Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1376: Water flows to lower place, man goes to higher position

After hearing Gu Xiaoxiao's question, Chu Yichen chuckled lightly.

"Why do you think it happened to you?"

"Don't laugh, I'm serious." Gu Xiaoxiao pulled Chu Yichen's arm, a little anxious.

Does he think she doesn't know what they did some time ago? There is so much noise and news headlines every day, she is not stupid, she would not have thought of it.

Bai Yingjie left Guangzhou at this time, and there is really no way he can stop thinking about it.

"It has nothing to do with you, he should have left that place in Guangzhou long ago." Chu Yichen calmed down after hugging Gu Xiaoxiao.

"Why do you say that?"

"If the power is too strong, if you don’t move, the people above will not be relieved. Our actions during this period are just to give the above a chance. As expected, this time not only will move him, but also ours. People. The eldest brother will come back in two days and ask him if he has received any news. But according to the current situation, the above is just to adjust the personnel. In other words, is it a warning? Or, is it intentional? Yingjie's coming to City B is equivalent to being promoted, and I don't see any disadvantage to him."

Gu Xiaoxiao listened carefully to Chu Yichen's words, and then nodded thoughtfully.

"If you say that, then he himself should be willing to come over."

"What do you say?"

"Promotion! People go to higher places, and water flows to lower places. How can people like them do not want to climb up? It's just..."

Gu Xiaoxiao was halfway through and stopped talking.

It's just that in this way, whether the Bai family's arrogance will be higher and whether there will be any threat to the Chu family, Gu Xiaoxiao doesn't know.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Chu Yichen smiled and looked at her, "Afraid that your husband will be bullied?"

"It's good if you don't bully others." Gu Xiaoxiao whispered with her lips curled.

"It's good to know. Come here~ sleep for a while, otherwise the two little things wake up and you will be busy again."

Pulling Gu Xiaoxiao onto the bed, Chu Yichen ordered. Gu Xiaoxiao was also a little tired, and lay there obediently, closing her eyes.

The news that Bai Yingjie came to work in City B was released the next day. Watching the news on TV, Gu Xiaoxiao read the comments online, and was frightened by some conspiracy theories.

This matter is very big, so it is expected that Shen Qianyun will know. But she didn't say anything, she didn't even frown her brows, as calm as usual.

Chu Yixuan came back in the evening of the next day to attend the wedding banquet between Fu Ziheng and Chen Jingyao, also for work.

"Xiao Xiao, come here."

Chu Xiaoxi lay on the stairs and watched the movement secretly. Seeing Gu Xiaoxiao walking out of the room, she mysteriously called her to her side.

"What's the matter?" Gu Xiaoxiao asked in a low voice, glanced at the few people below, and knew that Chu Xiaoxi was not thinking about good things.

"Brother is rare to come back once, are you right?"

"" Gu Xiaoxiao nodded, waiting for her to say the next key words.

"We haven't seen Youran for a long time, right?" Chu Xiaoxi smiled slyly. "She seems to have very few friends. Would you like to call her together tomorrow?"

"Do you want her to get together with us or with Big Brother?" Gu Xiaoxiao was a little worried. "The idea is good, but what if you upset Big Brother?"

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