Back in Nanjing, life seems to be much more regular.

Gu Xiaoxiao was woken up by the bugler on time every morning, and then went out for a run with Chu Xiaoxi and Chu Yunfei. There was nothing to do during the day, so Yao Muqing was dragged to play mahjong.

His son and daughter-in-law, granddaughter and granddaughter-in-law all came back to see him, even though Chu Yunfei was stern, he could see the smile in his eyes.

"Who is this guy?"

In the evening, Gu Xiaoxiao and Chu Xiaoxi were lying on the bed and chatting, looking at the album of childhood. An unfamiliar face inside attracted Gu Xiaoxiao's attention. She pointed at the person, looked at Chu Xiaoxi and asked curiously.

"Oh, it's sister-in-law." Chu Xiaoxi took a look and answered softly.

Auntie? Then why has she never seen it?

"My aunt died many years ago. If I didn't look at the photo, I would have forgotten what she looked like." Chu Xiaoxi smiled slightly and brushed his finger on the person in the photo, with endless eyes in her eyes. miss. "Grandpa used to hope that our family would be soldiers. But since my sister-in-law's accident, he won't embarrass us anymore."

As long as you are a soldier, your life is in danger. Even in the most conventional military exercises every year, there will be casualties. What's more, she is still such a good person, she will be sent out to perform tasks, it is also natural...

"Look at this." Chu Xiaoxi flipped through the album and quickly changed the subject. "This is when they were caught in a fight, and then collectively punished standing in military posture."

Chu Xiaoxi found a picture of Chu Yichen standing side by side, and Gu Xiaoxiao immediately became happy after seeing it. I took out my phone and took a photo, ready to be a souvenir.

"Okay, it's time for us to sleep." After tidying up the bed, Chu Xiaoxi stretched out. "I was downstairs just now, as if I heard Grandpa say that tomorrow I will take us to practice guns."

Turned out the lights and slept, and slept in a daze until dawn. After eating breakfast, Gu Xiaoxiao took out her mobile phone and looked at the stock market, frowning involuntarily.

Today is Thursday, the sixth day she came to Nanjing. Fengyang Group's stock price has also maintained five consecutive daily limits. At the opening today, the limit was already lower.

Sure enough, is Xu Ze already withdrawing his capital and leaving?

Running back to the room, Gu Xiaoxiao turned on the computer, Chu Xiaoxi also leaned over to take a look, and the two discussed what was going on in a low voice.

City B, Fengyang Group Building.

Chu Yichen stared sharply at the computer screen and quickly operated with his fingers. He wears headphones in his ears, and speaks a few words to the people on that end from time to time.

"Blocked." Xu Ming's voice came from the headset. "There is no buying at all. If he wants to ship, he can only change his left hand to the right, and buy and play by himself."

The corner of Chu Yichen's mouth twitched slightly, her eyes flashing with cold light.

Fengyang Group and Jinshi Group both fell their limits, and the stock market, which had been warming up for a few days, once again fell into the predicament of a sharp drop. Everyone's attention fell on Xu Ze's private equity team, thinking that Fengyang Group's this time limit was caused by him. As everyone knows, Xu Ze is still stuck in a high position now and cannot escape even if he wants to run.

After getting things done here, Chu Yichen called Fu Ziheng. Xu Ze wanted to make a fortune this time, but unfortunately now...

"Xu Ze, you can almost start investigating."

"Okay~ I'm just waiting for you!" Fu Ziheng's voice was a little excited, "I have been idle for several days, I will call you after get off work!"

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