Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1240: Layout catching Maekawa Yong

What did she run there to do? Angry and want to avoid yourself?

Sitting on the chair, Chu Yichen felt uneasy. He pressed his temples with a headache and called Huang Xing.

He knew that Maekawa had arrived in City B, and because of this, he was so impatient.

"The ugly ghost is still in the hotel, what instructions does the boss have?" Huang Xing asked in a low voice while sitting in the car. He has been following Maekawa for several days, and he has been completely defeated by Maekawa's ugly appearance, and his confidence in himself has soared.

"Continue to stare at him, and immediately notify me of any disturbances. Also, send someone to Hongda Commercial Plaza to see, Xiaoxiao is there."

"Okay~ I received it!"

After hanging up the phone, Chu Yichen leaned back in his chair, remembering the sad expression on Gu Xiaoxiao's face when she left the room last night.

Not enough...I need to do something more...

He had already notified Chu Yixuan about Mae Chuan Yong. If nothing else, Chu Yixuan would be back tonight. Since Maekawa is an international wanted criminal, he is arrested, and there is nothing to be wronged, right? There is only one reason for Chu Yichen's delay in making a move, that is, Mae Chuan Yong came to China this time with a "fake" identity. But this "fake" identity can be found in all systems.

Maekawa has done a lot of preparation work. As a target of special care by the government of country M, his false identity is enough to make him appear innocent in any country, free from arrest and harassment by any department.

How to erase Mae Chuan Yong's false identity and catch him legally and reasonably is what Chu Yichen and An Chenglang are busy with recently. It seems difficult to completely erase one's existence from the world, but it is not impossible. Only need to invade the internal system of some special department, delete the data of this person. Then, he became a suspect without an "identity".

To ensure Gu Xiaoxiao's safety, she must do things that make her sad. For Chu Yichen, this is undoubtedly a big challenge.

In the hotel, Maekawa stood by the window, looked at a certain car parked downstairs through the slit of the curtain, sighed with disappointment, and muttered, "It seems that today, there is no way to meet sweetheart. What..."

Huang Xing has been keeping a close eye on him for the past two days, and his skills are still very high, and he can't get rid of it no matter what. Outside Mae Chuan Yong's room, there were also people sent by Chu Yichen on the same floor. There were people monitoring his actions at all the hotel exits, which made Maekawa feel more excited.

He knew that Sakamoto Yusuke had found a way to solve Gu Xiaoxiao's hypnosis, and he was preparing. The reason why Maekawa Yu approached Gu Xiaoxiao and offered to help her restore her memory. The reason was simple, that was Maekawa wanted to have some fun for herself.

If he was before Yusuke Sakamoto, Gu Xiaoxiao would think of the past. In this way, the drama played by Chu Yichen must have another feeling in Gu Xiaoxiao's eyes. Maekawa and Gu Xiaoxiao had contacted and knew that she was a delicate and fragile woman. He wanted to make Chu Yichen self-defeating, and wanted to see a good show that they couldn't accept in the end. In this way, if Gu Xiaoxiao is killed again, the sense of accomplishment will be the greatest...

"Ah, I look forward to seeing Little Sweetheart crying..."

Taking a deep breath, Maekawa closed his eyes intoxicated and imagined Gu Xiaoxiao's sad scene.

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