Chapter 448: Fengjun is really the Bodhisattva Army! Wu Eryan’s family’s refugee journey!

"Medic! Call the medic!"

"There's a little girl here who fainted!"

"oops! This girl is so thin, I can’t even find her blood vessels!"

In a daze, Wu Eryan heard the anxious shouts of a group of people.

Is this Grandma Mengshan coming to collect people?

When Wu Eryan was very young, she heard her grandma say that there is Grandma Mengshan in Yimeng Mountain, and everyone will die after death. She was taken to the mountains to enjoy the happiness.

Wu Eryan remembered.

The winter after telling this story was very cold.

That was that year.

The grandmother who loved her the most went to find Grandma Mengshan.

Her parents always brought food to her. To Xiaodong.

Only grandma secretly bakes fried pancakes for herself.

Grandma! Eryan is here to find you! Can you bake pancakes for me to eat?

Eryan is so hungry!

I want to eat pancakes!

Big pancakes that squeak with oil! Sprinkle them on Big fried cakes with chopped green onions!

The more she thought about it, the more Wu Eryan felt like her saliva was about to flow out.

She felt her consciousness begin to drift upward.

"grandmother! grandmother!"

However, just when she was about to go find her grandma for herself.


24 names rang in her ears.

"Sister Sanshun! You are here!"

"Cry, cry, cry! Just know how to cry! Have you forgotten what Teacher Zhao said to you in class? If you don’t train in peacetime, you will be blind during war!"

In the crowd, the intern couldn't find Wu Eryan's blood vessels.

However, as soon as Jin Sanshun came to the side!

With just one injection!

He gave Wu Eryan a nutrient solution.

It was said to be a nutrient solution, but it was actually the glucose injection of later generations.

Replenish Wu Yanni's body fluids and regulate electrolytes in her body.

Fengjun's development of new civil servants in Gaoli, Mongolia, and the Far East not only requires learning Chinese, but also requires learning a necessary skill.

Such as agricultural planting, road construction, medical care, etc. Etc.

This is to take into account the necessary training for these people to carry out their work better in more remote areas in the future.

No matter what time it is, building roads, bridges, farming and building houses are major events.

And saving One life is worth more than building a seven-level pagoda.

It is an endless merit.

Basically, you only need to save one person.

In this work area, there will be an iron nail shop standing next to you.

The work will be smoother than before. Ten times.

No matter in any era, doctors are the most respected profession.

Therefore, most of Gao Li’s girls have chosen medical nursing skills!

And the leader among them is naturally the squad leader Jin Sanshun.

But seeing her skillful Wu Erni was hooked up to an intravenous drip, and then took out a pack of granules from her coat pocket.

"Comrade, help me get warm water and wash it away!"

"yes!"Seeing Jin Sanshun's uniform, the scout on horseback was extremely obedient. He took out a military kettle and began to mix the granules.

Wow - as the warm water and granules began to mix, there was an indescribable milky and wheat aroma. The fragrance hits your face

"Be good! What is this!"

"This is too delicious!"

From the moment Jin Sanshun started rescuing people, the surrounding area was already crowded with refugees.

Looking at the fragrant and thick porridge!

Everyone's throats couldn't help but tremble.

In fact, this thing is the future generations of Gao Lego!

It's full of high calories. Ghee, wheat flour, sucrose, cocoa powder and a lot of food flavors.

If people eat it for a week in the future, they will probably get high!

However, in this era of lack of oil, water and high-calorie food.

This thing!

It is an energy pump!

One bite I felt so excited when I went down!

And it wasn't just that.

But when I saw Jin Sanshun took out a red handkerchief from another pocket of his coat and opened it carefully.

At this time, the discerning refugee among the refugees couldn't help but scream.

"Damn it! Liao ginseng slices!"

"Is this ginseng?"

"Master Fengjun is too rich! Does this little girl have ginseng in her hand?"

"What a little girl, this man must be a high official!"

Since ancient times, there has been a folk saying that one tael of Liao ginseng and one tael of gold.

These refugees could not understand what Jin Sanshun was doing when he suddenly took out the Liao ginseng tablets!


In the next second! (Read Baoshuan novels and go up to fly Lu Novel Network!)

Everyone saw Jin Sanshun open Wu Eryan's mouth, put a piece of Liao ginseng in the handkerchief under Wu Eryan's tongue!

Then he picked up the high-calorie oatmeal porridge handed to him by the cavalry behind him and put it into Wu Eryan's mouth. Feed in

"Come! younger sister! Drink slowly!"

In a daze, Wu Eryan felt something warm and sweet pouring into her mouth.

Is this the pancake baked by her grandma for herself?


This stuff is a hundred times more fragrant than the pancake!

A thousand times!

"Woo woo——"


Following Wu Eryan's words in a daze!

Hiss - countless people at the scene widened their eyes!

"woke up!"

"This girl is awake!"

"Oh my God!"

"Old man, I have learned a lot today!"

"Liao ginseng is soul-stirring! It certainly lives up to its reputation!"

"This girl is saved!"

The refugees were excited, especially those from wealthy families. They looked at Jin Sanshun in disbelief.

In troubled times, people's lives are not as good as dogs, and there are countless people who sell their children and flirt with women!

In terms of value, the female official just fed The Liao ginseng given to this little girl can buy the same three female dolls!

But these people don’t know that what Jin Sanshun has is not the Liao ginseng but the Korean ginseng produced by Gao Li!

Even so, it is also an extremely precious existence.!

"This is Bodhisattva!"

"This Fengjun female master is simply like a fairy descending from the earth! Really willing to spend money!"

"Female Bodhisattva! We kowtow to you!"370 When they saw their daughter regaining consciousness, Wu Eryan's family immediately knelt down and kowtowed to Jin Sanshun.

They knew that their daughter's life had been saved!

However, seeing how grateful these people were,

Jin Sanshun's face turned red.

"Don't, don't, don't! We all come from poor families!"

"this is what we are supposed to do!"

Jin Sanshun's eyes suddenly turned red. She thought of the past, a year ago, when the Fengjun soldiers rescued her from the mountains and fed her porridge.

She kowtowed to the Fengjun soldiers in the same way.

It's just that...Mom and dad have not enjoyed this kind of blessing!

In Gaoli, the Japanese did not give the people a way to survive. Jin Sanshun's family's land was taken away by the Japanese, and his family went to the mountains to become refugees.

In the first year, my father was beaten to death by Japanese soldiers.

The next year, my mother went down the mountain to look for food and never came back!

Originally, in winter, Jin Sanshun thought he would starve to death.

Until she met Fengjun soldiers!

"The young marshal said that every generation has its own responsibilities! This is our responsibility! But

Jin Sanshun stood up.

Pointing into the distance, he shouted:"Everyone, follow us!" Follow our Northeast Revolutionary Army and you will have food to eat and work to do!"

"From now on! No one will go hungry anymore!"

Chapter 2 is added today.

Chapter (2/13) is missing.

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