top C position, the director looked at everyone on the scene with a sad face.

Just now he received a notice that the contestant Jiang Fan, who had just arranged a job, was fired after one day of formal work.

The show was filmed for only four days, and Jiang Fan changed his job four times.

This gave the director a headache.

If this continues, he will reallyI don't know what work to assign to Jiang Fan.

"Director, the other dozens of contestants have not had this situation since the show started. I think we are too indulgent to this contestant. Our repeated concessions have only made him feel confident. We should directly let this contestant withdraw from the competition to establish the dignity of our program team and the dignity of you, the director!"

At this time, a young staff member stood up and said to the director.

As soon as this was said, all the staff members in the audience looked at him in surprise.

The director looked up and down at the young staff member, and then nodded with satisfaction.

"Young man, you said it very well!"

Seeing that the director recognized his opinion, the staff member's face was happy.

He thought that he had been appreciated by the director and could rise to the top of his life from now on.

And when the director said the next sentence, he was stunned.

"Although you said it well, don't say it again next time. After receiving this month's salary from the HR department, pack up and leave. You are fired!!"

After this, the staff member was stunned.

What's going on.

According to his imagination, shouldn't the director praise him and give him a promotion and salary increase!

Why was he fired?

This is not in line with common sense!

Before he could react, two security guards walked into the meeting room and asked the staff member to leave.

"What the hell, he dared to ask Jiang Fan to withdraw from the competition. Doesn't he know that the audience of the entire program is going for Jiang Fan now!"

"Let Jiang Fan withdraw from the competition, isn't this obviously trying to harm the program? Today he dared to ask Jiang Fan to withdraw from the competition, and tomorrow he dared to usurp the throne as the director. What the hell does he think he is, daring to say such arrogant words!!"

After watching the staff member being asked to leave the meeting room, the director said angrily.

In fact, what the director said is completely correct. The reason why the program is so popular now is 100% due to Jiang Fan's promotion.

It can be said that Jiang Fan is the biggest responsibility of the entire program group.

If Jiang Fan withdraws from the competition, the program will probably fall from grace on the second day, and the program group will go bankrupt on the third day.

Jiang Fan alone has driven the ratings of the entire program. For the director, he is like a reborn parent and the God of Wealth!

Even if Jiang Fan wants to withdraw from the competition, the director will probably have to kneel down and beg Jiang Fan not to withdraw.

It can be said that this program can be missing anyone, but it cannot be missing Jiang Fan.

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