Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 1880: I know you don't like me

"That may be because I really think too much. I have been too busy lately and my brain is a little insufficient." Chu Lin explained to herself mockingly. When she saw Su Zhiying's photos, her heart was always boring, and her heart was blocked.

Companion sacrifices, this kind of thing seemed to be accustomed to Chu Lin. She had passed the age when she would be sad because of this kind of thing. I don't know why, but this time the reaction was so big.

"It's not that I don't have enough brains, but the things my aunt is busy with recently are all related to the family, so it's normal for you to pay special attention to it." Gu Xiaoxiao softly persuaded: "Although there are many things, the situation is all the same. It’s going in a good direction, isn’t it? Aunt, don’t let yourself be too tired. It’s good to relax and be lazy once in a while and leave things to others to do.”

Chu Lin couldn't help but laugh at Gu Xiaoxiao's coquettish tone and actions.

"No wonder Grandpa likes you." Chu Lin squeezed Gu Xiaoxiao's cheek and took a deep breath. Looking at her warm smile, it really makes it hard to frown.

"Where did you go last night, I heard you didn't come back to sleep?"

"Go to Youran, I have to go later. The two of us have something to do."

Gu Xiaoxiao deliberately put on a mysterious look, Chu Lin smiled helplessly, let her go, and then went busy herself.

Gu Xiaoxiao watched Chu Lin leave secretly, and kept going up and down.

Even if I lose all the memories of Zhiying, will I still feel uncomfortable when I see her photos again...

Gu Xiaoxiao leaned against the wall and thought for a long time, and finally cheered up, went to clean up, and left and went to the hospital again.

Li Youran has been with Chu Yixuan in the ward, and Gu Xiaoxiao is waiting outside. When she is bored, she plays with her mobile phone, harass Chu Yichen, and checks work emails. This time will pass quickly without knowing it. .

Finally it came to the New Year's Day, and Chu Yichen returned by plane after 12 noon.

Almost all the people in the family gathered at the Chu House, and even Bai Qifeng was picked up by Gu Xiaoxiao.

Although Shen Qianyun and others still couldn't let go of the Bai family, after knowing that Bai Qifeng had forgotten everything before, they couldn't get angry with a child. Therefore, Bai Qifeng followed Gu Xiaoxiao, screaming one by one, making Shen Qianyun feel a little bit uncomfortable.

Li Youran was picked up by Jiang Sheng to go home. The house was deserted and deserted. The two sat on the sofa with big eyes and small eyes.

"Why didn't you go out to be busy today?" Li Youran endured and endured, and finally did not hold back and asked.

"Why, I'm not allowed to give myself a day off for those who are celebrating the Chinese New Year? Are you so unwilling to see me?"

I know you still ask...

Li Youran muttered silently in her heart, this kind of festival, even if she didn't accompany Chu Yixuan in the hospital, she still wanted to go to the Chu family to join in the fun. Who wants to stay in this deserted house and look at his face.

"I don't know if I don't want to see you or you don't want to see me." Li Youran sighed sadly: "Dad, I should really be your biological daughter?"

"Why did you ask so?"

"Because I don't think you like me very much." Li Youran bluntly showed off with him, "Look at Xiao Xiao's father, and then look at yourself, you don't have a big gap?"

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