Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1338: Youran, what is your father's name?

Gu Xiaoxiao noticed that Li Youran's complexion seemed to be getting worse, so she pulled the corner of La Chu Xiaoxi's clothes and shook her head silently.

The atmosphere was a little embarrassing for a while, walking into the cloakroom, Chu Xiaoxi and Gu Xiaoxiao discussed what to wear at night. Li Youran stood behind them, somewhat restrained.

The first time... I saw someone else's cloakroom. It turns out that a normal girl’s room looks like this.

"That." After speaking, Li Youran looked at the two of them who turned their heads and asked in a low voice, "Is it really okay for me to go with you tonight? I am not from your company, nor from the entertainment industry..."

"No problem." Chu Xiaoxi thought she wanted to ask something. He smiled and replied, "It's just a dinner party. Of course you can go there if you are our friend."

Chu Xiaoxi's smile was not defensive. Li Youran looked at it and her mood was inevitably affected.

"Well, then... I'll talk to my family and I will play with you today."

"Go, go, I'll help you choose clothes, and come and try it later." Chu Xiaoxi waved his hand carelessly and motioned for her to go out and call.

Li Youran walked out of the cloakroom slowly, leaning against the wall of the corridor, thinking for a long time before dialing Jiang Sheng's phone.

Not surprisingly, he rarely allowed himself to return late, or even not return.

Hanging up, Li Youran smiled bitterly thinking about her father.

For his power, he really can do everything.

Back in the cloakroom, Li Youran changed his clothes and suddenly heard Chu Xiaoxi ask her, "Youran, what is your father's name?"

"Huh? Why do you suddenly ask this?" Li Youran asked guiltily.

"I want to know, lest I find the wrong door next time and make a joke." Chu Xiaoxi sat on the carpet casually, recalling what happened not long ago, and told her.

Li Youran listened to her expressionlessly, and then endured and endured, and finally laughed out loud.


She squatted on the ground clutching her belly, and Chu Xiaoxi both laughed a little confused.

"You, you two." Li Youran laughed out of breath. "You are so cute. It's my god."

Wiping the tears from the corner of her eyes and laughing, Li Youran looked at them and said, "My father is not named Li, but my mother and I have the same last name."

"Oh, it's the same as me." Gu Xiaoxiao suddenly realized, "It's no wonder that you will find the wrong thing, because of this."

"Yeah." Standing up, Li Youran backhanded the zipper of the skirt, "And he is not in business, you can't know him."

After the smile just now, Li Youran's mood seemed to be much better, and her tone of voice was also much easier.

"Don't talk about him, you don't want to hear it. He is so strict with me, but he doesn't want me to shame him outside. If it were you, he would agree to let me have more peace. You are together."

"Then there is no problem~ If you want to play with us in the future, we will report our names!"

"Well...I like to play with you too." Li Youran said quietly, lowering his head. After listening, Gu Xiaoxiao and Chu Xiaoxi smiled at each other.

It was already more than an hour after the three of them put on clothes and makeup. Going downstairs and tidying up for the three minors, it was time to go out.

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