Chu Yichen frowned and turned to look at her.

This girl... is it okay to find fault?

"Well, it won't work either." Gu Xiaoxiao nodded, already getting the answer from Chu Yichen's face.

She got out of the bed slowly, picked up one of the crutches, and moved carefully towards the bathroom.

Chu Yichen watched her some awkward movements and stood up. Gu Xiaoxiao heard the sound, and when she turned her head, she saw him getting out of bed naked. She shook her hand and slid her crutch, and she staggered to the side.

"Be careful!"

Chu Yichen fished her into her arms quickly, and he was relieved to see that she was all right.

"What are you doing in a panic?"

His serious tone made Gu Xiaoxiao a little unhappy. With her red lips pressed tight, she raised her eyes and glared at him, complaining: "Isn't it because of you? Why don't you wear clothes!"

"Oh." Chu Yichen nodded meaningfully, "It turns out that I am not completely disinterested in me."

"You go get dressed!"

"Well, put on clothes." Chu Yichen agreed very happily. After helping her into the bathroom, he returned to the house and picked up the bath towel and tied it around her waist. After Gu Xiaoxiao washed, he took her back to the bed. .

The wounds on Gu Xiaoxiao's legs and head can't get wet, so she can't take a bath now. Only part of the area can be washed every day, and the rest can only be wiped with a wet towel.

Went to bed and turned off the lights. Being embraced by Chu Yichen, Gu Xiaoxiao put her hand on his waist, feeling that the covering on his body seemed to be... gone again.

"Where's the clothes?" she blurted out her question.

"Take it off if you wear it, not troublesome?" Chu Yichen smiled softly, and in the dark he kissed Gu Xiaoxiao's lips accurately. "Hey, let me kiss you."

Feeling Gu Xiaoxiao about to dodge again, Chu Yichen coaxed patiently.

"It's okay if you are not interested in other things, but you can't do it with me." Chu Yichen whispered while kissing the corner of her lips, "I will invite you to have a baby today, and I will invite you to have a hot pot tomorrow, okay?"

Gu Xiaoxiao trembled, and was stunned involuntarily.

"The medicine, the medicine didn't finish..."

Gu Xiaoxiao thought for a while and said such a sentence.

In the darkness, Chu Yichen smiled silently.

"No hurry, that can take your time."

She gently unbuttoned Gu Xiaoxiao's clothes, and Chu Yichen couldn't see the smile at the corner of her mouth.

The doctor said that it is best not to let Gu Xiaoxiao take the medicine with a repulsive mentality, so Chu Yichen could only lie.

He told her that it was a medicine that would make her health better and prepare for pregnancy. So Gu Xiaoxiao didn't say anything, and ate it happily.

Small people, small minds, sometimes are so easy to guess.

She wants a baby, she once said it herself. And now, he can see clearly.

His wife wants to have a child for him. What reason does he have to refuse again and again?

Chu Yichen didn't want Gu Xiaoxiao to feel insecure, and neither the doctor's words nor the things Shen Qianyun said could be ignored. What should I do to make Gu Xiaoxiao come out of the shadows in the fastest way? This is something that Chu Yichen is very upset about.

He didn't study medicine, so he didn't know whether some things were good or bad. But it's always right to pet her and treat her better.

"In another half a month, let's go to Paris." Letting go of Gu Xiaoxiao who was breathless after being kissed, Chu Yichen said softly, "So please don't be lazy these days, do things for me."

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