Chapter 341: The largest tank cluster attack in human history! This is a real torrent of steel!

"rush! Crush them!"

At this moment!

Zhang Xueming's First Tank Armored Division, with hundreds of T26s, and the T34 tank attack group, rushed towards the 18th Division of the Red Guards ahead!

They had entered Tsarist Russia for more than half a month!

The fighting spirit has been suppressed!

Completely released at this moment!

The entire army has turned on Sturm und Drang mode!

"Da da da! Da da da!"

"boom! boom!"

On the tank, the T26 tank's 45mm cannon continued to fire high-explosive shells into the crowd!

And the 7.62mm gun on the vehicle - under the operation of the commander! began to shoot the enemies in front!

This rough plain, It is simply the best assault location for tank troops.

The enemy has no bunkers at all.

It is a perfect target for machine guns and tank cannons!

But seeing tanks constantly interspersing and dividing the enemy like no one is in the middle of nowhere!

Even Zhang Xueming couldn't help but smile. Smile.

Damn it! This Soviet-style equipment is so easy to use!

After all, this is a weapon designed by Maozi based on his own national conditions.

In Maozi's native country, it would be like a heifer entering the house - it's so awesome!

"Let the tank troops continue to break through!"

Zhang Xueming waved his hand!

"Where are the 1st Cavalry Division and the Mongoose Ancient Cavalry Division?"

"Report that two troops are rushing towards the Yoshkalao Pass, preparing to block the enemy's retreat!"


Let's go to this big plain outside Kazan City!!

Eat these idiot's two newly formed armies directly!

"Order the 102nd Division to set up a blocking position in the direction of Kalino Railway Station to block enemy reinforcements!"

"Telegraphed to Queen Feodor to have her three reinforcement divisions move forward quickly and establish a blocking position behind the enemy's 1-4th Front!"

"Then, order the 101st and 103rd divisions to join the battle group! The pincer offensive cuts off the 18th and 19th armies in the middle, separates and surrounds them as quickly as possible, and eliminates the enemy!"

As the saying goes, one move can affect the whole body.

Once the 18th and 19th armies are caught by themselves, they will definitely ask for help from other armies!

At that time, whether it is the 5th Army that is attacking Kalino Railway Station. The 1st to 4th regiments that are besieging the front of Kazan may all send troops to support!


The two armies are more than 50 kilometers away from here, which happens to be a day's march for the troops!

Zhang Xueming!

He just needs to take advantage of this one-day time difference!

Take chestnuts from the fire!

Eat these two armies!

Once this task is completed,

Red Maozi will lose a lot of vitality.

I'm afraid there won't be any major offensives before next year!

So, this battle!

Just be fast! Accurate! Be ruthless.!

"Go! kill!"

"boom! boom! boom!"

And at this moment!

Looking at the tanks and charging infantry coming from all directions,

Haha Niyang showed an incredible expression!

"what's going on! Whose army is this?"

"Why are there so many tanks!"

Encountering tank troops on this plain that had just been harvested, Hahani Yang showed a desperate expression.

Soldiers without any cover were targets for machine guns and tanks!

"Order all soldiers to dig trenches as soon as possible and defend on the spot!"

Haha Niyang knew that if he retreated at this time, he would only be slaughtered like a duck!

In desperation, he could only issue an order to defend on the spot!

Then he immediately rushed to the communications team of the division headquarters!

"quick! Send a message! Request support!"

"We were attacked by an unknown enemy! The enemy has tons of tanks! We need reinforcements! Reinforcements needed!"

"Report! The forward of the 18th Army was attacked by unknown troops!"

"Commander Haha Niyang reported that the enemy has a large number of tanks!"

The moment the Red Guard troops received the news that the 18th Army was under attack, they were also confused.

At this moment!

The White Guard troops were surrounded by themselves under Kazan City.

They were compressed into a narrow area of ​​less than 40 kilometers!


You suddenly suddenly Tell me!

You found a large number of enemy troops outside the encirclement!

Where did this troops come from?

Did it fall from the sky?

"General Tukhachev! what should we do?"

At this time, everyone's eyes are focused on Tukhachevsky!

As the Far East Group, the commander-in-chief of the Eastern Front.

It is time for him to make a decision!

