Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1778: Why are you blushing?

After getting into bed, Chu Yixuan's breathing quickly became stable. Li Youran didn't expect him to sleep so fast. She turned her head and stared at him, then couldn't help lowering her head and secretly kissed him.

As soon as his red lips touched him, Li Youran saw Chu Yixuan open his eyes slightly.

Taking a breath, Li Youran wanted to escape in a panic, but Chu Yixuan raised her arm and pressed her big hand behind her head, making her unable to do so.


The whimper was swallowed into his throat, a kiss that was a touch of water, but it was deepened by Chu Yixuan. A few minutes passed, but for Li Youran, it was a long time.

Looking at Chu Yixuan with a flushed face, Li Youran couldn't believe what he had done. This was the first time he took the initiative to kiss himself. Should she buy a lottery ticket to commemorate it?

"What is blushing?" Chu Yixuan lay there on his side, staring at her with interest.

"No, no red..."

Li Youran was messing around on weekdays, but he couldn't help teasing at a critical moment.

"No? Forget it, sleep."

Raising his eyebrows, Chu Yixuan turned around and pulled the quilt on him. Li Youran stared at him for a long while, then leaned over and asked him in a low voice, "Chu Yixuan, do you like me a little bit?"

"Have I said something similar?"

"No, but you kissed me just now." Li Youran retorted with justification, "You haven't done this before, and you are not upset when you see me today."

"Kiss you just like it? I thought it was a fool who didn't take advantage of it."

"Chu Yixuan, if you continue to do this, I will kick you down!" Unhappy, kicked his butt, Li Youran lay down angrily, lying on the corner of the bed and ignored him.

It was really difficult for this man to hear a nice sentence from his mouth.

Li Youran was angry and annoyed, so when Chu Yixuan turned around and pulled her over, she didn't reflect it a bit.

"Too tired, stop making trouble and sleep."

Adjusting to a more comfortable position, holding her, Chu Yixuan's breath blew past Li Youran's ear, making her heart itchy.

I kissed myself and hugged myself. Today's Chu Yixuan is really something wrong. Could it be that you are tired and stupid?

Laughing secretly, Li Youran curled up in his arms, unexpectedly falling asleep soon. Chu Yixuan looked at the woman who slept faster than himself, and shook his head dumbly.

This girl, should it be said that she has a big heart, or is it better to say that she is not long-hearted at all?

Because of Chu Yixuan's return, and because of plans with Gu Xiaoxiao, Li Youran has made up his mind to stay in Chu House these days. Nie Hai and Mu Junfan were outside, and they were not idle.

After returning that day, the two immediately started investigating Su Zhiying and followed up.

The matter of Ryugasaki Takumi's return to China was quickly settled, and the agreement between Su Zhiying and Country M had also been reached.

On this day, Su Zhiying drove Longqi Takumi to the airport, watched him enter the security check, and then turned to leave.

When we arrived at the parking lot, Su Zhiying had just opened the car door, and two people appeared behind her.

With a frown, she turned her head to look at a strange face. But it looks like this, but it is menacing.

"Are you?" Su Zhiying asked suspiciously as her eyes fell on their faces, "Is something wrong with me?"

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