Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1323: I can kill you at any time.

Li Youran agreed to meet Gu Xiaoxiao, which is a very happy thing for Gu Xiaoxiao and Chu Xiaoxi.

Yao Muqing was already waiting in the living room. Chu Yichen took the lead in dragging Gu Xiaoxiao upstairs to help her escape. After returning to the room, Gu Xiaoxiao offered to send a kiss to show his gratitude.

"Husband, do you blame me for being nosy?" Gu Xiaoxiao asked worriedly, leaning against Chu Yichen's arms.

"It's fine if you are happy. But if your eldest brother is not at home, you two can't make a fool of yourself, right?"

"So are you laughing at us?"

"Well, so show me some more jokes like today, and I won't teach you." Touching Gu Xiaoxiao's head and seeing her unconvinced, Chu Yichen bowed his head and kissed her. .

"Go to Qianqian and the others. They have been at home for so many days. It's time to go to school next week."

"Well, I'll talk to them."

Before, because of Maekawa, Gu Xiaoxiao had been worried that the children would be unsafe, so she asked them for leave and stayed at home. Now that Maekawa is dead, life should return to normal.


Su Zhiying looked at the pervert who finally woke up after being in a coma for three or four days, smiled and waved, and greeted him.

"Remember what your name is?"

Maekawa's head hurts, but he hasn't forgotten any memories.

The hands and feet were all tied up, unable to move. Looking at the strange woman in front of him, he asked, "Who are you?"

"You savior." Su Zhiying smiled as she sat on the table, "I shot my gun quite accurately, right? But next time, I won't use special ammunition."

"Who sent you?!"

"You don't need to know about that." Su Zhiying refused to answer his question, "You just need to know, in the next few months, you will have to kill me. Otherwise, I will cut off your meat piece by piece and throw it away. Go out and feed the dog."


Maekawa sneered, not taking her words seriously. Upon seeing this, Su Zhiying felt that he should be given some color.

"I know you are great, but your trick is of no use to me. Moreover, even if you really hypnotize me, I can't let you out. In this room, we, you and me, are all in handcuffs and shackles. I can't get it from my boss."

Jumping off the table, Su Zhiying walked to Maekawa Yong, her eyes became cold.

"If it's not for keeping you useful, I really want to dig out your eyes."

Su Zhiying didn't know when a dagger appeared in Su Zhiying's hand. Maekawa looked at her in surprise, feeling that her words didn't seem like a joke.

"You are sent by the Chinese government? I will not cooperate with you."

"Don't think so badly. I am like you. Whoever gives me the money is the master. So ~ I naturally won't have so many worries like those people. Chu Yichen is worried about the trouble, so I don’t want to kill you in the country. Did you expect this? Because of this, you were unscrupulous. But you forgot that Chu Yichen is in the light, but there are many people in the dark. If I want to kill you, anytime Anyway. No one knows you are alive anyway."

"You..." Just as Maekawa said, Su Zhiying's dagger was inserted into his shoulder blade instantly.

"For your meeting gift, I hate that others look down on me, so put away your disgusting expression."

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