This strange city didn't feel much to Feng Shengxi before. But now, she hates this place.

After eating something and replenishing some energy, she lay on the bed and watched TV. She is quite sure that no one will find her here for the time being. And she also wanted to take advantage of these few days to be calm and calm by herself.

Hearing that Maekawa was caught, he ran out again. But until now, I haven't heard anything from Gu Xiaoxiao.

This is called Maekawa, is it reliable? Feng Shengxi is not quite sure whether the money he took out is worth it.

When Gu Xiaoxiao finished her work ahead of schedule in the evening and watched TV with Yao Muqing in the living room, she suddenly remembered something.

"Ah yes, wait a minute!"

Gu Xiaoxiao looked at her suspiciously as she got upstairs, and soon came down with a box, and hurried up to meet her.

"Mom, what is this?"

"This is the video of Qianqian and Ranran when they were young. I wanted to show it to you before, but I think you may not be ready. Now that I think of everything, that's good~"

Gu Xiaoxiao looked at the contents of the box, there were discs and photo albums. She had seen some pictures of Qianqian and the others when she was a child before at home, but she didn't expect that there were so many that she hadn't seen.

"Take it back to your room and take a look. It should be there at your grandpa's house."

"Okay, thank you mom. Then I'll go upstairs first, and call me whenever you have anything."

Holding things and leaving, Gu Xiaoxiao sat on the bed alone, looking at the pictures on the computer screen, feeling sad.

It turns out they looked like this when they didn't have long hair...

Gu Xiaoxiao watched intently. When Chu Yichen came back, she was still sitting there with her pillow in her arms.

Leaning over, I just saw Ranran crying from her shadow, running around the yard. Chu Yichen couldn't help but laughed, "This was taken by Chenglang. Ranran cried for many days because of the shadow."

"Have you ever been scared by your own shadow when you were a kid?" Gu Xiaoxiao asked in a low voice, looking back at him.

Chu Yichen shook his head and asked, "How about you?"

"I do not remember."

He tilted his body and leaned into Chu Yichen's arms.

The child’s growth record began when Gu Xiaoxiao left and has been there until now. Gu Xiaoxiao watched the villain on the screen grow up little by little, and his appearance changed little by little, and she felt uncomfortable and wanted to cry.

Failure to watch them grow up will be a regret that Gu Xiaoxiao will not be able to avoid in her life. She missed too many occasions where they needed her to be there, which she couldn't make up for.

The video on the computer showed Qianqian and Ranran crawling on the bed naked. Qianqian's words "Mother" suddenly made Gu Xiaoxiao burst into tears.

"Okay, stop crying." Chu Yichen looked down at her, wiped her tears, and closed the computer by the way.

Gu Xiaoxiao calmed down and remained silent.

"They were so cute when they were young, but I didn't even see it." Holding Chu Yichen, Gu Xiaoxiao lay on his shoulder and cried. Feel more sad.

Chu Yichen gently patted and stroked her without saying anything. However, after Gu Xiaoxiao calmed down a bit, he suddenly said, "What are you afraid of? You can see if you have two."

Gu Xiaoxiao was startled and curled his lips.


"Do you think you have the final say on this?"

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