Young Master Chu’s Guide to Spoiling his Wife

Chapter 446: She hates me for granted

In many incidents of street injuries, the suspects may be HIV carriers.

With such news headlines, Gu Xiaoxiao's back is still chilling.

An Chenglang's arm was scratched, and God knows if the crazy man did anything with the blade. Therefore, she paid special attention to An Chenglang's actions. Because she felt it was unlikely that An Chenglang would tell Chu Yichen. On Chu Xiaoxi's side, it was even more impossible to speak.

"Have you tested it with test paper?"

After a long silence, Gu Xiaoxiao looked at An Chenglang and asked.

"No need."

An Chenglang answered directly. The car drove out of the Chu family mansion and arrived at the CDC two hours later.

Too many people recognized Gu Xiaoxiao, so An Chenglang didn't let her go in with him, and left her in the car.

The waiting time was long. Gu Xiaoxiao sat in the car unsure, and finally waited for An Chenglang back. The two sat in the car and continued to say nothing.

In fact, the chance of detecting antibodies within a week is very small. It is best to perform the inspection after six to eight weeks, the results are the most reliable. Gu Xiaoxiao did his homework on this point, and An Chenglang did the same.

But I came here just for peace of mind, after all, this not ordinary.

There are no people in the hospital, and results will be available in two hours. An Chenglang didn't want to go anywhere, and Gu Xiaoxiao felt similar to him.

The interior of the car was a bit boring. Gu Xiaoxiao opened the window, took a deep breath, turned sideways and looked at An Chenglang.

"You and Xiao Xi, what is going on?"

Gu Xiaoxiao didn't have so many worries about An Chenglang.

"Why is she so afraid of you?"

Hearing Gu Xiaoxiao's question, An Chenglang smiled, and then replied somewhat helplessly: "Because I have done too much bad things."

An Chenglang's frank words made Gu Xiaoxiao wonder how to continue. After sorting out her thoughts, she continued to ask, "Is that child Xiao Xi once belonged to you?"

Mention of the past, the child. An Chenglang's vision dimmed.

The atmosphere inside the car became more solemn, and finally, when Gu Xiaoxiao wanted to escape and opened the car door to take a breath, An Chenglang made another noise.

"The child was pulled by me to get rid of it."

Turning his head, An Chenglang said mockingly to Gu Xiaoxiao's eyes.

"So she hates me, it's right. But I don't regret it. If I do it again, I will still do the same thing."

The truth came out from An Chenglang, Gu Xiaoxiao was a little scared.

The child is not his, who would it be? Where is that person now?

An Chenglang's feelings for Chu Xiaoxi really don't need to be doubted anymore. It's just that his way of chasing girls makes Gu Xiaoxiao feel unable to watch.

Suddenly leaning forward, Gu Xiaoxiao approached An Chenglang, and An Chenglang reflexed back.

"Young masters like you, girlfriends are definitely indispensable. You have been in the UK for so many years, even if you don’t have a girlfriend, you should have a boyfriend. So, you don’t think your way of chasing Xiao Xi is a bit wrong. ?"

Gu Xiaoxiao talked to An Chenglang with a serious and serious expression, and asked An Chenglang a happy one.

"Listening to what you said, it seems quite experienced?"

"I have no experience, but I have never watched a pig run and have not eaten pork? Have you always watched TV series? Have you ever seen a girl chasing a girl who hides behind others all the time? You are not a primary school student, are you naive?"

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