Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 2030: The dust settles (9)

When Li Youran sent her out and boarded the car, she felt that Gu Xiaoxiao was too cute. Nowadays, she also began to understand the joke that Chu Xiaoxi often said about wanting to marry Gu Xiaoxiao as his wife.

From getting up at five o'clock in the morning until the afternoon, Li Youran felt that her leg was almost not hers. Fortunately, she is pregnant now. With this excuse, she can leave earlier and let Chu Yixuan deal with the rest.

At 7 o'clock in the evening, Li Youran, who was sitting in the living room watching TV, finally waited until Chu Yixuan came back.

He was filled with a lot of alcohol today, and when he got close, he could smell the alcohol on his body.

Li Youran is wearing pajamas, red silk, and her complexion is particularly fair. Chu Yixuan looked at her for a moment, sat next to her, and leaned on her.

"Drink too much? Then go wash and sleep." Li Youran turned to look at him distressedly, not knowing how much he drank. "I'm going to make you a cup of tea to sober up, wait a minute."

"Not much, no need."

Chu Yixuan pulled the person who stood up into his arms, Li Youran staggered to sit on his lap, swallowed, a little shy.

Although it has been so long since receiving the certificate, Li Youran always feels that the so-called marriage should refer to the wedding ceremony and start counting after entering the bridal chamber.

Today, they became husband and wife in front of so many people. Li Youran's legs were still weak when he thought of the moment he was standing on the stage.

"Chu Yixuan, are you really not drinking too much?"

Being held by him, Li Youran leaned on him and snuggled in his arms. It's rare for him to take the initiative to be gentle, and she can't miss it.

"Go back to the room in a while, you'll know." Chu Yixuan had something to say, tightening her hands.

The two of them sat quietly for a few minutes, and Chu Yixuan spoke again.

"Going to school will continue next year. I will not stop you from doing what you want to do."

"But it's dangerous."

"Bring a few more people over, and that kind of thing won't happen again." Chu Yixuan replied very positively, "I promise, I will never let you fall into that kind of danger again."

"Oh~ This is really nice." Li Youran smiled and looked up at him, "Then would you like to go over and be my bodyguard yourself?"

"I will pass by when I have time."

"Being so good to me is for the sake of the child in my stomach?" Li Youran was dissatisfied, but there was no way. "Well, then I will listen to your arrangements and return to Rome next year."

"It has nothing to do with the child." Chu Yixuan slowly shook his head, looking at Li Youran with a serious expression. "I worry about you."

Li Youran's heart was so moved, she pursed her red lips, she plucked up the courage to ask him. "When you say this with such an expression and such a tone, do you know how happy I am? If I didn't know you, I really would are in love with me."

"Do you know me?" Chu Yixuan smiled slightly, "how much do you know about me?"

"Height and weight measurements, what do you like to eat, what car you like to drive, what alcohol or cigarettes, and your years of service as a soldier, I have collected them. Oh, by the way, I know you sleep At that time, I don’t like wearing clothes."

"It's only when I'm with you that I feel that clothes are getting in the way." Chu Yixuan corrected the mistake in her words, got up and carried the person back to the bedroom.

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