Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 2271: Some help, once I help, I will help to the end (16)

"I'm your brother anyway, how can I be so courageous?" Fu Siyuan looked at the road, there were still a lot of vehicles. "Where do you live now? I'll take you back."

"No, I'll just take a taxi."

"What are you polite, let's go~ My car is parked in the game, and you are digesting your food, and walk with me."

Kindness is difficult, Chi Xingran is also unfamiliar. Except for one visit after she came here to report, she never went back to live in that dormitory. She almost forgot where the address is now.

The two walked to the parking lot, and Chi Xingran saw a car and said, "Eh?"

"What's wrong?" Fu Siyuan also looked over, and then was equally curious.

"Why hasn't the boss left yet?"

It was Han Yi's car that was parked there. Normally, he should have gone home long ago at this time.

"Senior, I suddenly remembered that I still have something to do, so I won't bother you, I'll take one step first." Chi Xingran backed away and waved goodbye to Fu Siyuan. "Thank you for inviting me to dinner today. I will definitely invite you when I start my salary next month!"

After she finished speaking, she turned around and ran, without giving Fu Siyuan a chance to stay.

Running to the corner, Chi Xingran leaned against the wall and called Han Yi. After a few seconds, she connected, and she couldn't wait to ask: "Boss, where are you?"

"Home, what's the matter?" Han Yi answered calmly.

", it's okay." Chi Xingran was a little lost at once, "I'll just ask casually."

"Where are you now?"

"Outside, just after eating, I saw your car in the parking lot and thought you were still in the bureau, so I just called to confirm."

"The parking lot is waiting for me."

Han Yi hung up the phone, Chi Xingran lowered his head and kicked the stone under his feet. After waiting for a while, he felt that Fu Siyuan should have left the parking lot before walking back there slowly.

She squatted beside Han Yi's car, knowing she would have to wait a long time. It takes an hour’s drive from Han Yi’s home to here. So time-consuming and laborious, he won't really want to pick her up, right?

Thinking about it this way, Chi Xingran felt sad. When she got off work, she clearly said that she would not go to live in his house today, but now she went back, what is she thinking...

He squatted there thoughtfully, his fingers kept drawing circles on the ground until Han Yi appeared.

Han Yi's arrival was much earlier than Chi Xingran thought, and he appeared in about ten minutes.

Looking up at him, Chi Xingran said in surprise, "Why are you so fast? Are you flying the plane?"

Han Yi didn't speak, but patted her on the back of the head both lightly and not seriously, making her a little embarrassed.


Chi Xingran was obedient and obedient, observing his expression silently, thinking that he might not be in a good mood today.

"Boss, didn't you say you were at home? Why..."

"You didn't go back, how dare I go back."

Han Yi's answer made Chi Xingran panic. Is her status so important now?

"The picture of you walking with Fu Siyuan today was seen by the family driver. He went back and gave a short report with my mother. Guess if I was questioned what was going on?"

Han Yi smiled and turned to look at her, and asked such a question.

Chi Xing suddenly realized, "So you haven't returned, so you took refuge in the game?"

"That's right." Han Yi replied melanly: "I told her that it was a colleague's dinner together, and I was also involved, so I won't go back tonight."

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