Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 2056: Don’t take it seriously for games between adults (4)

"I knew that men didn't have a good thing, I knew it a long time ago..."

She hung her head, tears constantly falling like broken beads. The thin and haggard face makes people feel distressed inexplicably.


Xu Ming sighed secretly, and when he touched a woman who shouldn't be touched, he was really confused.

Back in his bedroom, Xu Ming sat on the bed thinking for a while, a little worried. Worried that if Tang Siqi would be entangled with him because of this incident.

After getting dressed, I called Auntie Cleaning and asked her to come and clean up the house. After Xu Ming settled his mood, he went out to find Tang Siqi.

Tang Siqi happened to be well dressed and walked out of the room. The two bumped head-on, making the scene a bit awkward.

Her eyes were still red, but she stopped crying. Seeing Xu Ming, she smiled sarcastically.

"I gave it to a beast the first time, but I didn't expect to encounter a beast the second time." She sneered, took a deep breath, and nodded in agreement. "Well, as you just said, we are all grown-ups, and things like one-night stands are also very common. Only you know and I know what happened last night. You should be talking about the Green Lake project, so, Can I go today?"

She is willing to let go easily. Xu Ming is of course happy, but what she said... What does it mean?

"The contract is signed in the afternoon, and I will help you book the evening ticket."

"No." Tang Siqi snorted, "I'm the eldest lady of the Tang family, can't I afford a ticket?"

Passing by Xu Ming, Tang Siqi strode away from Xu Ming's home, never looking back. Xu Ming was in a particularly bad mood listening to the sound of the door being thrown.

She said goodbye very freely, if the expression can be the same, then it will be fine.

Xu Ming stood there for a minute before leaving the house. Work on the last day, and then he can go on vacation. This kind of thing, he will soon forget.

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the cooperation project with Wanhe Group was officially reached, Xu Ming breathed a sigh of relief.

"In a bad mood?" Gu Xiaoxiao left the meeting room with him, asking doubtfully.

"I thought I just performed very well."

"This sentence, you can tell that you are in a bad mood." Gu Xiaoxiao seemed to be able to read people's minds, making Xu Ming wonder how to refute. "If you don't get enough sleep, you will be in a bad mood. Take a good rest, and don't forget to bring me a gift when you come back."

She turned and left, then stopped again after walking a few steps.

"By the way, has Tang Siqi gone?"


"Well, that's good. There is one thing that I care more about, but now that she is back to S city, it doesn't matter."

"What's the matter?" Before Xu Ming's head could react, the question was blurted out. Seeing Gu Xiaoxiao's sly smile, he knew it was too late to regret it.

Walking to Xu Ming again, Gu Xiaoxiao said in a low voice: "I went out with Xiao Xi and the others and met Tang Siqi at a bar. She had a dispute with several people. One of them should be her former boyfriend. I didn’t care much, but Xiao Xi told me yesterday that she was a bit familiar with that man, he seemed to be a well-known'Teddy', and his character was particularly poor, and his revenge heart was particularly strong. Tang Siqi fought that day. He, so I am worried..."

"Okay, I get it. I'll call her in a while and I will send her to the plane safely."

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