A batch of cargo shipped from Chengdu was intercepted and sealed by the police. Moreover, it was detected through the logistics channel of Chenlu Company.

Ling Qianyu quickly sat up while listening to the content on the phone. After asking a few questions, I hung up.

The goods have been deducted, that is to say, there is no way to deliver on time here. And the stock in her hands is completely insufficient.

Ling Qianyu scratched his hair, annoying. How could it be spotted by the police suddenly? Although Chengdu has been conducting strict investigations, this line has always been safe. Ling Qianyu has spent a lot of money to get through and maintain all the networks. Even if it was a police raid, she should have received notice in advance.

At present, the logistics company is sealed up, that is to say, this channel cannot be used again in the future. Moreover, several other transportation channels are not necessarily safe.

Gritting his teeth and cursing, Ling Qianyu called his men and told them to be careful and move the goods as soon as possible.

Although the incident occurred in Chengdu, it does not involve City B for the time being. However, the police will definitely check the logistics routes, so it won’t be long before the city B and several other cities will also be implicated.

Is it possible that a new round of national anti-narcotics operations will begin again?

Why are there so many worrying things recently!

The phone in his hand fell on the bed, Ling Qianyu picked up the wine bottle on the table, only to find that it was empty. Going out to get the wine, she faced the wine bottle, drank half a bottle of red wine in one breath, and sat down on a chair after a long breath of relief.

Although he was annoyed, Ling Qianyu was still calm. After all, it has not been a year or two in this business.

Over the years, she has met all kinds of people and encountered all kinds of things. There is nothing wrong with money. If there is, it is just that the money is not enough.

One night passed, and the news came out early the next morning.

With the cooperation of relevant units, the Chengdu police cracked a major drug trafficking and drug production case. A total of 20 drug-related criminal suspects were arrested, 70 kilograms of methamphetamine and 4 million drug money were seized.

Ling Qianyu watched the news on TV with gloomy eyes.

Not only the drug delivery channel was discovered, but the drug manufacturing dens were also sealed.

Ling Qianyu didn't receive this news last night. Is the police's confidential work done too well? Or... I arranged to be undercover by the police and was found?

Chenlu Legend Technology Co., Ltd. was suspected of transporting drugs. As soon as the news came out, some people were happy and some were worried.

Gu Xiaoxiao smiled coldly while watching TV in the room.

What is retribution? This is called retribution.

Chu Yichen and the others started to act, and once they started, they would not end easily.

Gu Xiaoxiao suddenly wanted to see Luo Yunqi very much now. Ling Qianyu would definitely distinguish everything from her at the critical moment. Without the master who backed her back in the past, she must be having a hard time now.

Chenlu's company is over, and companies related to this company have been affected one after another.

Turning on the computer and looking at the stock market, such a major bad news even caused the entire logistics industry to drive low.

Gu Xiaoxiao smiled at the corner of her mouth and clicked on the quotation page of the Jin Group. What she didn't expect was that the Jin Group would suspend trading for half a working day due to special reasons. As for the reason, the announcement did not make it clear.

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