Should he continue to besiege Kazan, or dispatch troops to rescue? The 18th and 19th Army!

It was all in his mind!

But he saw that Tukhachevsky kept walking back and forth in the command room. He was constantly deducing in his mind.

After a full twenty minutes, he raised his head.

"Deploy one division from the 2nd Army Reserve and add 2 divisions from the 3rd Group, for a total of 3 divisions, led by General Shaolin, to go north to support the two armies!!"

"At the same time, the 5th Army was ordered to give up the attack on Kalino Railway Station and also go north to meet the 18th and 19th Army!"

Although he didn't know where the enemy came from, the famous general Tukhachevsky still keenly felt the danger.

Once the 18th and 19th armies were defeated by this inexplicable army, the 5th army on the weak side The army group was immediately surrounded!

To the west was the Kazan White Guard position!

To the north was this mysterious force that suddenly appeared.

To the east was Yekaterinburg!

As for the south!

This was the Volga River they had just forcibly crossed.

They Crossing the river was a risky move, and the goal was to risk death and survive. Now the strategic intention has been exposed. If you want to go back the same way and cross the river again! I'm afraid the White Guards will not agree!

If that time comes, this most elite The Fifth Army was in danger!

Therefore, Tukhachevsky immediately ordered the Fifth Army to abandon the attack on the strategic Kalino train station and to join the 18th and 19th armies!

0Please give me flowers 0However

, the picture Haczewski thought of all this!

How could Zhang Xueming not think of it?

At this moment! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

His steel torrent is rushing forward!

"Notice! Prioritize attacking the enemy's Type 1902 76mm war cannon! This kind of artillery is pulled by war horses! When you see a war horse, fire immediately!"

At this moment, on the plain.

The tank unit of the 1st Armored Division and 1st Regiment has been inserted into the junction of the 18th Army, the 54th Division and the 55th Division, completely dividing the two divisions!

In Maozi's sequence, it can attack the T-26 tank Only the 76mm battle cannon caused direct damage!


The tank troops almost gave priority to attacking all enemy artillery fire points!

Then, they continued to use machine guns to shoot at the red-haired soldiers who were digging individual soldier pits!

As Maozi's artillery was blown into pieces Scrap iron!

The tank clusters began to disperse and continue to search for any visible high-value targets!

Baggage trains, trucks, and heavy machine gun fire points!

With these strategic fulcrums, the tanks were knocked out one by one!

The red-haired soldiers fell into a completely passive state!

Many Maozi soldiers picked up explosive packs and rushed towards the Fengjun tanks in despair, hoping to blow up these steel monsters with human bombs!


The crossfire of the infantry and other coordinated tanks following the tanks was also constantly supplementing. Guns!

These soldiers were quickly knocked down by various weapons.

Even some Maozi soldiers made a spiritual breakthrough and blew up the Fengjun tanks with their own lives. But for this group of 210 tanks!

It's just a drop in the bucket!

At this time!

The wave of blows of these soldiers not only did not destroy the morale of Fengjun, but instead aroused the murderous intention of Fengjun soldiers!

"rush! Let these idiots feel the courage of our Xia people!"

"Damn it! I will fight with you too! accelerate! Speed ​​me up!"

Fengjun's 101st and 103rd Division boldly advanced forward, constantly dividing and devouring the hair.

It was like a group of sharks eating away at a school of sardines!

The entire balance began to tilt!

"Xue Yue! look! There seems to be a maozi's headquarters in front!"

At this time, it was already approaching dusk.

All the units of the 18th Army were completely divided and surrounded!

But when they returned from the frontline inspection team, Xue Yue, the intern platoon leader of the 312th Platoon of the 3rd Regiment of the 101st Division, and Sun Liren, the platoon leader of the 314th Platoon, saw a building in front of them. There were several trucks parked in the village! There was even a long antenna erected in a farmhouse! This time! Their eyes lit up. Wori! There is a radio station! There must be a high-ranking official here! This time I! Posted! Chapters are updated as usual every day! I owe 7 chapters. Thank you 13588.. for the 1000 VIP points rewarded by the boss, thank you to the sponsor dad! Thank you to the boss Guapi for the 100 VIP points, and thank you to the sponsor dad 9!.

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