Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 2216: Be my informant (6)

In the middle of the night, the sound of fighting was particularly clear.

The location of the incident was more than ten meters away from the car, but Chi Xingran could still tell at a glance that the one who was beaten was Chi Xingchen.

After she froze, she immediately got out of the car, but the people around her stopped her.

Han Yi kicked the accelerator and drove the car away quickly, causing Chi Xingran to fail. Turning her head to look at him, she said anxiously: "You stop! That's my brother, I want to get off!"

Han Yi looked ahead without squinting, ignoring her words.

Of course he knew that the person was Chi Xingchen, but hadn't she thought about why Chi Xingchen encountered such a thing?

And, in the presence of those people, will she not be noticeable when she gets off a car that is bright for millions of dollars?

"Han Yi!!" Chi Xingran was really angry when he saw that he had no intention of lowering the speed. "You bastard! I asked you to stop and hear me!"

"You don't want him to really die there, just be honest." Han Yi finally spoke, and Chi Xingran didn't expect it. "Who is your brother, you should know better than anyone else. He will be fine, but you, if you get a kick now, it will definitely distract him, and what will happen then is not certain."

Chi Xingran looked at him blankly, what is Chi Xingchen, she should know better than anyone?

Did he... know something?

Han Yi drove around Chi Xingran's home and decided to take her away. This place has been monitored, and it is Chen Lei's.

If Han Yi didn't guess wrong, the group who just beat Chi Xingchen should have been sent by Chen Lei. As for the reason, it lies with the person next to him.

Chi Xingran used a trick today, although he escaped, he still annoyed Chen Lei.

Chen Lei always felt that what she had had was an unclean disease, and felt that she was playing tricks. There is no place to sprinkle this tone, so naturally it will be sprinkled to Chi Xingchen. However, Chi Xingchen should also be voluntary, otherwise, with his shrewdness, how could he not escape?

The person Bai Ziluo can fancy is definitely not simple. This is why Han Yi doesn't want to wade in the muddy water.

Taking Chi Xingran to a community, Han Yi dragged her out of the car. Chi Xingran didn't understand what he meant and struggled hard.

"This is not the time to let you go wild." Han Yi pushed her hard against the car, and warned in a dignified and solemn voice: "If you want to survive, be obedient. Otherwise, I will send you to Chen Lei. Go to the bed."

The appearance of Han Yi knowing everything made Chi Xingran particularly uneasy.

He was dragged upstairs and into a room.

Han Yi was familiar with the road, as if this place was his site. Locked the door, brought Chi Xingran to the bedroom, threw people in like trash, and closed the door.

Chi Xingran stood in an unfamiliar room and looked around, only then recovered.

Is he kindly taking in himself?

The scene of Chi Xingchen being beaten by several people involuntarily reappeared in her mind. Chi Xingran bit her lower lip and clenched his fists.

What Han Yi said was right. Even if she passed, she wouldn't be able to help much.

If Chi Xingchen didn't want to be beaten, he could fight back. With his skill, those people can't do anything to him...

Worried about Chi Xingchen's condition, Chi Xingran felt sad and wanted to cry.

Sitting on the corner of the bed, Chi Xingran was not drowsy at all. After sitting like this for almost half an hour, Chi Xingran called Zheng Mingcheng.

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